Online Shopping Experience
The best buying experience
Amazon offers the best customer experience for those interested in buying a smartphone. Firstly, there is a wide range of products, and customers access almost all brands. Additionally, the site offers the best protection for consumers.
Worst buying experience
eBay offers the worst experience. The site does not provide comprehensive consumer protections. Besides, there are no physical stores customers can visit to present their complaints.
Online smartphone sellers need to maintain a solid brick-and-mortar presence apart from their online presence. That is because Smartphone buyers need products that have a legitimate warrant (Baubonienė & Gulevičiūtė, 2015). Sites that lack physical points-of-sale struggle to get their customers’ trust.
The best buying experience
AmazonFresh offers the best customer experiences for grocery purchases. One of the reasons why the site leads is because it offers a wide range of products. Apart from the regular offers, customers can also order meats and dairy, among other perishable products.
The worst buying experience
Thrive Market offers the worst experience for online grocery customers. Firstly, it does not sell perishable goods. Also, the website requires membership to shop, which customers find inappropriate.
The top consideration for customers who order groceries is safety. To that end, sites must contract reputable and trustworthy transport companies to deliver orders (Baubonienė & Gulevičiūtė, 2015). Also, customers prefer flexible delivery timing.
The best buying experience offers some of the latest technology laptops at affordable prices. The site offers crazy discounts, and one can only get laptops at the best price on Consumers on a low budget can also access refurbished laptops on the site.
The worst buying experience
eBay offers the worst experience for those considering buying laptops online. The site provides no protection to consumers, instructing them to only buy from trusted vendors. It is sometimes impossible for customers to determine the credibility of online vendors by themselves.
An ideal online retail site for laptops should include a segment that offers reviews about vendors. Also, there is a need to offer insights into the different products available (Baubonienė & Gulevičiūtė, 2015). Such reviews will be helpful since customers tend to be cautious when buying laptops.
Baubonienė, Ž., & Gulevičiūtė, G. (2015). E-commerce factors influencing consumers’ online shopping decisions. Socialinės technologijos social technologies, 2015(1), 74–81.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Please respond to the following. You may post your responses in three postings:
Choose 3 products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the Internet.
For each product, visit 3 websites and go through the process as if you were going to actually purchase the product.
Online Shopping Experience
Q1) Which website did you have the best buying experience with? Why do you think that is?
Q2) Which website did you have the worst buying experience with? Why?
Q3) If you could create the perfect website to sell a product on, what features would it have?