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Reducing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Reducing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Schools can play a key role in lessening the pattern of intimate partner violence. Comprehensive sexuality education is said to have a major probability of preventing intimate partner violence by providing an opportunity for boys to question the harmful and dominant social norms. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2019), this education should be offered as early as preschool. Between 3 and 5 years, boys should be taught to identify their feelings as well as those of others, listen to other people and pay attention, manage any forms of disappointment, get along with other people and ask for individual needs.

Children between the ages of 5 and 11 should be taught communication skills, preventing bullying, dealing with peer pressure and gossip, showing compassion, comprehending perceptions, and moral reasoning awareness. Also, children between 11 and 18 should learn about addressing detrimental usage of drugs and alcohol, sexual harassment, self-regulation and managing major peer conflicts (WHO, 2019). In addition, children between 3 and 11 years of age need to be taught how to identify abusive situations, get help from adults and avoid risky situations. They should also be taught to challenge attitudes toward violence and gender norms and accept differences. Adolescents should be equipped with ways of addressing cultural and social behaviours around intimate-partner violence and dating and attaining positive relationship norms.

A comprehensive course should take about 20 hours a week for adolescents. Power dynamics and gender should be cross-cutting themes, with topics on IPV, sexuality, relationships and unintended pregnancy being discussed (Makleff et al., 2019). Swalec (2016) claims that talking to young children about gender stereotypes can be important. In a Latin school, an educator asked children to describe boys and girls, and the majority claimed that girls are emotional and like to cook, while boys love sports and are violent. However, when the children were asked to pick the traits they loved the most, nobody wanted to pick “violent”, which was considered a negative trait. With such lessons, it will be easier to change the mentality that young boys and men have towards violence.


Makleff, S., Garduño, J., Zavala, R. I., Barindelli, F., Valades, J., Billowitz, M., & Marston, C. (2020). Preventing intimate partner violence among young people—a qualitative study examining the role of comprehensive sexuality education. Sexuality research and social policy, 17(2), 314-325.

Swalec, A. (2016, November 3). How Talking With Children Can Help Stop the Domestic Violence Epidemic. NBC Washington.

World Health Organization. (2019). School-Based Violence Prevention: A Practical Handbook.


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The purpose of this assignment is to examine when and what boys should be taught in various settings (school, home, sports) about intimate partner violence in order to help reduce it.

Reducing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Reducing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

When and what should be taught to boys about intimate partner violence in various settings, such as school, at home or when participating in a sport? Upload your assignment as a Word document, 500 words, double-spaced, APA format.