Report of Theft of Property From a Vehicle
Part I – Crime Scene Investigation Report
Case Number CRJ150 Scenario#1 10919102
Location of Crime: (Please respond) Time Call Received: (Please answer) Arrival Time: (Please answer)
Patrol Officers: (Please respond)
Supervisor: Sgt. Bob Smith IV
Time: (Please respond) Weather: (Please answer) Terrain: (Please answer) Temperature: (Please answer)
Victim Information: (Please respond)
Witness Statements: (Please answer)
Narrative Description of the Crime Scene: (Please answer)
Description of Items Stolen: (Please answer) Description of Suspect #1: (Please answer) Description of Suspect #2: (Please answer)
Regulating and filling out all the required information is within my strength because I am naturally detail-oriented. This manner of thinking has enabled me to pay extreme attention to all the details of any project I am working on. Consequently, due to this characteristic, the result should always be thorough, accurate, and organic, crucial, especially in collected cases, and vital for further processes. Being an introvert, I feel that my communication skills are not up to par with what people require, especially when collecting information. As such, I think my communication skills need more practice to effectively speak to people, all of which will result in a successful report. Further, being able to talk to people effectively and knowing how to establish a comfortable space for a conversation will enable me to get information that I would not have obtained if I stuck to the notypicaluestions outlined in the report. In addition, I will be able to help people feel safe while talking to me instead of feeling on guard while I question them.
One part of report writing that I particularly enjoy is when there are missing pieces I have to fill in, like solving a puzzle; taking it as a puzzle makes the process fun and exciting. In addition, filling in the missing pieces and completing a complete report as accurately as possible means the possibility of having the crime solved is high, giving a feeling of accomplishment.
This assignment gave me a peek into what my job will be like. Identifying my strengths and weaknesses this early will go a long way, helping me prepare for a successful career because I will have taken the proper steps to improve my strengths and work on my weaknesses, as mentioned above.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Scenario 1 – Report of Theft of Property From a Vehicle
Business name: Joe’s Pizza Palace, in the Rosewood Shopping Center. Location: 1158 Madison Street, Anytown, AL, 12345 (Alabama County). Property Reported Stolen: Two computers from the owner’s vehicle.
Report of Theft of Property From a Vehicle
Summary: The owner, Joe Person, called Anytown Police on 12/01/2020 to report two stolen laptops from his blue 2013 Jeep Wrangler. You are dispatched to the location to investigate. The Jeep was locked in the alley behind the business location. Joe states that he was placing trash by the dumpster in the alley when he saw two men, approximately 25–30 years old, tampering with his vehicle. As he approached, the suspects fled the scene. Upon closer inspection, Joe noticed the plastic rear window of the Jeep had been slashed open, and the computers had been removed from the back seat.
Instructions: Complete an incident report based on the scenario above. Please use your name and hypothetical rank or position (or a fictitious name and rank/position) and write the report from this perspective. The elements described above must be in the report, but you must add the following details:
- The two computers’ brand names and serial numbers (they do not have to be accurate).
- Victim’s stated value of the
- Time of day victim contacted
- Approximate time of day alleged theft
- Provide basic descriptions of Suspect 1 and Suspect
- Some report fields will be filled out for you. For all other report fields marked, please respond; use your imagination!
Note: Complete Part I (The Report) and Part II (Assignment Reflection) in this document. Once you have completed both parts, save the document by adding your name to the file and upload it to Blackboard via the assignment submission link.
Part I – Crime Scene Investigation Report
Case Number CRJ150 Scenario#1 10919102
Location of Crime: (Please respond) Time Call Received: (Please answer) Arrival Time: (Please answer)
Patrol Officers: (Please respond)
Supervisor: Sgt. Bob Smith IV
Time: (Please respond) Weather: (Please answer) Terrain: (Please answer) Temperature: (Please answer)
Victim Information: (Please respond)
Witness Statements: (Please answer)
Narrative Description of the Crime Scene: (Please answer)
Description of Items Stolen: (Please answer) Description of Suspect #1: (Please respond) Description of Suspect #2: (Please respond)
Part II – Assignment Reflection
For this section, please write a 300–350-word, double-spaced reflection on what you learned about report writing in this assignment and what you think will help you most in your career.
Consider these questions as you reflect:
- What areas of report writing do you feel are within your strengths?
- Which areas might require more practice?
- Are there parts of report writing you enjoy or do not enjoy?
- How might this assignment help you in your career? Feel free to write about what you did or didn’t like about the assignment and what you learned from the assignment that you think will help you most in your