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Promoting Physical Health in Early Adulthood- Advice from Young Adults

Promoting Physical Health in Early Adulthood- Advice from Young Adults

Human development defines the constant changes that characterize the entire human life. Transitioning from childhood to adulthood, physiologic and psychological changes are apparent. Physiologic changes are visible and often characterized by increasing body sizes as well as increases in the body’s ability to handle basic life tasks as defined by energy and body strength. Psychological changes, on the other hand, define the aspects of the mind that are not visible by the eye but remain to be a significant component of development that confers humans to their identity as well as their survival instincts. Stages of human development can be stratified into childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This paper seeks to analyze the responsibilities presented by adulthood by looking at the perspectives of three young adults. 

In the interview involving the young adults, they noted that in the establishment of physical health, the body should be subjected to activities that enhance its overall functionality. Such activities as a healthy lifestyle with freedom from harmful toxic substances or activities, regular exercise to provide physical and mental strength, and healthy social habits are all necessary for the establishment of good physical health during the teen ages. In this regard, they recommended things like good dieting characterized by fruits and vegetables, proper sleep, good hygienic observance, regular exercise, and proper hydration as important factors in the establishment and maintenance of good physical health.

Teenagers encompass adolescents and young adults. It often defines the transition between adolescent and adulthood stages of human development. This transition is characterized by changing social experiences as well as greater responsibilities. Of significance in teenagers, is the establishment and maintenance of physical health. Physical health defines a state of normal functionalization of the body (Koipysheva, 2021). Environmental adaptability, absence of disease, and suffering, as well as participation in social activities, are all components of physical health

There was a mixed feeling among the interviewees on the definition of adulthood as well as the capped age for entry into adulthood. However, there was a consensual response in the definition of adulthood among the interviewees. To them, the legal capped age of 18 was the age to which they assumed adulthood. Their families as well started regarding them as adults upon attaining 18 years of age. There were notable alterations in treatment among family members with two of them noting that they were granted responsibilities of taking care of their siblings, allowed to go shopping on their own and even, handed car keys. The levels of parental supervision were as well reduced with most of them noting that they were even allowed to go out with their friends, something that might have been elusive in their younger years. 

 Whereas there is a socially set cap for assuming adulthood, social definitions of adulthood are set in variedly among individuals. In most countries, the legal set age for assuming adult status is at 18 years. At this age, individuals are given full responsibilities over themselves and are granted permission to take part in various legal activities that are stated therein (Wurm, Diehl, Kornadt, Westerhof & Wahl, 2017). The social aspects of adulthood are near similar, with responsibility as well granted to individuals over themselves. However, social responsibilities differ. The responsibilities are related to how an individual carries themselves within the society, how they interact with others, the decisions they make, and even the obligation they have towards the societal norm and cultures.

The social definition of adulthood differs across cultures and may not necessarily begin at the legally prescribed ages. Some cultures require that their followers assume adulthood at younger ages, with responsibilities granted to them at these lower ages. In some of these cultures, various life transitionary stages are symbolic of initiation into adulthood (Shanahan, Mortimer & Johnson, 2016). Such include transitions from high school and entry into tertiary institutions of learning among others.

Several values characterize a healthy relationship. Most of the interviewees viewed healthy relationships as one that grants them the freedom to express themselves, as well as gives them a true sense of belonging. Honesty and trust remained to be significant values in a relationship according to the teenagers. Additionally, they consensually agreed that culture and values remain to be of concern in relationships with most of them not agitating for cross-culture relationships with specific cultures because of the difficulty it presented. However, with increasing modernization, various cultural barriers are fading slowly and most of them hope that cultural diversity will no longer present barriers in their pursuit for a healthy relationship.

Notable characteristics in a healthy relationship include open communication, honesty, mutual respect, and trust. A healthy relationship will entail all of these values. The parties involved in these relationships should also be able to understand each other well. In as much as relationships involve individual parties, their cultures and values will significantly affect their relationship. Various cultures define values they do expect their followers to subscribe to. These values may not be similar across cultures and thus between the parties involved in the relationship (Cannon & Murray, 2019). Cross-culture relationships often present considerable difficulties especially when the values and ideals of the cultures involved are not in synchrony.

The young adults interviewed were all in active relationships. They noted that the level of romance in their respective relationships will be the determining factor in their decision-making towards moving to the next phase of the relationship. They as well noted that big decisions such as engagement and marriage require proper thinking and that rushing these decisions may turn out to be devastating in the long run. Giving the relationship time to take its course was necessary for informing the next big decisions that will have to be made. On relationship termination, most noted that it may be a factor for either of the parties involved in the relationship. However, factors such as dishonesty, lack of intimacy, lack of respect, poor communication, and mistrust could trigger termination of the relationship at any stage.

Romantic relationships often indicate greater levels of intimate relationships. Expression of romance usually indicates love and dedication and, in most instances, brings the parties closer. Romance may signify the need to escalate the relationship. Such escalations may include engagements, marriage, moving in, or even having children. All these decisions rest on the parties involved in the relationship. Conversely, other factors may attribute to the need to terminate a relationship. These factors include lack of respect, lack of intimacy, misunderstanding between the parties, and mistrust among others. 

Work-life balance is necessary for the overall wellbeing of an individual. A healthy work-life balance defines the ability to satisfy both the work aspect and the social, physical, and mental aspects of one’s life. The interviewees noted that the establishment of a healthy work-life balance will require that they be involved in relationships in which they are happy as well as work that they feel happy being engaged in. Additionally, prioritizing health, being ready to unplug from toxic environments, and making time for their social cycles are all necessary for ensuring they maintain a healthy work-life balance. In their accounts, they also noted that practices like taking some time off work like going for a vacation are necessary for relieving work pressure and consequently establishing a healthy work-life balance.

Early adulthood often presents with alterations in social experiences. Notable is the responsibility that adulthood presents with therein. As highlighted by the interview involving three young adults, upon attainment of adulthood greater responsibilities were placed above their heads. Personal issues such as relationships also play a significant role in their lives upon attaining adulthood and this often requires that they make decisions regarding their relationship health and whatever they want for themselves in these engagements. With work engagements also apparent in adulthood, establishing a proper work-life balance becomes paramount in ensuring their overall well-


Cannon, J., & Murray, C. (2019). Promoting Healthy Relationships and Families: An Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Resources and Information and Skill Needs Among Couples, Single Adults, and Parents. The Family Journal27(3), 309-318. DOI: 10.1177/1066480719852357

Koipysheva, E. (2021). Physical Health (Definition, Semantic Content, Study Prospects. Retrieved 14 October 2021

Shanahan, M., Mortimer, J., & Johnson, M. (2016). Handbook of the life course Vol II. Cham: Springer.

Wurm, S., Diehl, M., Kornadt, A., Westerhof, G., & Wahl, H. (2017). How do views on aging affect health outcomes in adulthood and late-life? Explanations for an established connection. Developmental Review46, 27-43. DOI: 10.1016/


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Benchmark – Early Adult Essay
In the transition into adulthood people take on new responsibilities including taking care of themselves and others. For this project interview three young adults ask the following: Write 750-1050 words

If you had a chance to talk to a teen, what would you recommend they do to establish and maintain their physical health? Do you follow these recommendations yourself?

Promoting Physical Health in Early Adulthood- Advice from Young Adults

Promoting Physical Health in Early Adulthood- Advice from Young Adults

At what point was it absolutely clear that you had entered adulthood? When do people in your family recognize someone as an adult?
What defines a healthy relationship? What roles do culture and values play in healthy relationships?
How can you tell when it’s time to change the nature of the romantic relationship (moving in together, marriage, children, etc.)? Are there signs that indicate it’s time to end a relationship?
What is the best way to establish a healthy work-life balance? How do you establish boundaries?
After the conclusion of the interviews summarize the responses and identify any patterns that have emerged. Compare the responses to some of the data in the textbook and explain how the text supports or refutes some of the responses from your interviews (be sure to cite your sources).