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PSYC 3002 – Week 1 Assignment – Interpreting Frequencies and SPSS Installation

PSYC 3002 – Week 1 Assignment – Interpreting Frequencies and SPSS Installation

Value from Data

Set Frequency of Value Relative Frequency of

Value Percent
9 3 0.1 10.0
8 5 0.1666 16.7
7 1 0.0333 3.3
6 3 0.1 10.0
5 4 0.1333 13.3
4 6 0.2 20.0
3 2 0.0666 6.7
2 6 0.2 20.0
1 0 0.0 0.0
N = 30 Total Relative Frequency

= 1.0 Total Percent =


Describe how you computed the “Frequency of Value” column.

The frequency value of the data set is simply how many times each value appeared in the data set. This could be completed by hand, in Microsoft Excel, or (as I did it) in SPSS software by using the frequency option in the analysis chart (Daniel, 2017).

 Describe how you computed the “Relative Frequency of Value” column.

The relative frequency of value is the total frequency of the data point divided by the total number of the frequencies’ values (Australian Bureau of Statistics). For this, I normally would have used an Excel sheet but instead used the SPSS software just to fiddle around with it a little. I checked the math by hand with a calculator and by ensuring the column added up to 1.0.

 Describe how you computed the “Percent of Value” column.

The percent value is just the relative frequency value times 100; thus, I only needed to move the decimal point over two spaces and make rounding adjustments. I checked the math by making sure the values in the column added up to 100%.

PSYC 3002 – Week 1 Assignment – Interpreting Frequencies and SPSS Installation

What is the combined relative frequency of the odd-numbered values? Explain

Your calculation and what the result tells you about the number of snacks this sample eats in a week. Value of Odd Frequencies = 0.33333 (Or 0.3326 if you add up the relative frequencies of all the odd numbers; about the same number).
I took all the odd data numbers (i.e., 1,3,5,7 and 9) and added up their frequencies, then divided that by 30 (the total value of all frequencies). The total frequency of odd data points eating snacks was 10, which is 33.33% of the total number of frequencies. As the value “1” was not recorded in the data set, there were eight total values in the data set ranging from 2 to 9. Half of the data set (the odd-numbered ones) had 33.33% of total snacking, while the other half had roughly 66.67% of the snacking accounted for.

 What is the cumulative frequency of values falling at or below 5? Explain your Calculation and what the result tells you about the number of snacks this sample eats in a week.

The cumulative frequency of all data falling at or below “5” is 18. That is 60% of the total frequencies. I added up the values of data points 1-5, which was 18. 18 divided by the total frequencies of all data (which was 30) meant that the relative frequency of value was 0.6, which is 60%.
Be sure to explain how you arrived at your answers and support your ideas with evidence from the text and Learning Resources.


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (n.d.). Statistical Language – Describing Frequencies. Retrieved from +describing+frequencies#:~:text=A%20relative%20frequency%20describes%20t he,of%20values%20for%20the%20variable.

Daniel, T. (2017, Dec 05). 02 Descriptive Statistics and Frequencies in SPSS – SPSS for Beginners. Retrieved from YouTUbe, Research By Design:


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PSYC 3002 – Week 1 Assignment – Interpreting Frequencies and SPSS Installation

What is the combined relative frequency of the odd-numbered values? Explain what the combined relative frequency you computed tells you about the number of snacks this sample eats in a week.