Personal Learning Plan – Personal and Professional Growth
What prompted you to develop this plan?
The main reason that prompted me to develop this personal learning plan is the need to improve my communication. I am essentially good at communication. However, from personal experience, I have realized I tend to shut down or be unable to communicate clearly when faced with strenuous situations like explaining negative tests or treatment outcomes to a patient or their family or when something has gone wrong in the hospital. I believe the plan will keep me engaged in continuous learning.
What is the general area for improvement?
Generally, I would like to improve my communication and interpersonal skills. I want to improve in all areas of communication, including verbal, non-verbal, and written communication. I believe that being able to communicate with others, whether patients or fellow healthcare workers, regardless of the situation, is one step towards developing strong interpersonal relationships within and outside my workplace.
What is the specific issue for improvement?
Specifically, the use for improvement is to be able to have organized thoughts to communicate effectively during a crisis or strenuous situations. I struggle to keep my thoughts and what I say organized when I have to communicate about difficult and stressful situations. This is not a thought disorder but how I react to stress and fear. Consequently, it makes my communication during situations ineffective.
Why is this important to you?
I want to be an effective communicator during a crisis or a difficult situation, as it is crucial for effective care delivery and developing personal and professional relationships. Additionally, personal development is an important part of growing professionally. It is impossible for one to fully develop professionally without developing at a personal level (Tipton, 2021). I also believe that some inability to communicate effectively risks patient safety and the patient’s experiences with the care provided. Working on the weaknesses in my communication will help me deliver the right care and information to my patients, enhancing my relationships and achieving patient satisfaction.
How do you generally act in these areas?
I am usually confused during difficult situations and may fail to directly say what I ought to say. I usually tend to avoid communicating about stressful situations.
What are your goals?
My goals are first to be able to keep my thoughts clear during difficult encounters and, secondly, to be able to connect with patients, family members, or fellow healthcare professionals in a way that eases the situation so that I can effectively communicate with them. The other goal is to improve crisis communication skills.
What strategies are required?
The main strategies needed in this plan include practicing mindfulness to be able to deliberately and contextually choose my words, thoughts, and actions, improve exposure to such situations, ask for assistance from my work colleagues, and practice what I have to say in related situations before I face the situation.
Who or what is necessary to meet your goals with this strategy?
Commitment to the plan, having a personal mentor to provide guidance and feedback, and self-awareness are necessary to meet the goals of my learning plan. Self-awareness is an essential characteristic for professionals and growing personally and professionally (Tipton, 2021).
How will you measure success or failure with this effort?
The success or failure to meet the set goals for this plan will be measured against each goal. For instance, I will measure success based on the effectiveness of my communication by obtaining feedback from colleagues or other recipients of my communication. As such, this will be achieved by asking patients if they understand what I say to them. Another measure is determining how many cases I have handled effectively and reviewing how many misunderstandings came from my communication. Fewer misunderstandings will indicate success.
How will you reflect and capture the lesson from this effort that can be generalized to other circumstances?
I will reflect and capture the lesson from this effect by keeping a personal daily journal. The journal will indicate cases and how I managed them, how I approached my communication, and the self-reported experiences of my patients and colleagues. I will also reflect on how much I have developed in effective communication by reviewing what I can do at the moment that used to be difficult before implementing the plan.
Tipton, D. (2021). Personal and professional growth for health care professionals. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Personal and Professional Growth
Submit a personal learning plan that is no longer than three (3) pages long. Use the following questions as a guide to developing your personal and professional growth project:
What prompted you to develop this plan?
What is the general area for improvement?
What is the specific issue for improvement?
Why is this important to you?
How do you generally act in these areas?
What are your goals?
What strategies are required?
Who or what is necessary to meet your goals with this strategy?
How will you measure success or failure with this effort?
How will you reflect and capture the lesson from this effort that can be generalized to other circumstances?
Follow the example attached in the paper details.
Reference: Tipton, D. (2021). Personal and professional growth for health care professionals. Jones & Bartlett Learning.