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Patch Adams Speech

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Patch Adams Speech

Patch Adams’ passion for pursuing medicine emerged when he checked into a mental institution and realized that experts do not provide adequate care. He recognizes that patients offer better care than doctors. His determination to become a doctor is based on the need to help people. However, while in medical school, he realizes that medicine is an impersonal institution. Adams adamantly believes that creativity and empathy are core in treatment and risks everything to demonstrate this model.

Patch Adams provides an emotional speech before the medical experts’ council concerning how to deliver patient care. The character relentlessly attempts to convince narrow-minded figures in authority that using a personal, humane, and compassionate approach to medical care significantly improves patients’ health outcomes. He appears confident when addressing the medical board regarding the appropriate way to treat patients physically and mentally. Adams strongly believes that what he is doing is right and justified.

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Adams stands tall while expressing his opinions and demonstrates compassion through facial expressions and hand movements. Throughout the speech, he maintained his composure and maintained a sense of positivity in addressing medical issues. Furthermore, throughout the speech before the council, Adams changed his tone of voice numerous times. At the beginning of the proceedings, he merely showed emotions. However, when he addresses the courtroom crowd, he demonstrates compassion in his face as his voice becomes louder, his eyes widen, and his body language changes. With amazement, the audience embraces Adams’ words. Viewers can observe non-verbal communication between Patch Adams and his peers. The kids, nurse practitioners, and adults wear the red foam rubber ball on their noses, which Adams wore while spending time with children, demonstrating strong communication and support.

In his argument, Adams stresses the difference between a doctor’s responsibilities in the council’s viewpoint and the doctor’s role in his perspective. He demonstrated great confidence, his eyes spark, and intense emotions towards his claim. His eyes connect with the council and audience as his tone of voice shows a complete understanding of his medical approach. Adams utilizes gestures to stress his message. He nods his head to approve of his notions. Also, the widening of his arms clearly shows condemnation of the wrongs in the medical field and the strength of his words.

Adams’ presentation rate gradually accelerates as he continues to explain his claims. For instance, when addressing the council, the pace is slow, but it accelerates when he encourages the crowd to fight for their identity as medical experts. More so, when he explains his perspectives of the lengths one would stride to become an authentic doctor, his presentation rate becomes fast, offering his speech strength and dependability. Adams’ use of technical language, fluency, and lack of vocalized pauses offers his speech integrity and demonstrates to the audience that he is confident about his medical approach assertions.

In essence, the entire speech by Patch Adams was concretely supported by his claims. His communication, gestures, tone, composure, and assertiveness played a crucial role in delivering the speech. I believe the character genuinely cares and is compassionate to his patients. His definition of a doctor shows that the responsibilities go beyond healing and discovering cures. It also entails establishing a personal relationship with patients. Adams represented himself effectively and coherently.


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Patch Adams Speech


Watch the Movie: Patch Adams

Write a two-page essay, double spaced, 12 Font and one-inch margins speech critique

Patch Adams Speech

Patch Adams Speech

Introduction: Sets the stage for the speech (a very brief overview of the movie and why the speech is given)

Body: Critique the speaker’s delivery considering:

  • His Entrance; audience’s reaction; eye contact; gestures; posture; confidence level; choice of words; variation in tone and anything else you may notice that is not mentioned here.

Conclusion: Your opinion of the speech (brief paragraph)


  • I have attached a similar speech critique I got from the internet just as a sample.