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Nurs-fpx 4030 Assessment 1 – Locating Credible Databases and Research

Nurs-fpx 4030 Assessment 1 – Locating Credible Databases and Research

Nurses should search for resources in accredited databases to ensure that they get credible sources. Credible sources should have all the qualities as per the CRAAP test by evaluating their currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose. One of the most vital factors related to evidence-based practice is employing ideas that are supported by research from credible sources (Sajjad, 2018). To meet that goal, the nurses should search their sources in identified locations, such as utilizing online libraries, nursing guidelines, and other reliable places to get proper sources during the research.

Identification of Five Sources for Evidence of Clinical Diagnosis

The CRAAP test requires sources to meet various standards to qualify as credible for use in the research. However, many sources found in different databases do not meet the goals of a credible source because they lack one or more qualities. The five sources that would provide credible evidence for the clinical diagnosis include the Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) which contains information for nurses and health professionals from the US (Poirier & Behnen, 2016). Another source is Medline which is produced by the US National Library of Medicine. The other sources include; Pubmed and Internet Grateful Med, which offer powerful and effective nursing information. Other sources to use include the evidence-based journal series and ACP Journal Club, which contain publications about evidence-based practices.

Nurs-fpx 4030 Assessment 1 – Locating Credible Databases and Research

Explanation of Why the Sources Provide the Best Evidence

The selected articles provide the best evidence because they not only meet the credibility test but also the information is properly sorted, and they also use credible sources. Research meets credibility by testing the findings and the interpretations of the study (Nowell et al., 2017). The information in the chosen journals will effectively help in conducting evidence-based research. Most of the details contained in these journals are first-hand information from studies conducted by professionals. They are easy to search, and the information is free.

Nurs-fpx 4030 Assessment 1 – Locating Credible Databases and Research


Nurses who play the role of teaching other nurses about evidence-based practices need the right skills to ensure positive patient outcomes. They need to employ good communication strategies while accessing the right sources for the EBP research. Nurses should also emphasize credible sources that contain the right information for the research.


Dadich, A., & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2016). Communication channels to promote evidence-based practice: a survey of primary care clinicians to determine perceived effects. Health research policy and systems, 14(1), 62. Poirier, T., & Behnen, E. (2016). Where and how to search for evidence in the education literature: the WHEEL. American Journal of pharmaceutical education, 78(4), 70.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12–25.

Nowell, L., Norris J., White D., Moules N. (2017). Thematic Analysis: Striving to Meet the Trustworthiness Criteria, International Journal of Qualitative Methods Volume 16: 1–13

Sajjad, A. (2018). CRAAP TEST Introduction. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31875.81445.


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Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.