Promoting Safety and Reducing Risk-Program Evaluation
An intervention for the prevention of injury to children, particularly toddlers, is the keeping of any risky device or material away from them. The target audience for the evaluation of the intervention is parents who have children aged between 1 year and three years old. The intervention topic for the program is therefore termed as safe keeping of items from the reach of children. Additional characteristics of the target audience include the following: individuals who are on busy work schedules with little time at home with the family, especially the children (Marrelli, 2013). Moreover, a lack of full-time caretakers is another significant characteristic of the target audience. The population that is affected includes those that interact more frequently with dangerous objects such as farm chemicals, metals and cutting devices. The harmful objects described herein also appear to be the risk factors for developing injury in children. The others are playful children, ease of access, and absence of supervision.
The objectives of the intervention program described herein are to prevent access and interaction between dangerous objects and children and to promote a friendly environment for playing among active and young individuals (Merril & Taylor, 2010). The goal of the intervention is to reduce incidences of childhood injury from preventable causes and promote the safety of children within their immediate environment. The intervention involves the process of keeping harmful objects away from the reach of children. Such places would include locked cabinets, high shelves, or away from the house in areas such as stores (Roberts, 2012). Evaluation of the program can be achieved by checking the number of new cases post-inception of the process. There is also the confirmation of the effectiveness of the program through means such as direct supervision of any obvious danger that the population being targeted is likely to be subjected to. The effectiveness of the program will also be evaluated by comparing two different populations, one in which the strategy is implemented, and the other will be a control group. In a case where a marked difference is observed, it can be concluded that the evaluated program is valid.
Marrelli, T. (2013). Safety in Healthcare and Home Care. Home Healthcare Nurse, 31(6), 289- 292.
Merril, S., & Taylor, E. (2010). Safe At Home – the National Home Safety Equipment Scheme. Injury Prevention, 16(Supplement 1), A95-A95.
Roberts, I. (2012). LET’S TALK ABOUT SAFETY—CAN INJURY PREVENTION DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD? Injury Prevention, 18(Suppl 1), A1.4-A1.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Read the required readings. Next, visit the CDC Injury Prevention and Control website about child safety and injury prevention at Additionally, review the CDC childhood injury report at
Promoting Safety and Reducing Risk-Program Evaluation
For this discussion, create an outline with supportive content for implementing a simple educational program or intervention to promote health and reduce injury risk for the childhood and/or adolescent population. Focus can be on an individual, specific group, or population. Include the topic and target audience or learner characteristics. The introduction may include statistics of why the topic is important, the people affected, and pertinent risk factors. Include objectives, goals, the intervention, and the means you will use to evaluate the program. Show evidence-based support for the intervention. Comment on others’ projects and share ideas and interventions supported by studies.
Instructions: APA, so the outline has to have in-text references. References are to be listed after the outline.