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Response to Risks and Rewards Related to the Use of Technologies in Healthcare Organizations

Response to Risks and Rewards Related to the Use of Technologies in Healthcare Organizations


Thank you for sharing your post. You have identified both the risks and rewards related to the use of technologies in healthcare organizations well. I agree with you. The use of various technologies in healthcare organizations has both rewards and risks. Let me add to the rewards of using the various technologies in healthcare organizations. Firstly, a focus on big data in healthcare enhances decision-making, which further supports the personalization of medicine as well as healthcare planning (Cirillo & Valencia, 2019). Big data also helps healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals understand diseases, including factors contributing to the development of the disease, disease processes, and the efficiency of implemented medications and interventions. This not only supports proactive disease prevention and management; it also helps healthcare organizations allocate resources to avoid wastage. Additionally, technologies such as the internet, mobile phones, and computers are supporting the implementation of telehealth and telemedicine services that support remote care service delivery and remote collaborations in service delivery (Davidson et al., 2020).

On the other hand, the use of technology in healthcare organizations, as you have noted, bears notable risks. For instance, the use of technologies presents privacy and data security challenges to healthcare organizations. This is due to the emerging cybersecurity risks within healthcare settings with the adoption of technologies. This can further create legal, ethical, and trust issues that can lead to loss of business and income for the healthcare organization. Regardless, the rewards of the use of technologies in healthcare organizations outweigh the associated risks.


Cirillo, D., & Valencia, A. (2019). Big data analytics for personalized medicine. In Current Opinion in Biotechnology (Vol. 58).

Davidson, R., Barrett, D. I., Rixon, L., Newman, S., & Program, A. (2020). How the Integration of Telehealth and Coordinated Care Approaches Impact Health Care Service Organization Structure and Ethos: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Nursing, 3(1), e20282.


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How Do Healthcare Organizations Navigate Risks and Maximize Rewards in Technology Adoption?


Overview of the increasing integration of technology in healthcare.

Response to Risks and Rewards Related to the Use of Technologies in Healthcare Organizations

Response to Risks and Rewards Related to the Use of Technologies in Healthcare Organizations

It is important to understand the strategies healthcare organizations employ to manage risks and leverage rewards associated with technology adoption.

Purpose and scope of the analysis.