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Product and Brand Loyalty

Product and Brand Loyalty

Product and brand loyalty are two major topics companies focus on while undertaking marketing activities. For a long time, I have remained loyal to Samsung Company products. My loyalty has arisen from the products’ reliability and fanciness. One primary Samsung Company product I am dedicated to is the Samsung Galaxy phone. Since using the phone, I have never experienced difficulties or problems attributable to the company’s failure while making the product effective.

Further, I have remained loyal to Samsung Company products such as Galaxy mobile phones because they are excellent and functional. Notably, my loyalty to Samsung products does not mean the products from other companies are unreliable and as good as those of Samsung. Instead, it only means that I have chosen to remain loyal to Samsung products to the extent of failing to know the advantages that can be achieved with products from other companies.

Loyalty is interrelated with Trust in a company (Bilgin, 2018). Often, a company seeking to win their customers’ loyalty must create Trust with them. In creating Trust, a company can engage in various activities. First, the company should embrace transparency and honesty in its products. Notably, this is done by ensuring all information related to the product, including its side effects, is disclosed to the consumers so that consumers can make a fully informed decision about the product. Second, the company should share positive testimonials and reviews about the goods and services. By doing so, consumers who rely on the product will maintain their loyalty and believe that the products provide the solution they need for their problems. Third, the company should offer top-notch customer service and ask for and act on feedback. Notably, consumers feel satisfied when the company addresses their concerns through customer services, and instead of shifting allegiance to another company, their concerns are addressed. Finally, the company should ensure it is always available to address customers’ needs. Essentially, this is so because customer needs arise at any time of the day and, thus, should be catered for in the shortest time possible.

Once Trust is built with customers, ethical issues arise. One of them is customer information because, with high Trust in the company, customers freely share their personal information. However, how the company uses the information sparks numerous ethical concerns, such as using the data for unintended purposes. There have been cases where customers’ personal information is shared without their knowledge, and based on an ethical perspective, it is wrong. Other issues include price fixing, unfairness and deception in advertising, and offering unsafe products. As a result, it is questionable whether consumers should trust companies or not.

Nonetheless, I believe that there is a need for consumers to trust companies so that they can achieve satisfaction with the products and services offered by the companies. Without Trust, consumers will keep moving from one company to another to test various products and make losses. Finally, some consumers will indeed be more prone to be loyal to companies than others because of psychological differences (Lin et al., 2019). Further, taste and preferences vary across consumers, and thus, some tend to be more prone to be loyal to a company than others.


Bilgin, Y. (2018). Social media marketing activities affect brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty. Business & management studies: an international journal6(1), 128-148.

Lin, C. W., Wang, K. Y., Chang, S. H., & Lin, J. A. (2019). Investigating the development of brand loyalty in brand communities from a positive psychology perspective. Journal of Business Research99, 446-455.


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Product and Brand Loyalty

Product and Brand Loyalty

Are you exceptionally loyal to any one brand? If so, what am I,t, and why are you so dedicated? Trust seems to be the most significant factor when successfully building loyalty and community. How can a company build Trust, and what is the best approach (incorporating concepts from marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with Trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are more likely to be loyal to companies and others are not? Why or why not?