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Peacekeeping as a Critical Function of the Law

Peacekeeping as a Critical Function of the Law

Every nation’s law intends to offer guidance on the maintenance of law and order. Peacekeeping is a major aspect of law and order and takes place in two ways. First, controlling the society is critical in ensuring that law and order are maintained. The established laws and regulations allow citizens to conduct their activities within these confines (Abate, 2012). The citizens understand that failure to observe these laws has consequences.

Secondly, dispute settlement allows the different agencies to enforce different laws and regulations. The police officers arrest the lawbreakers, and the courts prosecute each according to the offense (Cronus Law, PLLC, 2019). This form of punishment enhances the law’s mission to ensure that peace is maintained in the society. The absence of either aspect would result in excessive freedom for society members, which would endanger the peace of a nation and the world at large (Abate, 2012). Most importantly, the presence of peace ensures that other activities, including economic ones, are conducted successfully. The stability of a nation promotes more activities and projects with a significant impact on the economy and the people.

The government cannot govern morality wholly. Currently, the laws and regulations spell out the punishments for those who take part in certain immoral acts such as stealing, fraud, murder, violation of the young or minor groups, and corruption, among others. However, these identified acts do not cover all the immoral actions that people engage in daily. For instance, a government may be incapable of persecuting prostitutes despite their engagement in otherwise immoral acts. Thus, there exist limitations for the government when it pertains to enforcing morality. Evidently, it uses the laws and enforcement agencies to ensure that offenders are punished (Pearson Education, 2015; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021). Other institutions in society, as well as individuals, have a role to play in ensuring morality is enforced.


Abate, T. (2012). Functions of Law.

Cronus Law, PLLC. (2019). The Purpose of Law and Its Functions In Society.

Pearson Education. (2015). The Importance of Law. Retrieved from

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2021). Officer Expectations and Duties. Retrieved from


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Peacekeeping as a Critical Function of the Law

Peacekeeping as a Critical Function of the Law

Considering the functions of law as defined in the assigned reading for this unit:
Checking government power and promoting personal freedom
Facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations
Promoting economic growth through free competition
Promoting social justice and protecting the environment.
Explain which function of the law, in your opinion, is the most important. Can the government legislate morality? Explain.