Latest News - Public Relations

Memo – Shared Decision-Making Policy

Memo – Shared Decision-Making Policy Memorandum To: Medical Staff From: Health Care Administrator CC: Other recipients Subject: The SHARE Policy Greetings, Summary There have been numerous...

The Highway Systems Project

The Highway Systems Project A Personal Perspective on a Government Project That Underwent a Long-Range or Strategic Planning Process That I Feel Was Successful. According to Lester (2021), project...

Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl

Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl Hygienik LLC. Phone: (518) 785-5138 Email:[email protected] Satia Toilet Bowl New Bowl for Rural Sanitation New York, June 21, 2021. Hygienik LLC hereby announces the new...

Canadian and American Healthcare Systems

Canadian and American Healthcare Systems Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world and has a different model of health care from that of the United States. Canada uses a publicly...