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Peer Responses on Advancing Nursing Informatics and its Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

Peer Responses on Advancing Nursing Informatics and its Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

Responding to Peer 1


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on advancing nursing informatics and its critical role in healthcare delivery. Collaboration between nurse informaticists and other healthcare providers is critical for successful technology implementation and best patient outcomes (Hussey & Hannah, 2021). Per your findings, I propose another contact method to improve collaboration: forming mentorship programs. Making formal mentorship options available for nurse informaticists and clinicians can help with knowledge transfer and skill development.

Subsequently, experienced nurse informaticists can act as mentors for clinicians who are unfamiliar with technology or the changing informatics landscape. This mentorship can create a forum for open discourse where physicians can ask questions, seek help, and share their ideas on how technology might best integrate into their everyday workflows. This reciprocal sharing of knowledge can help better understand each other’s positions and build a collaborative culture. Mentorship programs can be designed to incorporate regular check-ins, joint problem-solving sessions, and collaborative projects that address specific issues in the application of healthcare technology (Phillips et al., 2023). This strategy fosters solid professional relationships and enables constant learning and adaptation to the ever-changing healthcare informatics landscape. The scheduled interactions provide a systematic framework for continued communication and mutual assistance, allowing nurse informaticists and clinicians to handle new concerns proactively.

While regular boards and committees are useful, implementing mentorship programs can provide a more specific and ongoing approach to fostering cooperation among nurse informaticists and clinicians, eventually contributing to the effective incorporation of technology into healthcare settings. Mentorship programs provide a more personalized touch that extends beyond the broader talks held by conventional boards and committees. Mentorship allows for a deep awareness of individual issues and challenges that may not be properly addressed in group settings.


Hussey, P., & Hannah, K. J. (2021). Nursing informatics: A core competency for the profession. Introduction to Nursing Informatics, 55–85.

Phillips, K. K., Mecca, M. C., Baim-Lance, A. M., Schiller, G. S., Pruskowski, J. A., Ellis, E. C., Aponte-Rosario, D. S., Federovich-Hogan, A. L., Kossifologos, A. C., Martinez, E. D., & Boockvar, K. S. (2023). A virtual breakthrough series collaborative to support deprescribing interventions across veterans affairs healthcare settings. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(9), 2935–2945.

Responding Peer 2


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on health informatics and how it has improved healthcare delivery. Collaboration between nursing administrators, informatics nurses, and frontline workers is beneficial in improving patient care and optimizing processes (Role et al., 2021).In addition to your proposed collaborative meetings and educational sessions, forming interdisciplinary task forces could be a useful interaction technique. To focus on specific goals or issues, these task forces could bring together representatives from nursing, informatics, technology professionals, and other relevant departments. For example, a task force could be formed to optimize a specific feature of the electronic health record (EHR) system or to investigate novel methods to integrate emerging technology into patient care.

In addition, cultivating a culture of continual feedback and improvement can strengthen these connections. Regular feedback mechanisms, such as questionnaires or suggestion boxes, can provide a forum for nurses to give their perspectives on the usability and effectiveness of technology solutions (Powell et al., 2019). This feedback loop ensures that the technology keeps up with the changing needs of frontline healthcare personnel, increasing user happiness and engagement.

Notably, as technology advances, investing in continual education and training programs is critical. This enables nurses to smoothly adapt to new technology and maximize their utilization in patient-centered care. Interactive workshops, webinars, and simulation exercises can be useful ways to keep healthcare personnel updated on technological advances and foster a culture of continuous learning. Finally, interdisciplinary task forces, a culture of continuous feedback, and regular training and education may enhance collaboration among nursing administrators, informatics nurses, and frontline staff, ensuring that technology remains a valuable asset in improving patient outcomes. Furthermore, cultivating a shared feeling of ownership and accountability for technological improvements can build a collaborative environment that leverages health informatics’ potential in optimizing patient care.


Powell, J., Atherton, H., Williams, V., Mazanderani, F., Dudhwala, F., Woolgar, S., Boylan, A.-M., Fleming, J., Kirkpatrick, S., Martin, A., van Velthoven, M., de Iongh, A., Findlay, D., Locock, L., & Ziebland, S. (2019). Using online patient feedback to improve NHS services: The Inquire Multimethod Study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 7(38), 1–150.

Role, J., Chao, H., Rosario, C., Ho, P., & Hodgkins, M. (2021). Inpatient staffing dashboard. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, Publish Ahead of Print.


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How can nursing informatics be further advanced to optimize its critical role in healthcare delivery,

Peer Responses on Advancing Nursing Informatics and its Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

Peer Responses on Advancing Nursing Informatics and its Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

and what specific strategies or innovations might peers suggest for enhancing its effectiveness