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Nursing Shortage

Nursing Shortage

The lack of optimized nurse-to-patient ratios increases morbidity and mortality rates and treatment costs (Drennan & Ross, 2019).

Key Factors that Directly Influence the Problem

Lack of optimized nurse-to-patient ratios is associated with increased medication errors, prolonged hospital stays, and patient and nursing staff dissatisfaction (Drennan & Ross, 2019; Ghafoor et al., 2021; Winter et al., 2020).

Factor that Directly Relates to the Problem Precise Unit of Measurement

(Days, Dollars, %, etc.)

Authoritative Source(s) for Factor and Unit of Measurement
1. Medication errors Percent of medical errors during one year (Drennan & Ross, 2019).
2. Prolonged hospital stays No days spent in the hospital from the time of admission. (Drennan & Ross, 2019; Ghafoor et al., 2021).
3. Patient dissatisfaction Periodic patient satisfaction surveys. (Winter et al., 2020).
4. Nursing staff dissatisfaction Periodic nurse satisfaction surveys. (Saika, 2018)

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Value Proposition to the Organization

Data analysis of the lack of optimized nurse-to-patient ratios will provide invaluable information and form the basis for policy formulation to optimize staff ratios and improve organizational productivity.

Value Proposition/Contribution to My Professional Interests/Goals

This project aligns with my career goals by helping me to develop pertinent knowledge and research to become competent at strategic planning.

Background: Review of the Literature

Authoritative Source                              (APA Format) How the Source Directly Relates to the Problem (One Sentence Summary)
Burns, A., Xiong, C., Franconeri, S., Cairo, A., & Mahyar, N. (2021). Designing with Pictographs: Envision Topics without Sacrificing Understanding. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Chowdhury, S., & Chakraborty, P. pratim. (2017). Universal health coverage ‑ There is more to it than meets the eye. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 6(2), 169–170.

Colldén, C., & Hellström, A. (2018). Value-based healthcare translated: A complementary view of implementation. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1–11.

Tamata, A. T., Mohammadnezhad, M., & Tamani, L. (2021). Registered nurses’ perceptions on the factors affecting nursing shortage in the Republic of Vanuatu Hospitals: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 16(5 May), 1–17.


This article identifies the factors directly related to the nursing shortage and how these factors are measured.
Ghafoor,   Yasmeen, Yaqoob, M. A., Bilal, M. A., & Ghafoor, M. S. (2021). Impact of Nurse Shortage on Patient Care. Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 4(4), 114–119. This paper evaluates the nursing shortage problem and identifies the related factors.
Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage – a prospect of global and local policies. International Nursing Review, 66(1), 9–16. This article evaluates the problem of nursing shortage (optimized nurse-to-patient ratios) and the strategies proposed to tackle this problem.
McDermott-Levy, R., Leffers, J., & Mayaka, J. (2018). Ethical Principles and Guidelines of Global Health Nursing Practice. Nursing Outlook, 66(5), 473–481. This article identifies the ethical principles (beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy) that all nurses in healthcare facilities should uphold.
Saikia, D. (2018). Nursing shortages in the rural public health sector of India. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 26(2), 101–118. This article evaluates the problem of nursing shortage (optimized nurse-to-patient ratios) in India and proposes strategies that can be used to mitigate the problem.
Winter, V., Schreyögg, J., & Thiel, A. (2020). Hospital staff shortages: Environmental and organizational determinants and implications for patient satisfaction. Health Policy, 124(4), 380–388. This article evaluates the problem of hospital staff shortages and identifies factors that are directly related to staff shortages.
Zhang, X., Tai, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V. W. (2018). United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast: A Revisit. American Journal of Medical Quality, 33(3), 229–236. This paper evaluates the problem of nursing shortages in the United States and explains nurse satisfaction as a factor directly related to the problem.

 Data Analysis Framework

The data analysis framework relevant to this context uses standards and site surveys. A standard is a reputable, consistent, recognized, and recorded procedure. Technical specifications are contained in standards. These specifications are intended to be applied periodically as a guideline. The use of standards improves the dependability and efficiency of services and products. When standards are being produced, there is a consensus because they are the outcome of a collaboration among experts in the subject.

On the other hand, a site survey entails examining an area or spot to gather data. The data address feasibility, cost estimates, and the time and effort needed to complete a particular task. Depending on the kind of plan that needs to be carried out at the site, a site survey will include a variety of approaches and considerations.

In nurse-to-patient ratios, elaborate standards exist to facilitate data analysis. The recommended ratios are dependent on the type of department. In the USA, the recommended nurse-to-patient ratio in the medical-surgical department is about 1:4, whereas a ratio of about 1:3 is allocated to the emergency department (, n.d.). The recommended ratios in the intensive care unit, labor, and pediatric departments are 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3, respectively (, n.d.). A nurse-patient ratio 1:4 is recommended for rehabilitation and psychiatric departments (, n.d.). These provisions are key when analyzing data concerning nurse-to-patient ratios. The standards will enable the researcher to establish whether the ratio of nurses to patients is consistent with the recommended ratios. By so doing, the problem of lack of optimized nurse-to-patient ratios will be identified.

A site survey is also relevant in this context. It will facilitate the collection of data on the nurse-to-patient ratios. This is important when analyzing factors that directly relate to the problem. These factors include medication errors, prolonged hospital stays, patient dissatisfaction, and nursing staff dissatisfaction (Sharma & Rani, 2020). The presence of these factors in healthcare facilities indicates a lack of optimized nurse-to-patient ratios (Sharma & Rani, 2020).

Presentation of the Graphics


Data will be represented using pictographs and frequency distribution tables. Pictographs use images to present data (Burns et al., 2021). They simplify the representation of data and are easy to interpret. On the other hand, frequency distribution tables permit a comprehensive data representation by identifying the frequency of different variables. Using pictographs and frequency distribution tables ensures that data on the nurse-to-patient ratios are represented accurately.

[Graphic #1]

Graphic Title= Registered nurse to patient ratio, National Nurses United, 2021


[Graphic #2] 

Graphic Title= Minimum nurse-to-patient ratio, UK, USA, Australia, and Canada, 2020


Balanced Scorecard

Organization’s Directional Strategy: (Growth, Reduction, Quality Leader, et cetera)

Business Finance Customer Organizational Learning/Growth
Increase nurses’ satisfaction rating from 5 to 7 within three months to optimize the coordination of healthcare services.



Reduce treatment costs by 10 percent. Decrease the incidences of prolonged hospitalization by 50 percent. Give the organization a competitive advantage over other healthcare facilities. Optimized nursing staff ratios are associated with an increase in the quality of healthcare services (Tamata et al., 2021). Notably, it reduces treatment costs and shortens hospitalization. As such, the healthcare facility will gain a competitive advantage.
Reduce the incidences of staff burnout by about 10 percent. Increase reimbursements from insurers by 10 percent.

This will happen because optimized staff ratios are essential for a value-based payment model due to the increased quality of healthcare service delivery (Colldén & Hellström, 2018).

Improve patient satisfaction rates by approximately 30 percent within four months. Decrease medication errors by 20 percent.

Optimized nursing staff ratios are associated with an increase in the quality of healthcare services (Tamata et al., 2021). As such, the incidence of medication errors will reduce


Burns, A., Xiong, C., Franconeri, S., Cairo, A., & Mahyar, N. (2021). Designing with Pictographs: Envision Topics without Sacrificing Understanding. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Colldén, C., & Hellström, A. (2018). Value-based healthcare translated: A complementary view of implementation. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1–11. (n.d.). Safe RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratios.

Sharma, K. S., & Rani, R. (2020). Nurse‑to‑patient ratio and nurse staffing norms for hospitals in India: A critical analysis of national benchmarks. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 6(2), 169–170.

Tamata, A. T., Mohammadnezhad, M., & Tamani, L. (2021). Registered nurses’ perceptions on the factors affecting nursing shortage in the Republic of Vanuatu Hospitals: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 16(5 May), 1–17.



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Construct a draft proposal for your project and integrate it with the organizational balanced scorecard model. There is no page limit for this assessment.

Nursing Shortage

Nursing Shortage

Note: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Writing a project proposal is an essential skill for leaders. Presenting a proposal to senior executives requires identifying the problem, the value to the organization of solving the problem, the relevant aspects of the problem, and your recommendations for action. Your recommendations should be conveyed concisely but thoroughly, retaining the essential information the decision-makers need.

This assessment allows you to draft a proposal for your capstone project, which you must present to the prospective client.

Overview and Preparation
Note: This assessment incorporates and builds on your work in Assessment 1.

To prepare for this assessment, complete the following:

Expand on your list of peer-reviewed or authoritative sources from Assessment 1 that substantiate your approach and method for the data review, such as accrediting body standards, accounting principles, federal laws, or Medicare conditions of participation.
Add a minimum of five relevant, authoritative sources.
Limit commercial website references to no more than two entries.
Format your citations and references using APA style.
Note: While an annotated bibliography is not a part of the graded assessment, you must integrate your sources into the proposal.
Review the Balanced Scorecard Example [DOCX]. You will construct a balanced scorecard table in this assessment to convey the value of your project to the organization.
Review this resource, which provides information on the steps to creating a balanced scorecard:
Balanced Scorecard Institute. (n.d.). Building and implementing a balanced scorecard: Nine steps to success.
Download and review the Assessment 2 Proposal Template [DOCX], which you will use to complete this assessment.
Draft your data review project proposal using the Assessment 2 Proposal Template [DOCX]. After your proposal has been graded, integrate faculty feedback before sharing your proposal with the prospective client.

Supporting Evidence
Add at least five relevant, authoritative sources cited within the outline and the original citations from Assessment 1. Limit commercial website references to no more than two entries. Format your citations and references using APA style.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your proposal addresses each point at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Choose a framework appropriate for examining the type of data under investigation. Look at the following for examples, and explain the basis for your choice.
For a compliance project, use the regulations.
For an accrediting assessment, use the standards and site survey criteria.
To implement a new service line, consider using the balanced scorecard framework.
Develop proposed structures (for example, pie chart, graph, spreadsheet, process map) to visually display summarized raw data.
Reflect on what visual display structure will best fit your selected topic. Although you are just beginning to collect data, you will want to consider how to display it.
Ensure that your data displays are transparent and easily interpreted.
Ensure that the proposed title includes the focus of the data, units of measurement, the organization’s name, and the time frame.
Explain how a project addresses and adds value in each of the four areas of an organizational balanced scorecard. (The four areas are business operations, finance, customer service, and organizational learning and growth.)
Create a balanced scorecard table similar to the one presented in the Balanced Scorecard Example [DOCX].
Consider a strategic systems perspective as you contemplate value to the organization and how the project aligns with the organizational mission, vision, and strategy.
Find evidence to support your assertions and conclusions.
Determine what additional information would strengthen your value proposition.
Combine clear, coherent, and original writing in APA style with relevant and credible evidence from scholarly and professional literature.
Apply correct APA formatting to your source citations.
Consider how or why a particular piece of evidence supports your main points, claims, or conclusions.
Make sure your supporting evidence is clear and explicit.
Competencies Measured
By completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Transformation: Facilitate a change process that effectively involves patients, communities, and professionals in improving and delivering health care and wellness.
Choose a framework appropriate for examining the type of data under investigation.
Develop proposed structures for the visual display of summarized raw data.
Competency 2: Execution: Translate strategy to develop and maintain optimal organizational performance in health care settings.
Explain how a project addresses and adds value to each of the four areas of an organizational balanced scorecard.
Combine clear, coherent, and original writing in APA style with relevant and credible evidence from scholarly and professional literature.