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Responding to Robert

Responding to Robert

Hello Robert,

Yes, indeed, the world watches Christians even when the latter is unaware. Nothing is more tempting than money, which is why the Bible defines it as the ‘root’ of all evil. A Christian accountant is not exempt from the temptations of the world, especially when they have the power to commit a sin and cover it. Falsifying accounting statements is a ready temptation, and falling prey to it is possible. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.

The Bible warns us that the light will expose whatever is done in the dark. Accountants should not rely only on the GAAP to exhibit integrity but also on the fear of God. Fearing God does not mean being in terror but rather being in awe of Him to the extent that one wants to honor and worship Him in their everyday actions. A Christian accountant should, therefore, be guided by this fear to fulfill his duties. Further, with the fear comes wisdom. Such an accountant is bound to excel in their workplace when accessing divine wisdom from fearing God. This divine wisdom can greatly impact the company’s profitability and positively influence more people to invest in the company. So, as you have rightly quoted Paul (1 Cor 14:40, “But all things should be done decently and in order”), doing things in order can profit an entire organization.

Great post!


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Responding to Robert

Discuss the relationship of accounting processes, accounting information and resource utilization and stewardship. Review the Scripture provided in Biblical Perspectives in this session and throughout the course (or from your own research), and explain how guidance from the Bible applies to these concepts.

The textbook reading is from

  • Financial and Managerial Accounting 10th Edition by Belverd E. Needles, Martin Powers, and Susan V Crosson

I need help in responding to a fellow student response on the discussion topic. Thank you

Robert Ferrante

The accounting information allows people perspective on how a company is doing. This information provides management and owners to correct any actions that are governing the data. Also, for potential stockholders, this gives them crucial information that will help determine where they plan on investing in the company. All accounting information is useful, but the source has the most important job. The source must ethically and

Responding to Robert

Responding to Robert

correctly calculate the reports that will be distributed. How they create that report can have a huge impact on internal and external matters. The accountant must always remember to practice with integrity and preciseness. As a Christian, we must always remember to never deceive or falsify any information regardless of the impact that it will have on a company. In 1 Cor 14:40, Paul informs us, “But all things should be done decently and in order” (ESV). Applying godly standards at work can help sway us when we want to falsify any reports or number. Also, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) have been developed to encompass the conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practices (Needles, Powers, & Crosson, p.16). Having a biblical perspective on what integrity and character is will guide Christians in their decision making to report honest information. Additionally, the lost are always watching Christians even when we think they are not. Our job is to always point them to Christ by our example.


Needles, Powers, & Crosson (2013), Financial & Managerial Accounting, 10th edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning