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Relationship of Family Functioning and Childrens Emotional Intelligence

Relationship of Family Functioning and Childrens Emotional Intelligence

Different emotions are seen to have effects on various aspects of life in human beings. Human beings are complex living things that have multiple factors that affect their daily living and work. Through the different processes and activities in everyday social life, human beings encounter a series of issues and matters that would later affect how they feel and react either in a good or bad way. These processes’ after-effects would be the display of various emotions, signifying whether they are contented, happy, or sad. Emotions are seen to affect how people make decisions and their behavior when it comes to different scenarios. Emotions are seen to affect how people make decisions and their behavior when it comes to different scenarios. Through the concept of emotional intelligence, a structured explanation relating to emotions is solved. The explanation would provide the importance of emotions in the lives of human beings in their daily activities. Therefore, emotional intelligence is perceiving different emotions using emotions to help human beings understand various emotional information. During the growth of different children in society, the relationship between the mother and child in the early stages of life would promote emotional intelligence. The child would later develop into a well-molded individual who would also be slowly relating to the different new environments to promote emotional intelligence. There would be a number o kids in the children stage that would help them learn and communicate various proceedings, helping them learn how to make it in life. Emotional intelligence would also promote good relations between others. Emotional intelligence also helps to share with different close friends and family members. The continuous communication between different family members, both nuclear and extended, would help motivate and promote emotional intelligence. Emotional is, therefore, very critical and difficult to comprehend different aspects of life. Therefore, this paper highlights the different relationships between family functioning and children’s effective management.

Proper functioning would help promote a kid’s emotional intelligence or different kids in the said family. Being the child’s primary and first institution after birth, the different practices carried out in the family would help transform how the child behaves and carries out their activities (Alavi, 2017). The family would help build a strong foundation for different children and affect how they would partake in different activities and actions in their daily lives. Children born and raised in a well-built background with virtues that guide them in the family or society are likely to acquire the set virtues and good values they emulate from their parents and their people in daily life. On the other hand, those kids that would have been raised in an uncouth setting, a background with no respect for human dignity and other key principles would find it very hard to bear with good virtues that would help them be respected people in the society. Therefore, family practices and relations have the upper hand in determining the emotional intelligence of their newborn. The first encounter with a child in a family should be comprehensive and used for different socialization processes. Through socialization, the child’s social and emotional competencies are proven (Szcześniak & Tułecka, 2020). Therefore, a family that would possess proper counts and socializing measures would positively impact the family’s children in terms of social and emotional competencies. The individual child would achieve social and emotional competencies by acquiring social knowledge of their surroundings. A surrounding with no role models and essential people to provide effective guidance to the children would blame themselves in the future as these kids were emulating their behaviors. These different role models could be the older siblings and the parents who would help determine the different courses of action in these kids’ growth. Competency in emotional identification and use would therefore be of more advantage to the children. The idea of parental socialization between them and the kids is carried out by various parents who would directly act on the different children, like restricting pornographic content and other informal messages. Through the different observations and modeling of emotions, parents could also look for one.

Much of the recent display and assumption in the recent past concerning the idea that a child whose role models and parents display constructive features and behaviors will most definitely learn these positive and good attributes every day. Therefore, emotional intelligence has been experienced to grow and thrive in an environment where the parents portray various important and significant issues (Alavi, 2017). Parent socializing factors and features are, therefore, found to be the key driving force in boosting or promoting emotional intelligence in different children through various emotional information that would help the different students already. Different children with higher emotional intelligence are very active and carry out their elegance and style processes and duties. It was also found that different children or adolescents who could regulate their emotional intelligence and provide different points to other people can regulate the other child’s emotions and are likely to have good social skills to provide several exclusively important factors. Emotional intelligence is also used to improve various pro-social behaviors and various individual management skills and attributes. Different students would have a better internal quotient through effective emotional information, boosting grades, and different action courses. Various studies and research have been conducted on the different relationships between personality, emotional intelligence, academic success, social maturity, and social success. However, very few have found a tie to explore some of the relationships between different parents and their children and better prowess academically and socially. Some of the results developed from this study would help develop school-based programs for different students from low emotional intelligence backgrounds.

Materials and Methods Used

Settling and Design and Sample

The study was conducted in samples comprising several children from St. Anne’s Academy, with ethical clearance being obtained from the director of the school. A total of 40 adolescents took part in the study; they were of both sexes.

Inclusion Criteria

The sample included an age bracket of 12 years to 17 years; these were students studying in the tenth to thirteenth grades and regularly attending classes. As a requirement, these students had to live with their families and were provided with written consent to take part in the agreement.

Exclusion Criteria

Students who had a history of relevant physical, mental, and neurological disorders were not allowed to study. Those students with a history of head injuries and mental retardedness would not be part of the sample. Those with a history of family illnesses were also not allowed to be part of the sample.


Some of the research study tools include the socio-demographic datasheet used to collect various key information like sex and age. The family functioning questionnaire provided relevant details on the different families whose kids took part in the research.


The researcher started by making it clear to the students that all the written consent was availed and full cooperation was required to make the process as good and easy as possible. Students were included in the research regarding the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were interviewed to obtain demographic data through sampling. The family questionnaire was availed and administered on a one-on-one basis. The questionnaires were marked, and the results tabulated.

The results recorded proved that children with an average of family functions were discovered to possess average emotional intelligence. In contrast, those with low-income family functioning had low levels of emotional intelligence. The results showed that there was a complete correlation between family functioning and emotional intelligence.


The study was conducted to look at the possible relationship between family functioning and emotional intelligence. The results portray an extremely positive relation between these two, and there were findings that adolescents with average family functioning had average emotional intelligence. In contrast, those with higher family functioning possessed higher emotional intelligence (Alavi, 2017). The interaction between various family members and the children would help boost emotional intelligence Lack of interaction, and poor quality interaction between siblings provided a basis for poor emotional intelligence. A strong relationship in a family that would ensure cohesion would be a key and important factor when dealing with emotional intelligence. These families would possess better problem-solving skills that would portray their understanding and acceptance of different problems facing them. Therefore, they would have various ways and mediums that would see these processes handled effectively. A strong and healthy family would be supported by great pillars of trust, which would ensure that every member of the family gets a voice to discuss the different important matters that would take place in the organization (Ghanawat, 2016). Every family member is seen to have an equal hand in the different matters that concern the family’s welfare, and they should be equally listened to and respected. All these factors support the idea that family relationships are a key driving force in terms of emotional intelligence and different individual members’ success.


In conclusion, based on the study, we may see that family functionings are a great determinant to the boosting and success of emotional intelligence. If the general functioning of the family is poor, the individual emotional intelligence of each member is likely to be poor as the emotional intelligence of the family would be very much determined by the different family functioning. Those families with good and average functioning possess a higher level of emotional intelligence among their family members. Therefore, it is very suitable for school-based activities to focus on those important factors that would help promote emotional intelligence among different students.


Ghanawat, G. M., Muke, S. S., Chaudhury, S., & Kiran, M. (2016). Relationship of Family Functioning and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents. Pravara Medical Review, 8(2), 10-14.

Alavi, M., Mehrinezhad, S. A., Amini, M., & Parthaman Singh, M. K. A. P. (2017). Family functioning and trait emotional intelligence among youth. Health Psychology Open, 4(2), 2055102917748461.

Szcześniak, M., & Tułecka, M. (2020). Family Functioning and Life Satisfaction: The Mediatory Role of Emotional Intelligence. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 13, 223.


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How can parents communicate with their children in such a way as to promote emotional intelligence later in life? For this assignment:

Create a brochure about the importance of emotional intelligence.

Relationship of Family Functioning and Children’s Emotional Intelligence

Relationship of Family Functioning and Children’s Emotional Intelligence

Provide examples and ideas for ways parents can communicate emotional intelligence to their children.

Make sure the main points of your brochure are clear and supported. Transitions should be clear and logical, the organization should be well-planned, and the language used should be appropriate. For example, highlight and use keywords and phrases to inform your audience about emotional intelligence.

Be creative with your brochure.  Feel free to include images, graphs, charts, or any other design element of your choosing. You can use the software of your choice to create the brochure. For example, you can complete the brochure as a PDF, a Word document, an infographic, or any other visual that works for the content of this assignment. A few examples of free software that can help you out are Adobe Spark, Canva, Flipbuilder, and Lucidpress. You do not have to use any of these sites; rather, they are meant to provide you with options for creating your brochure.

Be sure to save your brochure as a PDF for submission.