Perceptions Based on the Current Work Environment
Based on my current work environment, I would say nursing is indeed perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines as they are the coordinators of the patient’s care. Every member of the multi-disciplinary team has to effectively communicate with the nurse in order to optimize patient care. The nurse also acts as a manager, an educator, and a counselor, where the best interest of the patient is a top priority. Without the respect of a professional partner, the patient experience would be disorganized and unsatisfactory among the other healthcare providers (Dewar, 2018). Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Today, nurses must effectively collaborate with members of the healthcare team from other disciplines in order to provide proper care and improve the outcomes of the patient. This means that nurses must work together with other disciplines as team members and team leaders (Dewar, 2018). To do that, nurses must understand the education, areas of expertise and scope of practice of each member. Learning the norms and language of other disciplines offers a more effective use of the available resources and knowledge.
Nursing is indeed considered a professional partner with other disciplines. Professional partnership implies that professionals agree to cooperate in order to achieve their mutual interests (Klaiman et al., 2016). I think nursing is the basis of all professions, just like health is fundamental to all human beings; this forms the basis for professional partnership and cooperation between the nursing profession and other professions.
For example, for an architect or an engineer to perform optimally, he or she must be in good health. This is where nursing comes in since, apart from the management of diseases already in progress, nursing advocates for the adoption of those activities that promote health for everyone. The fact that all professions need healthy personnel to ensure maximum productivity has ensured that other professions partner with the nursing profession in achieving this goal (Salmon & Walji, 2019). The medical profession, for instance, produces physicians who work hand in hand with nurse practitioners from the nursing profession to ensure the patient is well taken care of and nursed back to optimal health or dignified death. This is their mutual goal which prompts them to be partners and thus work together.
Additionally, the teaching profession also partners with the nursing profession to ensure both the teachers and students are safe from diseases like common communicable diseases. When a teacher in elementary school, for instance, notices a child with a communicable disease, he or she informs the healthcare team composed of nurses and physicians so that the sick child can be managed appropriately (Fry et al., 2018). In this manner, the nursing and teaching professions become partners and cooperate to promote health through disease vigilance, surveillance, and prevention of transmission from person to person, as these are their mutual goals. Based on these observations, I can confidently affirm that nursing is indeed considered a partner with other professions in the promotion of health and provision of care to the sick population.
Dewar, D. M. (2018). Overview of US health care system issues. The Economics of US Health Reform, 2-11.
Fry, J., Light, D., Rodnick, J., & Orton, P. (2018). The US health care system. Reviving Primary Care, 38-54.
Klaiman, T., Chainani, A., & Bekemeier, B. (2016). The importance of partnerships in local health department practice among communities with exceptional maternal and child health outcomes. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(6), 542-549.
Salmon, M. E., & Walji, S. (2019). Intergenerational partnerships in nursing: lessons from a plenary session at the 2019 International Council of Nurses’ Singapore Conference. International nursing review, 66(3), 305-308.
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Share your perceptions based on your current work environment: Is nursing perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines?
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Perceptions Based on the Current Work Environment
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