Organizational Chart of the Amazon Corporate Hierarchy
Amazon is an American e-commerce company dealing with electronics and cloud computing. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Amazon is a global brand serving online sellers and buyers by creating a conducive marketplace. In all of its day-to-day operations, Amazon is guided by the ideas set out in its vision and mission statement. The vision statement allows Amazon to stay focused on the goals it has set. Amazon is focused on becoming the best online retailer, offering revolutionized e-commerce services on the global platform. The management of the company ensures that customers are approached with utmost care to enable the company to make profits as stipulated by the administration. Amazon’s vision statement has three pillars that display the goals of the company. The three components include global reach, customer prioritization and having a comprehensive view of products selection. Laudon. (K. C., & Traver, 2013).
On the global reach pillar, Amazon aims to be a dominant brand in e-commerce. The company is centered on growing further and reaching every corner of the world. With the aid of the internet, the world is being transformed into a small village where people from different geographical areas can conduct business with ease. Internet growth, coupled with the emergence of online platforms, has made purchasing items very easy since the mediums required are either personal computers or smartphones. Amazon utilizes this advantage such that it is located in many countries offering all their services online. This has been achieved due to the development of an international online market where interested parties buy products at their preference. (K. C., & Traver, 2013).
The second pillar is about customer prioritization. Amazon has a business strategy that values the customers the most. It advocates for emphasis on customer satisfaction by all the company employees. Economically, it’s known that every client needs the best product at the lowest price. Consequently, there is no existence of a company without a market for its goods and services. Customers’ prioritization by Amazon has been pivotal to the company’s achievements in realizing essential profit margins.
The third pillar that creates the firm’s vision is having the most extensive selection of products which is quite evident in the current world. Amazon has the best product mix ranging from most durable products to eatables. Recently the firm introduced grocery in their venture where clients can order them for free delivery to their homes. Amazon has also developed pharmacy programs thus articulating the issues of health at a click of the mouse. (Berinsky, 2012).
Amazon has a mission which guides the performance of each stakeholder to the firm. This purpose has pushed the company towards becoming the best online retailing company. The mission statement has three features that make it stronger and able to deliver the best to Amazon stakeholders. The first pillar of the mission statement is about offering low prices to the customers to retain them as loyal customers. The low prices attract clients to the website to purchase products from the company.
The second feature of the mission statement is the best selection of products that Amazon avails to its customers by ensuring they are of the highest quality. With this consideration, every customer is catered for by the company according to their needs. Amazon makes sure that all varieties of products are in “shelves.” Convenience is significant in Amazon as it drives the company in practicing integrity and honesty to their customers. (Berinsky, 2012).
With the outlined focus of what mission and vision are, Amazon is managed by a hierarchical leadership than mans a workforce of 51,300 employees. The employees work in the business offices, customer service, software development quarters and system management divisions.
The management is headed by the chief executive officer, Jeff Bezos, who has the primary responsibility of meeting the financial results expected by the company’s stakeholders. The chief executive officer takes both the strategic and the financial obligations of the company. Among other vital roles, the CEO has the mandate to identify the best markets for the company, ensure the company’s resources are utilized to the maximum point, lead all the executives, and set the dates for meetings hostage. The CEO has operational responsibilities that include allowing all the necessary actions to arrive at specific worthiness to all the company’s stakeholders. The other operational role closely follows the financial markets, development, and implementation of policies based on the firm’s economic analysis. (Huang, 2013).
The CEO is subordinated by directors who have the following roles and responsibilities; being present at the meeting held by the board of directors, practicing management roles related to the financial statements and addressing all the company’s economic issues. The director of Amazon retailing company also facilitates new relationships with clients and all business partners.
The chief financial officer (CFO) is among the most vital players in the Amazon business hierarchy. His primary function in the company is to provide enough resources for the maintenance and development of the company. He renders management duties to the various department in Amazon which includes, tax, investment, accounting and financial planning. (Huang, 2013).
Below the CFO is a chief technology officer whose primary function is to deliver reports directly to the CEO regarding the situation of the technical departments in the company. The chief technology officer has his primary focus on the technical departments of the organization.
Amazon is guided by strict values which allow for the smooth functioning of the organization. Integrity and honesty act as the benchmarks for all the company’s operations as stipulated by the mission statement pillar of convenience. The practice of these values by the firm attracts many customers since, at this juncture, Amazon offers its products at a lower price compared to other retail shops. There are other minor principles that guide the performance of the company, which include customer obsession, owning the customers to allow performing of the best practices, and earning the trust of customers, thus maintaining the established customer base. (Turban, 2011).
This paper talks more about how the leaders affect the vision and mission of the company and how they work towards it. As stated above, the company’s CEO has the greatest responsibility for dealing with strategic roles to satisfy all the stakeholders’ expectations, thus answering the question of how to improve the company’s production. The CTO and the CFO work around the clock to make sure technology and finances are managed well and appropriately. The director of the company allows for a mutual relationship between the employees and the clients, thus giving them the best service to satisfy their wants and demands with limited resources. According to the above discussion, it is evident that Amazon has an excellent structure of management. (Turban, D. C.2017).
Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2013). E-commerce. Pearson.
Berinsky, A. J., Huber, G. A., & Lenz, G. S. (2012). Evaluating online labor markets for experimental research: Amazon. Com’s Mechanical Turk. Political Analysis, 20(3), 351-368.
Huang, Z., & Benyoucef, M. (2013). From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), 246-259.
Liang, T. P., & Turban, E. (2011). Introduction to the particular issue of social commerce: a research framework for social business. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(2), 5-14.
Turban, E., Outland, J., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. C. (2017). Electronic Commerce 2018: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. Springer.
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Identify an organization and develop an organizational chart listing all the key leaders. List their roles and discuss how their responsibilities tie to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
Organizational Chart of the Amazon Corporate Hierarchy
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