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How to write a public health essay

Public health essay

Is your public health essay due? Is the essay giving you a hard time? Are you looking for the perfect guidelines to help you come up with a high-quality homework paper? This article will play a big role in your cause. You will find different public health essay topics and even get a feel of why public health is an important essay.

Public health focuses on communal health. It works on preventing, improving and changing health in the country or society. Public health becomes possible through conducting research on diseases to come up with a cure and prevention measures, advocate for healthy living and educating the masses.

Why is public health important essay

Taking up public health as your field of study helps you acquire enough information and skills on how to promote strategic measures in health care. There are serious threats to our health that rely on public health for solutions. These threats include, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Influenza, Cancer, toxins in the environment and even new diseases emerging. Public health contributes greatly to a medical student career path. Take a look at some reasons why public health is important.

  1. Fighting off diseases

The most important role of public health is saving humans from killer diseases such as Cancer and AIDs. Professionals have gone through the education system to acquire means of handling these diseases to keep the public safe and healthy.

  1. Prevention

The statement prevention is better than cure is correct. Public health comes up with measures of preventing diseases from manifesting. The process is cheaper than looking for a cure. For example, wearing masks and washing hands to prevent COVID-19.

  1. Saving life

By keeping people safe through prevention and cure of the disease, they can be able to enjoy longer years. Most of these diseases kill or deteriorate a person’s health. Public health saves lives and keeps people health enough to enjoy their lives.

  1. Diagnosis

Through public health diseases can be detected early. This helps doctors react fast before the patient get worse. People’s lives are saved when diseases like Cancer are diagnosed in their early stages.

  1. Diverse

Public health is broad and is able to handle health issues affecting the whole society or country. Unlike other disciplines the whole population can be catered to not just individuals.

  1. Educative

Public health is important because it promotes awareness. The population is taught about health threats through health campaigns or mass education programs. The government is also able to initiate policies that ensure the people stay safe.

  1. Promotes growth

Through constant research, projects and everyday campaigns one can acquire a new skill set and gain knowledge in various fields. The public also gets to learn many things from the education programs they attend in person or through communication devices like radios and T.Vs.

  1. Promote equality

Public health is available for everybody regardless of race, culture or ethnicity. This brings about equality and people can be able to get the same opportunities. Public health makes sure both children and adults can access health care despite their backgrounds.

  1. Promotes human rights

Public health makes sure everybody can access better health care as it is their right. It is unfortunate that some individuals are denied medical assistance because they cannot afford it. Public health does not care about individuals economic backgrounds, everybody is cared for.

  1. Fight for the weak

Through public health you can be able to fight for people who have no voice. This means through public health everybody can access medical care. Influences like the government and other big sectors can invest in public health improving health care for the whole population.

Ethical issues in public health

Sometimes public health is hindered by ethical issues in the promotion of health and prevention of diseases. These issues arise when people assigned the role of promoting public health care more focused on sustaining individual needs. Below we will discuss a number of ethical issues that arise.

Ethical standards are based on the decision making during practices. During the decision making to arrive at the conclusion of the difficulty of a surgery, you should consider the below factors.

  1. Get to know the patients wish in relation to autonomy.
  2. Non-maleficence.

Examples of ethical issues in public health

  1. DNR

This is an order that is given by a physician based on the will of the patient. The patient in this case is implying that if the heart stops, staffs present in the scenario should not try CPR on the patient. What is to question in most of the scenarios is the ability of the patient to make a decision in such a scenario. A complicated scenario as explained above is when a person bearing a no DNR tattoo was not resuscitated.

  1. Confidentiality between doctor and patient

There is an act known as HIPPA that has expounded data on what is done in relation to the confidentiality of patient information. Though who can see and who is not allowed to gain access to the data is written and detailed nicely. A lot of scenarios are not as open as everyone would love the act to be. If a practitioner withholds information, the patient may be in life threatening scenarios and the data could be beneficial to people offering help. If the practitioner offers the help, then the practitioner places themselves in a tricky situation.

  1. Negligence plus malpractice

In the case of negligence, it may include misdiagnosis or having faulty equipment present in hospitals. Personnel in hospitals should ensure that everything is functioning at optimum. Malpractice is when practitioners end up doing errors during the provision of health care. Results from such cases cause huge effects and may cause long period of time for return to normal.

  1. Access to health care

Reports suggest that a lot of people are unable to access health care as a result of cost. Simple check-ups cost a lot of money. Insurance for medical purposes is rare among people. The Kaiser report suggests that 25% of the un-insured did not visit the hospital as a result of lacking funds. In other cases, even insured patients suffer the same scenarios especially if the tests or procedures required to be performed are complex and expensive.

  1. Physician assisted suicide

In different states, there is a law that allows physicians to assist patients at killing themselves. The patient involved in this activity should gain information from the medic on how to do it. What the State observes is whether the patient is capable of making decisions about the said opinion.

Public health essay topics

Writing a great public health essay starts with finding the right topic. You can choose from the topics below.

Interesting public health topics

  1. How effective are health services in the modern era
  2. What is the relationship between politics and public health?
  3. Does health deteriorate due to poverty?
  4. Should abortion be a personal decision?
  5. Why should healthcare be available globally?
  6. Is the increase in abortion cases as a result of poor mental health?
  7. Everybody should access health care. Explain
  8. Are vaccines created to prevent diseases?
  9. How does overeating affect the person?
  10. Measures that should be taken to avoid kids from being obese
  11. Where did Ebola originate from and is there a cure or vaccine?
  12. How can the youth learn the dangers of substance abuse?

Public health research topics

  1. Are ARV drugs the best measure in the control of a HIV/AIDs pandemic?
  2. Why are young kids prone to get diabetes?
  3. Is a teenager old enough to get the sex talk?
  4. What can be done to prevent unwanted pregnancies in teenagers?
  5. Can teenagers handle the effects of birth control?
  6. Would people eat healthier if the government controlled consumption?
  7. Diseases are spread more through handshakes. Discuss
  8. When does sleep disorder become a public health issue?
  9. How can social media be used to spread public health awareness?
  10. Poor drainage system and unsafe drinking water are the main cause of diseases. Explain

Current public health essay topics

  1. What causes women to die after abortion?
  2. Can women have a natural birth after abortion?
  3. Spread of HIV/AIDs is high amongst the LGBTQ community
  4. How did people cope before antibiotics were introduced?
  5. Factors women consider before family planning
  6. Employees should be provided with safe and healthy conditions to promote productivity
  7. Should there be vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases?
  8. Is diabetic genetic?
  9. Food that can prevent anemia during pregnancy
  10. Is herpes the worst sexually transmitted disease for pregnant women?

To wind up

Did you get an idea of what is public health? Are the topics listed above good enough for your essay? If you still have problems writing your research paper do not worry. Visit our website and get solutions for your public health career goals essay. We have experts in public health essays who are available 24/7 and will get you the perfect scores. We make sure your work is delivered before the due date and our prices are affordable. Contact us today. With our thesis writing help from our professional thesis you are guaranteed assistance with your whole  thesis whether a chapter thesis or thesis proposal.