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NURS 4210 Week 1 Practicum Assignment – Identification of a Population in Your Community

NURS 4210 Week 1 Practicum Assignment – Identification of a Population in Your Community

The community of focus for my practicum project is Polk County, Florida, the fourth largest county in the state (Polk County Board of Commissioners, n.d.). With a current estimated population of 708,009, the county has already exceeded the 2015 census projected population for the year 2020 (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). In this rural/suburban mixed community, white women make up much of the population. A total of 51% of the population are female, and 78.9% are of white ethnicity (Polk County Board of Commissioners, n.d.). Less than 20% of the residents over the age of 24 have a high school diploma, and less than 20% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Residents under the age of 65 without health insurance account for 16% of the population (United States Census Bureau, n.d.), a significant percentage. The U.S. Census Bureau (n.d.) also reported that 16% of the people in the county are impoverished. Polk County, Florida, has nine hospitals throughout the county, surpassing the number of nonprofit outpatient mental health centers existing in the same county.

The community practice setting for this practicum is touted to be one of the most robust mental health resources in Polk County (Florida Department of Health, 2018). Situated in the county seat of Bartow, FL, this site consists of a crisis stabilization unit (CSU), a short-term adult residential unit (SRT), and numerous outpatient mental health services. The CSU houses up to 30 patients, and the length of stay is typically 72 hours up to 8 days. However, SRT can also house up to 30 adults but typically has an average of 25, and the length of stay is typically 89 days.

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Determinants in the Community

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016) describes health determinants as factors one might encounter personally, socially, economically, or environmentally that affect their health status; some of the determinants of health observed in Polk County include social attitudes regarding mental illness, inadequate access to transportation and resources to meet daily needs, socioeconomics, homelessness, and limited access to health care resources. The negative social stigma associated with mental illness hinders many people from voluntarily seeking mental health assistance. Consequently, in a county where over 80% of the population does not have a high school diploma, is unemployed or impoverished, and has no health insurance, it is difficult for these individuals to access care even if they do seek help. Lack of financial resources impedes their ability to use public transportation to health care facilities and pay for services rendered. Many are homeless, making provisions for mobile outpatient services a challenge.

NURS 4210 Week 1 Practicum Assignment – Identification of a Population in Your Community

Most Prevalent Health Problems in My Practice

In this practice setting, the most prevalent health problem encountered is mental illness. Illnesses from depression to psychosis and even illicit drug-induced psychosis. Additionally, especially in patients 40 and older, there is generally at least one non-communicable disease that also requires medical attention. The most common comorbidities treated in patients at this practice site include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and hypothyroidism.

Health Problem Specific to the Low-Income Mentally Ill Community

A population at risk in this community is low-income individuals with mental illnesses. Many people do not recognize the impact that socioeconomics among the mentally ill population has on not only their mental health but also their physical health. Not only do certain mental illnesses, such as depression, impede access to health resources, but this disorder can contribute to other diseases, such as hypertension and obesity, due to a lack of exercise or mobility. Comorbidities can intensify the effects a mental disorder has on an individual. A lack of financial resources only compounds the problem by providing an additional barrier to accessing mental and physical care. Access to mental health care is twice as challenging due to a lack of nonprofit outpatient facilities. Although this community is laden with outpatient healthcare facilities, most of them require insurance or some financial compensation for rendered services. It is twice as difficult to find outpatient mental health facilities in the community. According to the Mobilization for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP), the lack of access to mental health services, the county’s inability to adequately link people with needed services, and a lack of transportation are key themes contributing to health problems in Polk County, Florida (Florida Department of Health, 2018).


Florida Department of Health. (2018, September). Community Health Planning and Statistics. Retrieved from services/community-health-planning-and- statistics/_documents/Polk_CHA2015revised.PDF

Polk County Board of Commissioners. (n.d.). About Polk County. Retrieved October 9, 2019, from Polk County:

United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Polk County, Florida. Retrieved October 9, 2019, from United States Census: q=polk+county+fl&page=1&stateGeo=none&searchtype=web&cssp=SERP&_charset_= utf-8

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016a). Determinants of health. Retrieved from measures/Determinants-of-Health


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NURS 4210 Week 1 Practicum Assignment – Identification of a Population in Your Community

As a community of practice, your task for this week is to collaborate with professionals across the
health care system and with your community of practice in the discussion in order to find a gap in
care or social determinant that often results in poor health care outcomes. You will begin to take the
lead in advocating for and collaborating with others to improve the healthcare outcomes for
populations at risk.