Physics Discussion – Gravity
Why gravity exists
Few theories explain why gravity exists. All of them agree that the earth’s gravity results from its mass, which makes it produce weight (Heidenreich et al., 2019). As postulated by Isaac Newton, gravity is the force that acts on objects and makes them fall. It was explained by Albert Einstein to be resulting from the natural existence of mass in space. Most scientists and theories agree that gravity results from the pull of objects toward each other.
Why is a body able to attract another?
A body attracts another because of gravity, which, as already identified above, is occasioned by the body’s mass. Therefore, a body can attract another because of the masses. For instance, the earth’s force of gravity, believed to come from its centre, is the primary reason behind objects with masses being attracted to the earth’s centre.
Where does energy attracting bodies together come from?
The energy that attracts two bodies to each other emanates from their masses. Although some proponents argue that the earth’s gravity emanates from its core, most theorists agree that the entire mass of an object has an influence on its attraction towards another. For instance, the overall mass of the earth contributes to gravitational force, which attracts other objects. However, for a body to attract another, there should be a significant difference in its masses, whereby one object has to be highly massive to attract others.
Is there anything like gravitational repulsion?
There is nothing like gravitational repulsion. Gravity only acts through attraction, and no repulsion can take place. Notably, this is so because a body with mass always attracts another body with mass. For gravitation repulsion to take place, it would mean that one body has a negative mass, which is practically impossible (Jarvis, 2020). Thus, gravity works only through attraction.
Heidenreich, B., Reece, M., & Rudelius, T. (2019). Repulsive forces and the weak gravity conjecture. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(10), 1-50.
Jarvis, S. H. (2020). Space, and the Nature of Gravity.
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Physics Discussion – Gravity
Why does Gravity Exist? Why is anybody able to attract another? Where does that energy emerge from? Is there anything like gravitational repulsion?