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Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

Hello. My Name is Yulak Landa. Welcome to my Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning presentation. In this presentation, I will present and discuss my philosophy of teaching and learning with a focus on core beliefs on the role and purpose of a nursing educator, learner characteristics, and variables influencing the teaching and learning process, as well as my teaching theory of choice and preferred teaching methods.

I am a mentorship, teaching, and leadership enthusiast. My future practice within healthcare will be in an academic setting as a nurse educator. I clearly understand my responsibilities as a nursing educator and would actively be involved in the direct teaching of nursing students within a classroom setting. I also understand that I have the responsibility to design and deliver focused nursing education programs and assess the progress of students within the classroom and practicum settings. I will also be responsible for mentoring student nurses and supporting them throughout their learning. I also intend to actively contribute to the development of a more competency-based nursing curriculum.

I hold various core beliefs on the purpose of nursing education, the role of a nurse educator, learner characteristics, and variables that influence teaching and learning. Specifically, my core belief on the purpose of nursing education is to continually produce a nursing workforce that is competent enough to meet the health demands of a growing population. Additionally, as highlighted by Kavanagh and Patricia (2021), the world, including healthcare, is experiencing fast and tremendous innovation and digital transformation. Accordingly, I hold the core belief that nursing education helps equip nurses’ competencies in emerging trends in healthcare. Additionally, I hold the belief that nursing education is the precursor to evidence-based practice and better patient care safety and outcomes. Additionally, I believe that the nurse educator is a facilitator of learning, a mentor and role model, a leader, a motivator for learning, and a guide towards professional standards and ethical principles in practice.

Regarding learner characteristics, I believe that learners are not equal in terms of their social and economic backgrounds as well as their rate of understanding a topic. They also have a desire to be continuously guided and motivated throughout their learning period. I also believe that learners have the potential to take ownership of the learning processes, given the right conditions are met. Regarding the variables that influence the teaching and learning process, I believe that learning and teaching are influenced by both the learners’ attitudes toward learning and their educator and educator’s attitudes toward teaching and the students. I also believe that socio-cultural and economic backgrounds and the learning environment, as well as an individual’s prior knowledge and experiences.

My preferred education theory is the constructivist learning theory. The principles of theory align well with my personal philosophy of teaching and learning. For instance, the theory is based on the argument that learning and the development of new ideas are based on reflection on prior personal knowledge and experiences (Chuang, 2021). It also posits that learning is an individualized process, which aligns with my core belief that the rate of comprehension varies across individuals. The constructivist learning theory also presents the idea that learning is self-directed and that instructors act as mentors in the learning process (Chuang, 2021). From a personal point of view, learners have the potential to own the learning process while educators act as mentors and lead them through the learning process. The theory is fit for nursing education settings as it supports and improves learner engagement and the development of new evidence.

My top three teaching methods are Simulation-Based Learning, Inquiry-Based Learning, and problem-based learning. Simulation-based learning involves the use of technology and related tools to simulate real scenarios in which the learner’s theoretical and clinical skills are applied and tested, and critical thinking is promoted (Koukourikos et al., 2021). Simulation-based learning aligns with personal beliefs and the Constructivist Learning Theory in that learning and development of new skills and knowledge are reflective as the skills used during simulations are learned theoretically before he simulation. The inquiry-based learning involves gaining knowledge through self-directed questioning and investigating for answers. It promotes active student participation in learning with the educator acting as a guide (Theobald & Ramsbotham, 2019). The inquiry-based learning method aligns with core beliefs and the Constructivist Learning Theory as learning is student-led and instructors provide guidance rather than lead the learning process.

In problem-based learning, students are introduced to complex, real-world problems. The educator collaborates with students and guides them in understanding the problem and developing new knowledge to solve problems. This approach to learning aligns with my personal philosophy and the constructivist learning theory, as it promotes the development of new knowledge and active learning through inquiry and investigation and facilitates critical thinking

To wind up, we have noted that nursing education supplies health systems with competent staff through various activities and the use of learning theories and teaching methods. From an educator’s perspective, we are teachers and mentors of future nurses and have a duty to support the development of nursing skills and competencies. Notably, nurses learn better through reflection on personal experiences. Noting that learning is a continuous process, I will better myself by mentoring nursing students, learning from them, and actively participating in scholarly activities and research.


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Develop a personal philosophy of teaching and learning that will guide your career as a nurse educator. Using a voice-over PowerPoint, (directions located in Resource Tab), audiotape your philosophy of teaching and learning. The presentation should be communicated as a formal depiction of your philosophy to the course faculty. The quality of your communication and slide formatting should represent professional standards. The recording should range from 5-10 minutes and must include the following content.

Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

1. Develop your philosophy of teaching and learning based on the requirements noted in the assignment criteria table below.
2. Follow the instructions in the course on how to develop a voice-over PowerPoint.
3. Audiotape your presentation and submit it in the Week 2 assignment submission box.
4. You will be graded on both the content of the presentation and the professional quality of the presentation