Personal Reflection on Leadership- Analyzing a Significant Leadership Experience
Leadership is important for every organization’s success. Leaders possess distinct kinds of powers and can utilize varied styles to suit the situation, goals, and personal preferences. In this case, the medical assistant lead engages in a near-compliance issue that leads to potential litigations. The event risks the facility and the individual’s career. Based on the analysis, the individual collates significant insight from the top management. The leaders at the top also manifest significant commitment to the organization’s image. The advice that they offer is well-informed and based on their experiences and advanced education. This issue confirms the importance of leadership and the value of amicable relations between leaders and followers.
Concrete Experience
The position of a medical assistant leader involves subtle leadership roles. One of the most important responsibilities in the position is to collect patient health information and enter the data into the computer. This role is aligned with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which regulates the management of patient health information (HIPAA Journal, 2021; McHugh, 2020). In my position as a medical assistant lead, I encountered a patient whose data I collected and entered the facility’s system. However, the patient failed to sign the data collection form, which was expected to function as approval for treatment for the insurance company to make reimbursements. The patient, unfortunately, passed on after a few weeks upon discharge. The problem arose when the insurance company failed to reimburse money that the patient had incurred during treatment. The family, upon learning that the patient had not signed the document, decided to seek legal redress. The potential of a legal tussle threatened my position at the facility, my career, and the facility’s well-being.
Reflective Observation
At the time, I was concerned about my career and position at the facility. I was afraid that this mistake would reflect a lack of care and diligence while performing my roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, the lack of timely identification of the problem before the patient was discharged also concerned me significantly. The other individuals who participated in this situation include the IT department, which is responsible for monitoring the information that is entered into the system and authorizing its entry and saving. They were questioned for failure to highlight critical fields, which would require an individual to reassess the data that is provided prior to confirmation and saving. The concerned nurses attending to the patient also reported concerns and worries as their superiors assessed their role in the situation. For most of these individuals, the common perception revolved around my carelessness as the individual who is responsible for collecting and feeding the data into the computers. Therefore, a suitable number believed that this was my sole responsibility and should be penalized for the mistake. This perspective was correct because I was responsible for managing the patient data. In addition, I was not new to the current roles and responsibilities I had been in the position for at least five years. Therefore, I was aware of the roles and responsibilities that I held. I had also been trained to perform each. Regardless of these elements, to err is human. Therefore, I believe that anyone else could make such a mistake and should be provided an allowance for correction before time lapses.
Abstract Conceptualization
According to the attachment theory, the relationship between a child and a parent is represented by dependency and neediness. The parent in this role is the advisor and source of strength as well as the caregiver. The relationship between a leader and a follower can be depicted using the attachment theory. The leader offers support to the follower, while the employee looks up to the leader for guidance and direction (Haller, Fischer, & Frey, 2018). In this case, the top leadership to whom I reported provided guidance as expected. I shared my concerns regarding the situation with the personnel in senior positions. They provided their perspective on the entire situation and potential solutions. Most of these solutions were geared towards ensuring that the organization’s reputation remains intact. Very few leaders considered the impact on my career and position.
According to the types of power accorded to different leaders, two main power types played out during the situation (Caredda, 2020). First, expert power, which is based on the employee’s assumption that leaders have more knowledge and skills, was evident. My decision to seek the top management’s opinion on the issue was automatically directed by the assumption that the leaders have more knowledge regarding such issues. This knowledge is attained through experience and advanced education. True to the assumption, the leaders offered additional insight regarding the issue. I learned distinct aspects and perspectives that could arise from the event. Secondly, legitimate power is exhibited in the situation. My immediate seniors summoned me for a meeting after learning about the issue from the family. As the authoritative leader, I was obliged to honour the summon and answer all the questions asked (Marquis & Huston, 2015). I was required to provide this information because it had the potential to affect the organization’s operations through compliance issues. Thus, each of the leadership aspects addressed different issues and assumptions that existed in the situation.
Active Experimentation
Effective leadership is critical for an organization’s success (Shvindina, 2017). An effective leader can connect with the followers and offer guidance from an expert power perspective, as expected. In addition, they can offer the required moral support as expected in the attachment theory perspective. Employees look up to their leaders for guidance during crisis and in the absence of the same. Each leader utilizes unique styles in varying situations. Democratic and charismatic styles of leadership may achieve various results because the employees are engaged differently compared to the bureaucratic style of leadership. Each organization’s leadership style is dependent on the goals they intend to achieve and their preference (Haller, Fischer, & Frey, 2018). Employees react differently to each style of leadership. Some demonstrate eagerness, motivation, and commitment, while others may resist various concepts (Kaleem, 2016). As an individual in a leadership capacity, I would utilize a more participative style, which eliminates instances of micromanagement. Employees collaborating with my authority should be able to manage their tasks and still contribute their opinions to the current work procedures that should avoid such eventualities.
The position of a medical assistant lead is sensitive to a facility’s compliance with current regulations. The highlighted eventuality provides insight into some of the occurrences that can compromise the stability of an organization in the health industry. Based on the leadership that was witnessed, employees and leaders are inseparable and interdependent. Employees look up to leaders for guidance and direction. Leaders require employees to act on the various instructions for results. Different leaders can use varied styles of leadership within an organization. The choice is dependent on the goals and personal preference.
Caredda, S. (2020). Leadership Models: The Theory and the Practice. Retrieved from
Haller, D. K., Fischer, P., & Frey, D. (2018). The Power of Good: A Leader’s Personal Power as a Mediator of the Ethical Leadership-Follower Outcomes Link. Front. Psychol.,. doi:
HIPAA Journal. (2021). What is a HIPAA Violation? HIPAA Journal. Retrieved from
Kaleem, Y. (2016). Leadership Styles & Using Appropriate Styles in Different Circumstances.
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
McHugh, R. (2020). What Is HIPAA Compliance Training and Why Is It Important.
Reilly, E. C. (2006). The Future Entering: Reflections on and Challenges to Ethical Leadership. Educational Leadership and Administration, 18, 163-169.
Shvindina, H. (2017). Leadership as a driver for organizational change. Business Ethics and Leadership, 1(1), 74-82. doi:10.21272/bel.2017.1-09
We’ll write everything from scratch
Module 3 – Case
Case Assignment
Once again, we will be considering an experience which has personal significance for you as a means of understanding the material from this module. For this Case Assignment, think about a situation involving leadership that made a strong impression on you. Please structure your essay in the following format, using the subtopics as headings. Your paper should be 4 pages, plus a title page and a references page.

Personal Reflection on Leadership- Analyzing a Significant Leadership Experience
Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.
Concrete Experience: Objectively describe the leadership experience. It could be a situation where you were in a leadership position or one in which you were working under someone else as a leader. The situation could have been a good experience or a failure in leadership. The important consideration is that it is a situation which you would like to understand better. In this section, strive to be objective and stick to the facts—who, what, where, when, and how.
Reflective Observation: Step back and consider the situation from different points of view. How did you feel—what were your thoughts at the time? It is also critical to consider the experience of others involved. How do you think they were feeling? Did they see things the same way you did? The key to this section of your paper is to understand the experience not only from your own perspective, but also to develop the ability to be able to look at the situation through others’ eyes. Use these different perceptions to add depth and meaning to your objective description.
Abstract Conceptualization: There are many readings and other materials explaining various models of leadership in the background section of this module. Use at least three of them to help explain the behaviour of the leader and the followers in this incident. How do the models of leadership and power presented in the background material help you understand your behaviour as well as how others reacted (commitment, compliance, or resistance?) Use proper citations and referencing when referring to any material from the background pages or any additional outside research. (Outside research is not required, but you may supplement the background material if you choose. It should not replace the background readings and videos, but acts as an additional source.)
(Remember: The abstract conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper. Your ability to clearly and logically apply concepts of leadership to explain your own experience is essential to demonstrating critical thinking.)
Active Experimentation: What have you learned about effective leadership from this exercise? What have you learned about how the leadership style influences follower’s reactions and motivation? What actions would you take to revise or improve upon your own leadership style and practices to be more effective in the future?
Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learning you are taking from it.
Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the