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Response – Overview of Mixed-Method Research

Response – Overview of Mixed-Method Research

Hello Millie,

Thank you for your post. You’ve provided a concise overview of mixed-method (MM) research, discussing its combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insights from different perspectives. It’s important to recognize that using different paradigms in MM research can create challenges due to the opposing underlying philosophies of quantitative and qualitative approaches. However, this opposition can also be seen as an opportunity to build a more comprehensive understanding and answer research questions effectively.

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Regarding conducting literature reviews, the approach differs across qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research. It’s crucial to ensure that the selected literature directly relates to the study’s objectives and can provide valuable insights. Mixed-method research should be employed when it can significantly enhance the research by addressing questions that neither quantitative nor qualitative methods alone can fully answer (Hendren et al., 2022). This principle of answering questions to the fullest extent applies to all research methods, ensuring that the literature collected is highly relevant and beneficial.

Regarding funding for mixed-method research in nursing, the current outlook may vary due to its relatively newer concept. Some funding sources might be hesitant or sceptical about supporting this approach initially. However, presenting the potential benefits of conducting combined research, where both quantitative and qualitative aspects can be addressed more broadly, could appeal to funders. This way, researchers can consolidate resources and streamline the research process. When disseminating research data, various mediums exist, such as poster presentations, podium presentations, and manuscripts. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Manuscripts are suitable for reaching an audience familiar with the research field, providing a detailed and comprehensive overview (Heidari & Jabraeil Jamali, 2022). Podium presentations are also effective in front of relevant audiences, although there is a chance of presenting to individuals with limited interest in the topic. Posters offer vivid visuals and can capture attention, but they also run the risk of being overlooked or not deeply engaged. Choosing the appropriate dissemination medium should align with the target audience and the overall goals of the research.


Heidari, A., & Jabraeil Jamali, M. A. (2022). Internet of Things intrusion detection systems: a comprehensive review and future directions. Cluster Computing.

Hendren, K., Newcomer, K., Pandey, S. K., Smith, M., & Sumner, N. (2022). How Qualitative Research Methods Can be Leveraged to Strengthen Mixed Methods Research in Public Policy and Public Administration. Public Administration Review, 83(3), 468–485.


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Response - Overview of Mixed-Method Research

Response – Overview of Mixed-Method Research


1. Mixed Method research consists of three different types: explanatory, exploratory, and convergent. Explanatory type of research is a two-phase designed study, using a quantitative method to gather information, evaluate the results, and then use a qualitative type design of collecting data, and these results are compared to the results of the quantitative data. Exploratory design has the two types of methods used in reverse, leaving the exploratory design to use the qualitative design first and the quantitative design second. The convergent method essentially merges both types to compare resulting in hopefully more supportive data. (Polit & Beck, 2021).

2. Paradigms matter in MM research to outline the purpose of the study and to provide a clear understanding of the purpose and provide validity. Dawadi et al. (2021) state one of the most important aspects of paradigms, particularly in social research aspects, provides the “subjective meaning of social action”. Some of these are philosophical while others appear to be scientific based.

3. Reviewing literature for mixed-method research means reviewing both qualitative and quantitative data collected as a whole. Individual reviews of qualitative Quantitative designs typically are very numerical with conscience statistics for a very general topic. Qualitative studies are generally based on thoughts, feelings, and behavioral-related types of studies. Gathering both types of studies in an MMR style provides more evidence using two different styles using multiple types of data (Dawadi et al. 2021).

4. The current outlook on funding MMR research is in high demand without substantial funding, according to statistics provided by Guetterman et al., (2019). The data revealed that 40% of MMR applications were funded by the federal government, while 60% of the applications were denied. MMR has grown significantly since 2006, according to Timans et al. (2019).

5. There are several platforms for the dissemination of data, with the sole purpose of applying evidence-based practices to benefit clinical practices, according to Polit & Beck (2021). Posters are a great idea, but there is no guarantee that they will be read. They can easily access a variety of shifts if the entire staff or unit cannot be gathered for information. They also simply highlight the main ideas instead of the entire evidence. Podium based dissemination might specifically target a small portion of the crowd, however I feel this is better than poster form. It could have a question and answer session and review all of the data to support the reason of the study. Publication of studies has the greatest impact, even though subscriptions and limited access might hinder reaching target audiences. Publications can be shared between colleagues or shared on the news or on one of the most popular platforms of communication, social media.


Dawadi, S., Shrestha, S., & Giri, R. A. (2021). Mixed-Methods Research: A Discussion on its Types, Challenges, and Criticisms. Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 2(2), 25-36 DOI: to an external site.

Guetterman, T. C., Sakakibara, R. V., Plano Clark, V. L., Luborsky, M., Murray, S. M., Castro, F. G., Creswell, J. W., Deutsch, C., & Gallo, J. J. (2019). Mixed methods grant applications in the Health Sciences: An Analysis of reviewer comments. PLOS ONE, 14(11).

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2021). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Wolters Kluwer.

Timans, R., Wouters, P., & Heilbron, J. (2019). Mixed methods research: What it is and what it could be. Theory and Society, 48(2), 193–216.