Publication Manuscript – Journal Selection
Journal Chosen: The Journal of Community Psychology (JCOP)
Reference entry example
Kira, M., Belgrade, A., Saleem, N., Salim, R., & Lee, F. (2024). The role of temporality in adolescent refugees’ sense of well‐being. Journal of Community Psychology, 52(4), 574-598.
Relevance of the Scope of the Journal
The Journal of Community Psychology (JCOP) is very closely related to the research domain on the use of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) in schools, paying more attention to alternative and economically disadvantaged schools. JCOP has its focus and scope on community psychology, social justice, wellness, and community engagement for fostering a strong community. This mirrors the aims of SW-PBIS that focus on the development of a constructive, supportive, and inclusive school environment where the distinctive nature of this particular category of schools is recognized and accommodated.
JCOP, as a targeted journal, becomes a convenient place where the Professional Publication Manuscript will be located. Community psychology and the practical manner of the journal in approaching interventions make it a great outlet to share the results of research and the implementation of SW-PBIS in different educational environments, including alternative and underfunded schools.
SW-PBIS is a whole-school approach that involves behavioral and support interventions in educational settings. This type of intervention places a great deal of weight on developing a good, inclusive school atmosphere with some proven techniques, such as teaching and practicing positive attitudes and behavior, providing specialized support for students who need it, and involving the entire school community. The dimension of JCOP enables its focus on real situations that arise in the course of SW-PBIS implementation, namely the involvement and interaction of the relevant parties, including the students, educators, administrators, parents, and the community. This is in line with community psychology, which gives priority to the study of environmental issues that affect behavior and the overall well-being of an individual.
In addition, the fact that JCOP focuses on social justice and community engagement is important to the SW-PBIS implementation in alternative schools and schools lacking resources. These schools usually meet specific needs, these being higher rates of behavior problems, inadequate resources, and multicultural populations. SWPBIS implementation requires considering the contextual factors as well as systemic inequalities that the targeted schools experience. Researchers can enrich the body of knowledge regarding how SW-PBIS addresses these challenges while advancing social justice and improving the lives of students in alternative and underserved schools by contributing to JCOP.
Furthermore, JCOP admits different types of articles, for instance, literature reviews, conversations, and practitioner-centered articles. The diversity of delivery modes provides the platform for researchers to summarize existing knowledge on SW-PBIS, do critical reviews of its implementation in alternative and underfunded schools, and give practical experiences based on their fieldwork. This flexibility provides writers with an opportunity to give their part in the scientific discussion of SW-PBIS and to give practical advice to the specialists and teachers who implement this evidence-based approach in their schools.
Essentially, publishing the paper in the JCOP Journal is the best option because it relates to the subject of SW-PBIS application in alternative and poor-resourced schools. The journal’s focus on community psychology, social justice, and well-being is well aligned with SW-PBIS goals, while its various forms of articles will enable a comprehensive study of the topic. Publishing in JCOP can advance the academic knowledge of SW-PBIS implementation, promote social justice, and provide support for the practitioners at the grassroots level in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment in alternative and under-resourced schools.
Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Community Psychology, which is part of the Wiley Social and Personality Psychology Publishing Network, has a shortened and rapid publication process for authors. It is possible that if an article is not accepted by one journal as part of the network, it may be pushed towards another journal in the network by the editors’ choice. The authors can agree to the referral offer for their paper and send it as-is or with revisions (Wiley Online Library, 24, 06, 2024). Through this transference, the authors can have an easier and quicker publish route. The APA is a required journal style.
Authors should use the Research Exchange submission portal to make their submissions to the Journal of Community Psychology. The journal introduced free format submission, hence offering authors to upload a single file or separate files containing all necessary parts of an article: abstract, introduction, methods, results and conclusions. Legends on the figures and tables and the references can be submitted in any citation style, but it is important that whichever format is chosen is consistently used in the manuscript (Wiley Online Library, 2024). The manuscript should be double-blind peer-reviewed. Therefore, authors need to present the manuscript without their names and prepare a separate title page with author details.
In addition to the manuscript, the author should attach a title page with statements that deal with the ethics and integrity policies, like the data availability, funding, conflict of interest disclosure, ethics approval, patient consent, and permission to reproduce material from other sources. The disclosure of co-author details, including affiliation and email address, is necessary to provide all co-authors with updates on the peer review process. The authors should take care to register for an ORCID ID with which their published article will be linked to their ORCID profile.
When preparing a manuscript, authors can obtain help from Wiley Editing Services, which provides editors for English language editing, translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design. The manuscript should be uploaded as a separate file, e.g., title page, main text, and figures. However, when submitting a paper or reviewing a journal helps reveal authors’ personal information to enable regular operations, such as sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. Data protection policies are there to guarantee the safety, integrity, and privacy of the personal data that is captured and processed.
The first page of the manuscript should contain a concise and informative title with keywords, a shorter running title of less than 40 characters, full names of the authors, institutional affiliations, acknowledgments, and a list of three to four referees. The three officials should be people outside the author’s institution who have not co-authored a report with the author for the last five years and have the skills to review the paper. The current address of any author, if not of the place where the work originated, should be added to a footnote.
The corresponding author will receive an email to log in to Author Services after the paper acceptance. After this, he or she will be required to fill out the copyright license agreement on behalf of all authors. One has the option to publish under the journal’s conventional copyright arrangement or go for the Open-Access route via a Creative Commons License. Information about licensing and copyright can be found on the Wiley internet site. If one opts to Open Access, the relevant fee will be payable. Wiley articles publication fees could be obtained from the website. Some funders will mandate a specific type of Creative Commons License so it would be advisable to check this out beforehand.
Upon the receipt of the accepted article by Wiley production team, the author will receive an email, to sign a publication license. When typesetting is done, they will receive an email containing a link to download the typeset page proof. The responsibility lies with them to go through the proofs and do necessary corrections within two days. Moreover, Wiley has fast-tracked services for the publication of articles before issue release through its Early View service. As soon as the article appears on Early View, the authors are not authorized to make any additional alterations (Wiley Online Library, 2024). This document includes a publication date and DOI to facilitate citations.
Once published, the author can promote their article via several avenues. Providing video abstracts, infographics, conference posters, lay summaries and research news stories will be some of the key services to make the research more visible to the public. In addition, they can contribute pieces of art for the cover items to make your article known. When the article is published online, they will get an email notification. The author can also post a link to their article on their social media platforms. The corresponding author and co-authors can suggest up to ten of their peers who will be granted publication alerts and free online access to the article.
Wiley Online Library (2024). Author Guidelines. Journal of Community Psychology.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will choose a peer-reviewed, scholarly, or practitioner’s journal whose focus is appropriate to the research topic you identified in Discussion: Research Topic. The journal you select should be one that could potentially serve as a publication venue for your forthcoming Professional Publication Manuscript Assignment.
Publication Manuscript – Journal Selection
Ensure you are selecting a journal —not a research article or repository. Journals can be identified by reviewing which venue published the research articles you reviewed for the Article Reviews Assignment or by conducting a simple internet search using the following search terms: ‘education journal.’ Some journals only select articles based on completed research. Since you are only proposing and not conducting research for this course, the journal you select should allow submissions of literature review-only articles, discussion articles, or practitioner-focused articles.
- Once you have found your journal of choice, in a Word document, identify the journal’s name. Also provide an APA formatted reference entry for an example article the journal has recently published (the article need not be related to your topic of personal interest).
- Explain how the focus or scope of the journal is relevant to your selected research topic.
- Provide the submission guidelines for the journal. Submission guidelines can be found on your selected journal’s website and are typically under the heading of ‘Author Submission Guidelines,’ ‘Author Guidelines,’ ‘Contribute,’ ‘Submit an Article,’ ‘Instructions for Authors’, or other similar verbiage.
- Provide these guidelines in written narrative or bullet point form; do not simply copy and paste from the journal’s website.
- Ensure among the guidelines you have included the journal’s required style (i.e., APA, MLA, CMS, etc.).
- Include an APA citation and corresponding reference for the submission guidelines for the journal.
Review the Publication Manuscript: Journal Selection Grading Rubric provided before submitting this assignment.