Professional Statement of Intent
I want to apply for an M.S.W program specializing in social work administration, planning, and policy practice (SWAP). My intention for taking this program is to advance my skills and knowledge in social work to fulfill my dream of helping socially and economically disadvantaged members of the population. I am interested in assisting pregnant teenagers, children with special needs and their families, and people struggling with mental health issues. I have experienced These three social problems personally and wish to have assistance. I want to fill the social work void for others in ways I could not achieve.
From a very young age, I understood the importance of social work. I got pregnant as a teenager, which was a difficult moment. A lot went through my mind then; I did not know whether to keep the pregnancy. I lacked access to physical and mental health care at the time while trying to navigate the ostracism associated with teenage pregnancy. With the assistance of my family and very close friends, I overcame this challenge. Later in life, I reminisced on my teenage experiences and wished I had access to social workers. I needed access to many resources that would have made the struggle more accessible for my family and me. This is where my interest in social work was born; I wanted to become a social worker to help people with experiences such as mine. I want to contribute to helping teenagers who get pregnant access social services that give them a chance at a better life.
My desire to work in social work has also grown because of my experience raising a child with special needs. Raising a child with special needs can be challenging for the parents and their families. There are a lot of resources that are needed to raise a child with needs successfully. For instance, parents need more accessible access to therapists and other social care services to help the child achieve expected developmental milestones.
I also recently lost a brother to suicide. My brother went through a depression without the family being aware of it. He struggled with mental illness for a long time without help until he could not take it anymore. When he took his life, it highlighted the importance of making resources for mental health more accessible to communities, especially vulnerable groups such as ethnic and linguistic minorities and low socio-economic groups.
Drawing upon my experiences, I see teenage pregnancy, physical and developmental disabilities in children, and mental health problems as social problems that relate to social justice. The problem that I would like to focus on most is teenage pregnancy, as I have spent most of my adult life navigating the challenges associated with this problem. Social justice describes fairness as it manifests in society. In a fair world, people have equal access to mental health services, health care, employment, and housing resources. Teenage pregnancy attracts discrimination that prevents people from having such equal opportunities. Teen moms are commonly marginalized because of the unequal access to the resources they need to navigate the challenges of teen pregnancy.
Several potential solutions to teen pregnancy issues integrate social work values and principles. One of the solutions to teen pregnancy is to offer teen moms counseling services. One of the social work principles is respect for the dignity and worth of all people. Counseling is a way of building the pride of teenagers who have gotten pregnant by reminding them that they can still achieve their dreams and that their lives are worth something. Additionally, social workers should ensure equal access to social resources for teenage moms by the principle of social justice.
One of my goals in social work is to improve the well-being of people with complex societal needs. People like pregnant teenagers, people with mental health issues, and children with disabilities need a lot of social resources, which social workers can provide. I want to be a person who helps them access the resources that improve their well-being. I also want to advocate for improving the external problems that cause these complex problems in people’s lives. In situations where I can contribute to preventing the issues, I will be proactive to ensure that people do not go through the social challenges that affect their well-being.
I understand that going through an M.S.W program is not an easy process. Therefore, I have equipped myself with resources to help me complete the program successfully. First, I have asked for my family’s support. I know that when I start the program, it will take a lot of my time. My family is very understanding and supportive; they will help me see the program through. I have also prepared for the actual study resources by securing a computer that I will use to access the learning material for the course. Lastly, as I complete this course, I am mentally prepared for all the pressures of working in a social setting.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Indicate the academic, professional, and life experiences that prepare you for working with socially and economically disadvantaged populations.
Professional Statement of Intent
Drawing upon these experiences, describe a social problem related to social justice.
Indicate potential solutions to the problem that incorporate social work values and principles. Describe your goals in the social work profession.
Specify the resources and supports available to you to complete the M.S.W. degree program and manage challenges that may include the academic rigor of the program and the stress every day of working with the intense life experiences of people and communities social workers serve.
Life experiences to bring into the conversation include having a baby as a teenager and not having the support or resources but overcoming this struggle, raising a special needs child and realizing the need for more community support for families in crisis with special needs children, and lastly, losing my older brother to suicide and seeing/feeling the impact that has had on our family.