Public Engagement in the Budget Process
Undoubtedly, proper participation of the public could help governments become even more accountable and responsive to the communities they serve. Public engagement can ameliorate the perception of the government’s performance and the value that the public receives from the government. Traditionally, public participation meant voting, being involved in political campaigns, and even running for office (Radke, 2022). At an exacerbated involvement level, the public acts as individuals advocating for specific government policies through attending or even sponsoring meetings that involve the public or bringing the media’s attention to the issues that involve policies.
One of the techniques for effectively gaining public engagement is to be clear and precise. In this case, one has to clearly identify their purpose for public engagement. The public has to be informed concerning the objectives. Consulting the public by informing them is one of the most efficacious techniques for gaining the public’s attention (Kettl, 2016). It is crucial because it allows the public to understand that the authority requests them to get their opinion. Also, directly involving the citizens in the decision-making process includes accepting input from them and allowing them to reflect on the matters at hand. Putting the final decision to the public bolsters the assertion that the general public is indeed involved.
Kettl, D. F. (2016). Politics of the administrative process. Cq Press.
Radke, B. (2022). Three steps for engaging the public successfully.
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Public Engagement in the Budget Process
Citizen engagement in public administration is important. During the budget process, what techniques/questions would you use to gain citizen engagement?