PICOT – Nursing Student Interaction with a 68-year-old Woman with Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Diabetes
The nursing situation involves a student nurse interaction with a 68-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. In this interaction, she has heavy sweating, shortness of breath, an elevated blood pressure, and a fast heart rate. The nurse’s response involves notifying her preceptor and calling 911 to report the case, which leads to a quick response by the paramedics. According to Massey et al. (2016), early recognition of patient deterioration supports early response and avoids escalation of patient deterioration and the high risk of adverse patient outcomes. The following PICOT question has been developed to explore whether early recognition of patient deterioration can improve patient outcomes and reduce the occurrence of adverse events.
PICOT Question
In elderly patients with comorbid chronic medical conditions (P), does implementing standards for early detection of patient deterioration (I) compared to the usual nursing care (C) support early intervention and reduction of adverse events (O) during day-to-day nursing care (T)?
- P = The population of focus is the 68-year-old woman, which can be generalized to elderly patients with comorbid chronic medical conditions.
- I = The intervention is implementing standards for early detection of patient deterioration.
- C = The comparison intervention is the usual nursing care provided to elderly patients during routine clinical visits.
- O = The outcome is supporting early intervention and reduction of adverse events.
- T = Time is the day-to-day nursing care provided, whether at a Senior Center or general care setting.
The PICOT question developed is an intervention/therapy question as it attempts to determine whether implementing standards for early detection of patient deterioration as an intervention compared to routine nursing care is effective in improving early intervention and reducing adverse events.
Massey, D., Chaboyer, W., & Anderson, V. (2016). What factors influence ward nurses’ recognition of and response to patient deterioration? An integrative review of the literature. Nursing open, 4(1), 6–23. https://doi.org/10.1002/n
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will write a PICOT question relevant to the nursing call (problem) that was introduced in your Nursing Situation Paper. (In the file submitted)
1. Write a brief description of your nursing problem (no more than 2-3 sentences).
2. Complete a written PICOT question in question format using the PICOT templates based on the type of question you are asking. Your PICOT question must be relevant to the discipline of nursing, nursing praxis, and your nursing situation.
You must identify the type of PICOT question you are asking and the components of your PICOT question. (Please note, “T” is optional.) Identify components of your PICOT Question: P = Population; I = Intervention or issue of interest; C = Comparison intervention or issue for observation; O = Outcome; T = Time.
The PICOT components must be relevant and matched to the type of PICOT question you selected. For instance, if you choose to use an intervention-type question, the I component (intervention) must be an action that can result in the outcome (O component).