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Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

Nursing philosophy is defined by nurses’ beliefs, values, and ethics. When it comes to nursing, each nurse has their own set of beliefs and points of view. My nursing philosophy is my foundation, and it includes caring, integrity, nonjudgmental, attuite, listening, accountability, empathy, knowledge, teamwork, and patient advocacy. I was afraid to practice independently as a new nurse, always wondering how I would survive when faced with a problematic or dying patient. I’ve been a nurse for 7 years, and my nursing philosophy gives me confidence and a framework as a nurse.

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Nursing Program Selection

I chose to nurse because I am compassionate and caring. I come from a traditional Chinese family. We want older people to live as long as possible. When my grandfather was in the hospital, the doctor advised my parents that he should be placed in hospice care. It was tough to accept. I recall a large group of us in the room, and I needed to assist with translation. The nurse and case management took their time explaining the reasoning behind the doctor’s subsequent care place care, and the next was the plan. I got the impression that the nurse is very concerned about his job. His demeanor and patience influenced my decision to become a nurse. My parents were not very supportive of my decision to pursue a career in nursing; to them, nursing is a dirty job that involves cleaning patient feces or dealing with dying patients.

I was hired and worked in the clinic after graduating from a Licensed Vocational Nursing school. Working as an LVN provided me with a new perspective on nursing. Although the patients in the hospital were not as critical, many patients needed to be taught about disease processes such as diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, and semination. As a nurse, I felt fulfilled when I saw patients comply with their treatment. I aspire to work as an intensive care unit or emergency room nurse. I returned to school and earned my Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). I am currently working on the Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) floor and continuing to complete my tasks using my nursing philosophy as a guide.

The Importance of Nursing

Caring and knowledge are my personal core beliefs in nursing practice. Caring is defined as behavior that shows compassion and respect for another. For example, being physically present with the patient, actively listening, avoiding assumptions, and displaying intuition and flexibility are all examples. Specific information about something is referred to as knowledge. For example, knowing or understanding the patient’s basic need for higher quality care and the patient’s ethical and moral values. Virginia Henderson’s Philosophy and Art of Nursing is something I agree with (Masters, 2020). Henderson identified 14 basic needs components and a comprehensive view of patient needs in terms of physical, psychological, emotional, sociological, and spiritual needs. Her theory focuses on the patient’s systemic need and how nurses can help those in need.

Values and beliefs

Understanding the patient’s beliefs and values is integral to therapeutic communication. Each patient has unique concerns, preferences, and expectations regarding their care. For example, Chinese patients believe drinking cold water weakens the body. Provision, 1 of the American Nurse Association’s Code of Ethics states that nurses must practice compassionately and respect for their patients’ inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness (American Nurse Association, 2015, p5). It means that nurses must respect everyone’s values. Understanding a patient’s illness from their point of view and guiding us in how to care for and treat the patient.

The patient’s family and caregiver play an essential role in healthcare decisions because they frequently contain essential information about what is currently happening or what may happen regarding the patient’s health. For example, I cared for a Spanish-speaking elderly patient who was very anxious because no family member was present at her bedside. The patient became agitated and tired. I called the patient’s daughter and advised her to keep the room warm and free of interruptions during sleep time. The following day, I noticed the patient’s attitude had improved significantly.

I believe my colleagues in healthcare because we maintain autonomy, responsibility, and accountability. Autonomy is based on nurses acting independently and accepting responsibility for their actions. Creasia and Parker (2007) Responsibility entails self-discipline, such as completing assigned tasks. Accountability means being responsible and accountable for one’s actions professionally. For example, if the floor had a code, each team member would become involved and understand which tasks needed to be completed.

Future perspective

My two-year goal is to work in an intensiveness (ICU) and finish my Baccalaureate in Nursing. I enjoy learning new tools and confronting myself with the reality of patience.

My 5-year goal is to continue working at the bedside as an ICU nurse and learning about management as a charge nurse. I want to be a part of the hospital committee. Currently, I am a member of a peer interviewing committee and a preceptor for a new nurse on my floor.

My 10-year goal is to become a teacher. I met a nurse who was a diabetes educator while working inc. She taught me a lot about diabetes, such as educating patients about the disease and involving support groups in their care.


My professional strength is my ability to maintain a positive attitude. Nurse jobs can be highly stressful, and negative thinking can result in pooAs-making and patient outcomes. When I was a student nurse, I observed a nurse who frequently complained about her job; her negative attitude changed my mind about nursing.

Commitment is the weakness that prevents me from reaching what I intended is required for commitment. My intention was to begin registering for Bachelor Degree of Nursing (BSN) classes after completing the Associate Degree of Nursing (AND) program, but I did not follow through. I keep putting off my plan until later. My family relies on my job income to cover household expenses, and working an extra shift is exhausting me. To achieve my goal, I must prioritize my plan.

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American Nurse Association. (2015, January). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from

Creasia, J.L., & Parker, B.J. (2007). Conceptual Foundations. The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. St. Louis,MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Masters, K. (2020). Role Development. In Professional Nursing Practice (5th ed., pp 56-57), Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett


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Use the questions in the table in chapter 3 on page 101 textbook as a guide as you write your nursing philosophy. The paper should be three typewritten, double-spaced pages following APA style guidelines. The paper should address the following:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

  1. Introduction that includes who you are and where you practice nursing
  2. Definition of Nursing
  3. Assumptions or underlying beliefs
  4. Definitions and examples of  the significant domains (person, health, and environment) of nursing
  5. The summary includes:
    1. How are the domains connected?
    2. What is your vision of nursing for the future?
    3. What are the challenges that you will face as a nurse?
    4. What are your goals for professional development?

Grading criteria for the Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper:

Introduction                                                                            10%

Definition of Nursing                                                                20%

Assumptions and beliefs                                                         20%

Definitions and examples of domains of nursing                        30%

Summary                                                                               20%

Total              100%

Your paper must be written in APA style