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Overview of the US Health Care System

Overview of the US Health Care System

Millions of individuals receive medical care through the intricate network of public and private institutions that make up the American healthcare system. The US healthcare system is frequently criticized for its high cost, variable quality, and lack of universal access despite being one of the richest nations in the world. In this essay, I will provide a high-level overview of the US healthcare system and discuss how my worldview, shaped by my cultural background, values, and beliefs, influences my perspective on the healthcare system, particularly concerning cost, quality, and access.

Overview of the US Health Care System

The American healthcare system is multi-payer, which means that it is funded in part by patient out-of-pocket expenses, commercial insurance, and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The healthcare system comprises several key components, including healthcare providers (such as hospitals, clinics, and physicians), insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory bodies. Despite significant reforms over the past decades, the US healthcare system faces numerous challenges, such as rising costs, uneven quality of care, and lack of universal access (Barrios et al., 2021).

My perception of the relationship between cost and quality of care may also influence my worldview on the healthcare system. High-quality healthcare services should not necessarily come at a high price, and that cost-effective healthcare can be achieved without compromising quality. Healthcare providers should prioritize patient outcomes and quality of care over financial gain (Nguyen et al., 2021). This belief may lead me to support policies that aim to reduce healthcare costs, such as price controls on prescription drugs or increased transparency in healthcare pricing.


The US healthcare system is complex and multi-faceted and serves millions of people. However, it is essential to note that individual worldviews, shaped by cultural backgrounds, values, and beliefs, can significantly influence one’s perspective on the healthcare system. Personal worldviews shape how one perceives the relationship between cost and quality of care and the role of healthcare providers and regulatory bodies in the healthcare system.


Barrios, C. H., Werutsky, G., Mohar, A., Ferrigno, A. S., Müller, B. G., Bychkovsky, B. L., Castro E, C. J., Uribe, C. J., Villarreal-Garza, C., Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E., Gutiérrez-Delgado, F., Kim, J. S., Ismael, J., Delgado, L., Santini, L. A., Teich, N., Chavez, P. C., Liedke, P. E., Exman, P., … Cazap, E. (2021). Cancer control in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent advances and opportunities to move forward. The Lancet Oncology, 22(11).

Nguyen, N. X., Tran, K., & Nguyen, T. A. (2021). Impact of Service Quality on In-Patients’ Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Customer Loyalty: A Mixed-Methods Study from a Developing Country. Patient Preference and Adherence, Volume 15, 2523–2538.


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Provide a high-level overview of the US healthcare system.

Overview of the US Health Care System

Overview of the US Health Care System

Discuss how your personal worldview may influence your perspective on the healthcare system in relation to cost, quality, and access.

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