Oppression and Social Injustice
Above and beyond fulfilling the degree requirements, what is/are your reason(s) for taking this course?
According to Gruskin & Braveman (2019), social injustice and oppression are common issues in society and are often connected because they target a specific group of people. One of the reasons for taking this course, besides fulfilling the degree requirements, is to understand why minority groups are subjected to oppression and injustice so that I can realize my role in stopping oppression. I also intend to use the knowledge I gain on oppression and social injustice to convince policymakers to enact policies that help minority groups overcome oppression and social injustice, such as policies requiring employers to have a specific number of employees from minority groups. The second reason is to understand various manifestations of oppression and social injustice in society so that I can reach out and help those around me overcome oppression and social injustice. The third reason is to identify the main social issues that create a foundation for social injustice and oppression. This information is important in advocating for victims of social injustice and oppression because it helps make a distinction between different levels of oppression and social injustice. The fourth reason is to understand the ideals of justice and the daily global and local expressions of injustice to understand the differences and similarities in oppression and social injustice in different regions. This information is important in determining whether oppression and social injustice is a problem that can be eliminated or is deeply grounded in culture to the extent that it has become part of social practices that cannot be stopped. Another reason for taking the course is to understand different beliefs contributing to oppression and social injustice so that I can focus on removing those beliefs from the people around me. This could play a significant role in reducing oppression and injustice. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.
In your estimation, how will the study of injustice and oppression contribute to your education/career goals?
Various forms of oppression and injustice characterize modern-day societies. I feel that I have a moral obligation to eliminate these injustices and pressure to make the community a better place for future generations. One of my career goals is to establish a care center to help people experiencing physical and psychological trauma as a result of injustice and oppression. The study of injustice and oppression will help me understand various forms of oppression and injustice, how they affect people both directly and indirectly and measures that can be used to eliminate them. This information is important in identifying the victims of injustice and oppression and designing the most appropriate strategy to address their psychological and physical trauma. My other career goal is to create a call center to help victims of injustice and oppression deal with psychological trauma.
In most cases, victims of injustice and oppression are reluctant to seek help because they are intimidated by their oppressors. Therefore, a call center can help them anonymously report the injustices and get psychological care to cope with trauma. It is, therefore, important for me to study injustice and oppression to understand the distinction between the two so that I can respond appropriately. For instance, a victim of injustice may require legal help, while a victim of oppression may only be interested in being freed from their oppressor even though justice is not served. I also intend to advocate for vulnerable groups often subjected to injustice and oppression, such as immigrants and minority groups. The study of injustice and oppression, therefore, contributes to this goal by enlightening me on my role as an advocate for victims of injustice and oppression.
Do you believe injustice and oppression are permanent features of culture and society? Why or why not? Is social justice merely an ideal, or can it actually be achieved?
In my opinion, injustice and oppression are permanent features of culture and society due to various reasons. To begin with, injustice and oppression arise due to beliefs passed from one generation to another (Bufacchi, 2012). For instance, oppression and injustice arising from racism are due to the idea that a particular race is superior to the other. Leaders in different societies have also made injustice and oppression a permanent feature of culture and society by using their power to evade justice and oppress others. This has made people develop the idea that they can get away with anything as long as they are influential leaders in society, hence promoting the continued prevalence of injustice and oppression in society. Injustice and oppression are also permanent features of culture and society because existing systems put in place to eliminate them have already been corrupted, hence making it hard to eradicate these practices (Bufacchi, 2012). The corruption of the justice system continues to be the main hindrance to achieving social justice because people with influence over the justice system have a way of meeting their interests, which denies society members social justice. For instance, a leader accused of corruption has a high likelihood of sacrificing someone else to take the fall or bribing the judge to get the case dismissed, thus limiting the achievement of social justice. Social justice is also hard because society members have no voice when it comes to matters dominated by influential people. For instance, most societies near mining areas continue to suffer from various diseases due to the chemicals used in the mines. Society members have not been able to achieve social justice because the mining companies keep bribing the government to get the cases dismissed.
Bufacchi, V. (2012). Studying social injustice: The methodology of empirical philosophy. Social Injustice, 30-44. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230358447_3
Gruskin, S., & Braveman, P. (2019). Addressing social injustice in a human rights context. Social Injustice and Public Health, 465-480. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190914653.003.0022
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Oppression and Social Injustice
Provide a critically thoughtful response to each question (one-page maximum per question). Submit your assignment as an attached Word document.
Above and beyond fulfilling the degree requirements, what is/are your reason(s) for taking this course?
In your estimation, how will the study of injustice and oppression contribute to your education/career goals?
Do you believe injustice and oppression are permanent features of culture and society? Why or why not? Is social justice merely an ideal, or can it actually be achieved?