Planning for Professional Development
My journey towards nursing began in my late childhood. My resolve to pursue a nursing career was informed, in part, by an inspiration from my family. I was brought up in a family of multiple nurses and had an internal desire to help marginalized and underserved communities. Growing up and starting my educative journey in nursing schools, the concepts I have learned and read about health inequities have strengthened my desire to provide care for these groups. I believe that I can leverage my nursing skills and advocacy roles to not only help impoverished communities but also influence systematic changes within the healthcare system that will ensure that marginalized communities are no longer affected by traditional problems such as poor access to healthcare.
My nursing philosophy is centered on accountability, community, and leadership. I believe that nurses must provide the best care to their patients. Accountability requires nurses to uphold the highest professional standards by effectively discharging their mandate to their patients. Further, the community requires nurses to make positive changes within their communities. As a professional nurse, I understand this mandate and strive to produce positive change within the communities I serve.
Subsequently, my vision for the next ten years is to excel in my nursing roles and become a nurse leader. Nursing leadership places nurses in decision-making roles (Frilund et al., 2023). As a nurse leader, I can directly effect valuable changes in healthcare. By leveraging my advocacy skills and nursing knowledge base, I believe I can influence diverse stakeholders toward policy-level changes that improve nursing operationalizations and patient outcomes. In a dynamic healthcare landscape, where the nurse’s roles continue to evolve, these changes may benefit the healthcare system and communities at large.
Frilund, M., Fagerstrøm, L., & Vasset, F. (2023). The challenges of change processes for nurse leaders—a qualitative study of long‐term leaders’ experiences over 25 years. Nursing Open, 10(8), 5423–5432.
We’ll write everything from scratch
There is no written assignment to submit for week 5. However, you are encouraged to look ahead to week 6 and begin Assignment Assignment 6.1: Planning for Professional Development, Part 1. See the assignment information below:
In a two-part assignment, submitted in weeks 6 and 8, you will create a job portfolio that highlights your exemplary nursing career. In Week 6, you will focus on creating a cover letter and personal statement.
Planning for Professional Development
Planning for Professional Development Part 1 due this week:
Step 1 Create a cover letter for your portfolio.
Imagine that you are interviewing for a nurse manager position in your institution. Write a cover letter, containing at least two paragraphs, explaining why you want to be a nurse manager and why you are the best candidate for the position.