Red Carpet Change Implementation
The Best Change Model Red Carpet
The best change model for Red Carpet’s change process is Kotter’s 8-Step model. According to Laig & Abocejo (2021), the eight steps in Kotter’s change management model include creating a sense of urgency, forming the change implementation team, developing a clear change vision, communicating the vision to get support from everyone impacted by the change, eliminating barriers that could impact the change implementation process and ensuring that the full potential of everyone in the organization is utilized, creating short-term wins, building on the change and incorporating the changes into the organization’s culture. The model is best for Red Carpet because the change process requires the active involvement of all employees, who will be the most impacted by the change. Kotter’s change model is also the best for Red Carpet because the change includes restructuring the organization’s procedures and processes, thus impacting the organization’s culture.
Recommended Interventions to Address Challenges
One of the interventions I would recommend to address the challenges at Red Carpet is creating a communication plan that lets the employees communicate with top management and other employees transparently. The second intervention is selecting an employee representative in every department to ensure that the needs of every employee are met. The employee representative can also be engaged in finding measures that can be taken to improve employee relations. According to Trif & Paolucci (2019), employee relations can be improved during the change implementation process by informing them about the change and what is expected of them to make the change successful. The third intervention is creating a performance management system to track employee performance and reward them appropriately. The fourth intervention is improving the inventory management process to effectively keep track of resources and supply, thus eliminating resource and supply chain issues.
Using Communication to Overcome Resistance to Change
Red Carpet’s culture includes prioritizing the organization’s needs over the needs of suppliers and employees. For example, the company does not negotiate with suppliers to ensure their needs are met; employees’ needs are also not met. I could help the organization use communication to overcome resistance to change by ensuring transparency in communicating the change to employees, the impact of the change on the organization and employees, and getting feedback from employees about the change. According to Johannessen (2021), transparent communication is essential in preventing resistance to change because it creates a sense of belonging and makes everyone involved in the change feel valued. Red Carpet could also use communication to improve employee relations, thus increasing employee buy-in during the change implementation process. The company can also use communication to understand employees’ needs during the change implementation process to prevent resistance.
Evaluating the Success of the Change Process
I will create key performance indicators to evaluate the success of the change process at Red Carpet. According to Appleton (2017), key performance indicators are quantifiable measures of performance over a specific period for a specific objective. One of the key performance indicators is the level of resistance to the change. Less resistance to the change will indicate that the change is successful. High resistance may give insight into areas for improvement that the organization should consider to ensure the change is successful. The second key performance indicator is the successful integration of the change into the organization’s culture based on the impact of the change on the organization’s performance. The third key performance indicator will be improved relations between the organization and suppliers, leading to reduced supply chain issues.
Appleton, L. (2017). An overview of key performance indicators. Libraries and Key Performance Indicators, 61–72.
Johannessen, J.-A. (2021). How can we reduce resistance to changes within organizations? Continuous Change and Communication in Knowledge Management, 57–73.
Laig, R. B., & Abocejo, F. T. (2021). Change management process in a mining company: Kotter’s 8-step change model. Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization, 31–50.
Trif, A., & Paolucci, V. (2019). Employee relations in context: Globalization, uncertainties, and dynamics of change. International Comparative Employee Relations, 14–38.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Red Carpet Change Implementation
This assignment will be based on this scenario.
Additional Information
Leroy thinks it is important to use a set of steps from an established change model to guide the change process. He has recommended the OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, and Kotter’s 8-Step model as potential alternatives. However the VP of HR wants to know all of the details and is also concerned about the potential resistance to change at Red Carpet, so Leroy thinks it’s important to discuss this as well. Red Carpet is seeking long-term success with this change, so Leroy would like you to include a forward-thinking statement regarding Red Carpet’s future after the change. In no time, you and Leroy will be riding the elevator to the 27th floor with a beautiful view of Philadelphia, and he is confident that your collaborative effort will be well-received.
Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course, and with your classmates, discuss the following questions about Red Carpet’s change management plan:
In your opinion, which one of the following change models will be best for Red Carpet’s change process: OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, or Kotter’s 8-Step model?
What interventions would you recommend to address the challenges at Red Carpet?
Considering Red Carpet’s organizational culture, how could you help the organization use communication to overcome resistance to change?
How will you evaluate the success of the change process at Red Carpet?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100–200-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?