Policy Options for Preventing and Treating Spina Bifida
To address congenital disabilities and lessen their impact, policy alternatives for spina bifida, in particular, need to be carefully considered. It becomes essential for an analyst working for a federal agency in response to a direction from Congress to assess possible courses of action in light of the fundamental duties of public health and established methods for solving problems. Given the intricacy of birth abnormalities and the range of choices available for treatment and prevention, this research suggests four important options for consideration.
Determining Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness
It is critical to analyze the present state of research, identify prospective breakthroughs, and assess the likelihood of effective treatment outcomes when considering the decision to invest in additional research on treating spina bifida. A thorough assessment must also consider the expense of this research and its potential to lessen the severity or prevalence of spina bifida. The effectiveness of boosting folic acid-related health education for women would depend on the program’s impact and reach and the women’s compliance with advice.1 A comparison between the projected decrease in spina bifida instances and the financial investment in education would be necessary to determine cost-effectiveness. In the same manner, encouraging birth control to lower unintended pregnancies requires a review of the efficacy, accessibility, and social acceptability of various contraceptive options. Evaluating cost-effectiveness entails comparing prospective healthcare savings against promotion costs. Finally, knowing the effect on public health, the practicality of enacting new laws, and the cost of enforcement and compliance are critical considerations for regulations to increase the amount of folic acid in grain products.
Tradeoffs in Each Course of Action
More research on spina bifida treatments could result in advancements in medicine, but there’s a risk that the expenses could be expensive, and there’s no assurance of success. Raising folic acid health education may raise awareness. Still, there are tradeoffs, including the difficulty of reaching all target demographics and the time it takes to see noticeable behavioral changes. There may be opposition to birth control promotion because of ethical or cultural issues, and there is a tradeoff between promoting reproductive liberty and public health objectives. 2 Stakeholders in the sector may oppose implementing new laws aimed at increasing the amount of folic acid in grain products, and the tradeoff is managing regulatory obstacles while maintaining compliance.
Supporters and Opposers
Medical experts, researchers, and birth defect advocacy groups would probably approve funding additional studies on spina bifida treatment. Policymakers on a tight budget or those who would rather fund other public health concerns might oppose. Support and resistance are important because they affect the political viability and resource allocation, which affects how well the policy choice may work to treat spina bifida.3
A Single Best Option?
It is difficult to identify a single optimum choice for treating spina bifida because it depends on so many different things, including the particular situation, the resources that are accessible, and social beliefs. While each of the suggested options has advantages, a thorough approach incorporating elements of all the options, such as treatment research, health education, promotion of birth control, and regulatory measures, may offer a more all-encompassing method of addressing the complex problem of spina bifida prevention and treatment. A well-rounded strategy may address several aspects of the issue, which could improve the policy response’s overall efficacy.
In conclusion, a thorough and nuanced approach to policy creation is required due to the complex nature of spina bifida. There is no single option that works for everyone, even though each has its benefits and drawbacks. The efficacy of these suggested strategies depends on how well their possible advantages and related tradeoffs are balanced. To create a comprehensive plan that tackles the underlying causes and prevention of spina bifida, officials must understand the interdependence of research, instruction, and regulatory actions.
Greysen SR. Jonas & Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States. JAMA. 2009;301(4):442. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.30
Senderowicz L. Contraceptive Autonomy: Conceptions and measurement of a novel family planning indicator. Studies in Family Planning. 2020;51(2):161-176. doi:10.1111/sifp.12114
Bent MA, Valenzuela-Moss JN, Smith KA, et al. Using a mobile health app in a weight management program for overweight and obese adolescents and young adults with spina bifida. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Published online September 28, 2023:1-10. doi:10.1080/10790268.2023.2231675
We’ll write everything from scratch
Based on the information about spina bifida in this chapter, you decide it
should be the focus of policymaking on birth defects. You decide to propose
four options to Congress: more research on treatment of spina bifida, more
health education for women about folic acid, more promotion of birth control to
reduce the proportion of unplanned pregnancies in the country, and new
regulations to increase the amount of folic acid in grain products. You may also
see other options, so be sure to discuss them!
Policy Options for Preventing and Treating Spina Bifida
1. For each option, what would you need to know to determine effectiveness?
2. What are the tradeoffs in each course of action?
3. Who would support this option, who would be opposed, and does it matter?
4. Is there a single best option? Why?
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