Reflecting on My Personality Test Results- Surprises and Insights
Personality Test
I was assigned the personality type of a protagonist. The traits associated with this kind of personality include being highly extroverted (52%), intuitive (69%), feeling (52%), judging (63%), and turbulent (81%). My role was that of a diplomat, whereas my strategy was social engagement. According to the results, protagonists are said to be called to serve a greater purpose in life. They are usually idealistic and thoughtful and strive to positively impact others and the world around them (16 Personalities, 2022). They barely shy away from any opportunity that requires them to do the right thing, even if this might prove difficult. Such individuals are considered born leaders as they possess charisma and passion that enable them to inspire others professionally and personally. Do you need help with your assignment ? Get in touch with us at
The results of the personality test did not surprise me. If anything, they only helped me understand myself better. I agree with the results because they correctly show my personality. I am good with people and tend to be extroverted, as I gain more joy in spending time with others (Tyler, 2020). However, there are moments when I cherish being alone. I might not make as many friends, but the few that I have, I tend to be loyal to them and care deeply for them. I like to listen to other people’s stories and empathize and help if I can. However, Cherry (2021) claims that individuals with this kind of personality are likely to be manipulated and might neglect their personal needs while attempting to take care of others. As is common with protagonists, I also seek constant approval, which is likely to take a major toll on my mental health when I fail to get one. I am also sensitive to criticism and sometimes indecisive, overprotective, and self-sacrificing at the same time. These are some of the traits linked with my personality.
16 Personalities. (2022). Explore Your Type. Retrieved from
Cherry, K. (2021, February 16). ENFJ: The Giver (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). Verywellmind. Retrieved from,they%20neglect%20their%20own%20needs.
Tyler, S. (2020). Human behavior and the social environment I. University of Arkansas Libraries.
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Reflecting on My Personality Test Results- Surprises and Insights
Discuss your results—do they surprise you? Do you agree or disagree with the results?