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PSYC 3002 – Week 4 Assignment 2 – Correlation

PSYC 3002 – Week 4 Assignment 2 – Correlation

The null hypothesis (Ho) of this study is; the hour of sleep by the participants is NOT related to their reaction.

The alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study is; the hour of sleep by the participants is related to their reactions.

We would have a two-tailed test if we were not aware of the direction the score would go (Heiman, 2015, Pg. 109). From the question, “the researcher intends to conduct a correlation to ascertain if there is a relationship between hours of sleep and reaction time. The direction of the dependent variable is not specified. Therefore, the researcher should conduct a two-tailed

The correlation coefficient (r) obtained using SPSS is -0.431

According to Heiman (2015), we compute the Pearson correlation coefficient degrees of freedom: df = N – 2. Note: N = total number of pairs in the data. N from our study = 20

Mathematically, 20 – 2 = 18The degree of freedom for this study is 18.

The p-value obtained using SPSS is 058

Since the p-value computed using SPSS of 0.058 < 0.05 level of significance, the researcher should therefore retain the null.

PSYC 3002 – Week 4 Assignment 2 – Correlation

Since we retained and accepted the null hypothesis (Ho), we, therefore, conclude that the results are statistical.

The researcher can conclude that the hours of sleep by the participants are NOT related to their reaction time. Our r computed using SPSS is -0.431. This shows a relationship that is somewhat close to showing consistent degree of association. The sleep time paired with each reaction time is relatively large; therefore, the variability is relatively large. Due to the relatively large variability observed, a participant’s sleep time will not get us close to his/her reaction time. Therefore, our predictions will contain large amounts of error.


Heiman, G (2015) Behavioural Sciences STAT (2nd ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015b). Correlation and regression [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


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PSYC 3002 – Week 4 Assignment 2 – Correlation

Before computing the correlation, state the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis in words (not formulas).

Based on the hypotheses you stated, explain whether the researcher should conduct a one-tailed or two-tailed test.

Identify the correlation coefficient (r) for this data set using SPSS and report it in your answer document.

State the degrees of freedom and explain how you calculated it by hand.

Identify the p-value using SPSS and report it in your answer document.

Explain whether the researcher should retain or reject the null hypothesis.

Are the results statistically significant? Explain how you know.

Explain what the researcher can conclude about the relationship between the amount of sleep and reaction times. Include a description of the direction (positive, negative, or no relationship) and strength (weak, moderate, or strong) of the relationship.