Research on Financial Equity Issues in Education
The research on financial equity issues in education will be completed by data collection, analysis, sorting, and interpreting to draw effective conclusions that answer the research question and support the outlined hypothesis. The research design for this proposal will be secondary research, where information will be derived from published scholarly articles, government publications, and census data and reports. The resources will provide qualitative and quantitative data to be analyzed and interpreted to support the proposal goals. Different techniques and tools, such as Microsoft Excel, will help the data synthesis process.
Research Hypothesis
Low-income students are less likely to access quality education and educational-related services, contributing to educational performance gaps compared to students from high-income backgrounds.
Students’ performance and well-being directly correlate with their family’s socioeconomic status. Students from high-income backgrounds achieve better educational performance than students from low-income families.
Financial disparities in education funding hinder equal educational opportunities and resource distribution, especially for students from low socioeconomic levels.
Research Approach
The research will use a mixed methodology approach. A mixed methodology research utilized quantitative and qualitative data to draw and support its findings on a specific subject. Quantitative research seeks to measure variables’ numeric data to test the research hypotheses or make conclusions about the findings by answering the research questions. On the other hand, qualitative research collects, analyzes, and interprets non-numeric data to deliver insight into the specific issue under investigation. The quantitative data will be based on the statistics on the percentage representation of students living in low socioeconomic status. According to the 2016 National Center of Education Statistics, 19% of individuals under 18 live in impoverished backgrounds, and 24.4% of the students attended high-poverty schools in that statistical year (NASSP, 2023). Such information will help analyze and evaluate statistical data to support key hypotheses. Quantitative data will also be based on the number of students associated with each grade based on their background. On the contrary, qualitative data will be based on analyzing the student’s living standards regarding their ability to access quality education, healthcare and services, and accessibility to other necessities. These characteristics will give supporting details on whether a student lives in a high-income or low-income background, which will be associated with their academic performance.
Research Design
The research on financial inequities and their influence on student’s performance and well-being will adopt secondary data. Secondary data involves using a dataset collected and documented by another researcher rather than the person using it. Secondary data is instrumental since it is time and resource-economical. A researcher using secondary data does not require the resources to physically gather required data, which saves the time and finance that would be deployed while going to the field, carrying out required observation, survey, or interview to document relevant information. Primary data also require intense procedures, including sorting, grading, and analyzing the data before making conclusive remarks that align with the research questions. Secondary data is high quality since it has been synthesized and documented by professionals in specific fields or legal institutions, making them free from biases. When researching financial equity issues in education, I will allocate scholarly journal articles addressing financial issues in school settings, government publications, and census data, offering appropriate data for analysis and interpretation to achieve my research objectives.
Sampling Methods
The study will use a simple random sampling method to select the study sample, representing the whole investigation population. A simple random sampling method depicts that each element in the population has an equal chance of being selected. This method helps eradicate bias in the sampling process since one has no specific sample selection order. However, the method may compromise the findings due to the selection of unrepresentative elements for the intended research purpose (Taherdoost, 2016). To avoid the inconvenience of selecting unwanted representatives, I will gather numerous journal articles and other scholarly publications that align with my research topic. Then, I will randomly pick the materials equivalent to my sample size and draw my conclusion supporting the research questions. My sampling methods will also align with the method utilized by the researchers of the data presented in the secondary materials. The sample groups give characteristics that can be associated with the whole population under investigation since they are randomly selected without being lenient on any material.
Data Collection Methods
Research utilizes different data collection tools and methods to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Some data collection methods include surveys, questionnaires, interviews, direct observations, documents, and other records. This research uses secondary data; hence, it will use documents and other records to collect data. The other data collection methods involve primary data, which can gather quantitative and qualitative data based on the researcher’s research approach. Interviews involve a one-on-one interrogative process, where the interviewer questions the interviewee. Observations involve recording findings that individuals can see in a specific situation related to their research objectives. Surveys and questionnaires give respondents differently structured questions to draw findings from their responses (Jovancic, 2023). Based on my research, I will intensively utilize the internet as the secondary data collection method to identify relevant and scholarly resources to collect information related to student’s performance and financial disparities.
Data Collection Procedures
The data collection procedure incorporates significant steps to enhance research efficiency, effectiveness, and success. The first step was identifying the area needing investigation and further research. A research gap was identified in education equity issues. The second step involved selecting a specific issue for data collection. I preferred researching financial inequities and their association with student performance and welfare. The next step entailed selecting an appropriate approach and method for data collection. The research focused on a mixed methodology approach, incorporating qualitative and quantitative research. The research would source the findings from secondary data, including journal articles, government publications, and census data and records. The data will be gathered through in-depth research on the depicted information in the secondary materials using simple random sampling. Collected data will be sorted, analyzed, and interpreted to draw conclusions that answer the research questions (Xu & Zammit, 2020).
Data Analysis Methods
The data analysis helps identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions from the collected data. Descriptive statistics is one of the analysis methods I desire to utilize to identify the key correlation between financial equity issues and student’s educational performance. I will also use qualitative analysis to analyze and interpret non-numeric features to demonstrate students’ socioeconomic status, helping me group students based on their families’ socioeconomic status as either low-income or high-income, guiding my analysis and making a conclusion related to their performance. Further, I will use quantitative analysis to analyze statistical data to generate appropriate findings. Additionally, I will use inferential statistics to make predictions of the overall population based on the sample representations. Hypothesis testing will help to analyze the findings by understanding the correlation between two factors. For instance, hypothesis testing will help one understand the relationship between a student’s socioeconomic status and educational gap. Also, one can appreciate how financial disparities, such as poverty, affects student’s ability to access quality education and education-related services. The analysis methods will be implemented using tools like Microsoft Excel, Stata, and SPSS.
Jovancic, N. (2023, May 15). 5 data collection methods for obtaining quantitative and qualitative data. LeadQuizzes.
National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). (2023). Poverty and its impact on students’ education. National Association of Secondary School Principals. Retrieved from
Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling methods in research methodology; how to choose a sampling technique for research. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Xu, W., & Zammit, K. (2020). Applying thematic analysis to education: A hybrid approach to interpreting data in practitioner research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 160940692091881.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Research design is a critical part of your CLL 383 Research Proposal. Use what you learned from the readings, instructional videos, and other presentations to expand upon your online discussion post and format it into a draft of your research design. Be certain that your research design document answers the following questions:
Research on Financial Equity Issues in Education
What is your research question and/or hypothesis?
What is your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative)
What type of design will you use (e.g. a survey, experiment, case study, or secondary data set)
What is your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects? Or, what sampling methods were used by those who originally collected the secondary data set that you have chosen to use?
What is the data collection method (e.g., questionnaires, observations)
What were the data collection procedures (e.g., how did you locate, when did you access, how did you manage the data)?
What are your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests or thematic analysis)
Please reference the previous completed assignment, attaching in paper details. Also can use previous used sources as well.