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Professional Code of Ethics-American Nurses Association (ANA)

Professional Code of Ethics-American Nurses Association (ANA)

The Name of the Professional Organization Related To My Chosen Career

The professional organization I would first join in my chosen career is the American Nurses Association (ANA).

Professional Code of Ethics in Decision-Making

ANA has a well-established professional Code of Ethics. I understand that the ANA Code of Ethics in nursing is non-negotiable regardless of the setting of care. As a nurse within the family care settings, I understand that I have a commitment to the patients I serve within primary care and that my decisions as a nurse should be consistent with the Code of Ethics and my obligations to provide optimal care to the patients regardless of their status physically, socially, mentally, or age-wise (Haddad & Geiger, 2022). Therefore, I will consider the Code of Ethics to guide me and support me in developing and growing professionally to best promote, protect, and advocate for health, rights, and access to quality and safe care for patients in my practice settings. The Code of Ethics will also guide me in understanding and appreciating the uniqueness of each patient and how to make care decisions based on such uniqueness to provide care that dignifies each patient.

ANA’s Credentialing Exam

The ANA has a credentialing Exam for my career. The ANA has the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), through which it offers all of its credentialing examinations and certifications. After passing the ANCC credentialing exam, one is awarded the Family Nurse Practitioner – Board Certified (FNP-BC) Certification. As a baccalaureate-educated RN currently working in family care, the FNP-BC certification is required.

The Scope of Practice and What Determines It for My Chosen Career

The American Medical Association (2022) defines the scope of practice as the roles a healthcare professional has acquired a license for according to the existing state legislatures and as per the rules of an authorized and recognized licensing body and is, therefore, legally permitted to carry out. Thus, the scope of practice is the healthcare activities a healthcare professional has met; the set defining competencies can be performed, but this is limited to their licensure. My scope of practice as a BSN-RN is determined by my level of education attained by the statutes of the Board of Nursing (BoN) and the laws of the state where I will practice.

ANA: Standards of Professionalism

The ANA standards of professionalism for RNs are in line with its Code of Ethics. One of the major standards of professionalism is the requirement for nurses to always perform their roles in a manner that can be defined as ethical. This means that the RN should always strive to create an ethical environment where patients feel they have been treated with dignity. It also means the nurses take care of themselves to guarantee safe and quality patient care.

Another standard of professionalism for RNs, as per the ANA, is communication. This means that registered nurses are required to develop effective communication skills as health professionals in ways that can support them in the delivery of health care services individually or within a team.

The other professional standard is the requirement that the nurse delivers care equitably and with respect for individual patients. This means that RNs should never be biased regarding their patients’ race, social status, or economic background during the delivery of health care services. It also requires that RNs treat other health professionals with respect regardless of their roles within a care team, facility, or industry.

When One Violates the Professional Code of Ethics

Violating the ANA Code of Ethics risks having sanctions imposed on one’s practice, including getting suspended from practice for a certain period. In some cases, violating the Code of Ethics can lead to total loss of licensure and privileges to professional practice, including private practice.


American Medical Association. (2022, May 25). What is the Scope of Practice?

Haddad, L. M., & Geiger, R. A. (2022). Nursing Ethical Considerations. StatPearls. student has recently graduated from college with a health-related degree. She is now ready to pursue her career. A friend recommends that she obtain membership in a professional organization related to her career before starting her job search.


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Questions to answer:

What is the name of the professional organization related to your chosen career? (NOTE: a list of professional organizations can be found in Chapter 5 of the text).
How will your professional Code of Ethics help to guide you in making decisions?
Does your professional organization offer a credentialing Exam for your career? If so, what is the name of the credential you can receive after passing the Exam?

Professional Code of Ethics-American Nurses Association (ANA)

Professional Code of Ethics-American Nurses Association (ANA)

Define the scope of practice. What determines the scope of practice for your chosen career?
Based on the Code of Ethics for your chosen healthcare profession, list and explain three standards of professionalism.
What could happen to someone who violates their professional Code of Ethics?

A student has recently graduated from college with a degree in health. She is now ready to pursue her career. A friend recommends that she obtain membership in a professional organization related to her career before starting her job search.

Questions to answer:

What is the name of the professional organization related to your chosen career? (NOTE: a list of professional organizations can be found in Chapter 5 of the text).
How will your professional Code of Ethics help to guide you in making decisions?
Does your professional organization offer a credentialing Exam for your career? If so, what is the name of the credential you can receive after passing the Exam?
Define the scope of practice. What determines the scope of practice for your chosen career?
Based on the Code of Ethics for your chosen healthcare profession, list and explain three standards of professionalism.
What could happen to someone who violates their professional Code of Ethics?