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NURS 4115 – Week 6 Discussion – Obesity – A Global Health Concern

NURS 4115 – Week 6 Discussion – Obesity – A Global Health Concern

African Americans have a very high rate of Obesity. African Americans are 1.5 times more likely to be obese compared to White Americans (State of Obesity, n.d.). Approximately 47.8% of African Americans are obese, 37.1% are men, and 56.6% are women (State of Obesity, n.d.). The prevalence of Obesity in African American children is much higher than in White Americans. In children ages 2-5, 11% of African Americans were overweight compared to 3.5% of White American children (State of Obesity, n.d.). In children ages 6-11, 23.8% of African Americans were overweight or obese compared to 13.1% of White American children (State of Obesity, n.d.).

Many different factors contribute to these statistics. Many African Americans do not have proper access to healthy food choices. In areas that are highly populated with African Americans, there are no local produce markets near their homes. A study conducted in some black communities showed that only 8% of African Americans live in an area with one or more supermarkets compared to 31% of White Americans (State of Obesity, n.d.). With the poor ability to provide their family with healthy options due to the lack of fresh produce, unhealthy choices are chosen out of convenience and lower cost.

One health strategy that could be implemented is a program that could provide fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables and meats to African American families that live in high-poverty areas. The program could be funded by the city or state and even donations. A program like this would provide families with the ability to give their families the proper nutrition that they desperately need.

NURS 4115 – Week 6 Discussion – Obesity – A Global Health Concern

Another health strategy could be the schools in these areas helping the children understand proper nutrition and providing better health screenings. Many children in high-poverty areas do not have adequate access to healthcare. If the health department or clinics in high-poverty areas could make a program that assists children in these areas, there may be a decrease in the rates of Obesity. The program could possibly provide them with food they could take home to their families. A research study that was done in New York City began providing local markets and bodegas fresh produce to sell and market to the lower-income areas where these choices were available (Sacks et al., 2015). What they were doing in New York City is not just limited to there; many other large cities are implementing programs such as this to provide healthier food choices for poverty-ridden areas.

In Mexico, 3 out of 10 children between the ages of 5-11 are overweight or obese, for ages 12-19, 4 out of 10 are overweight or obese; and for ages 20 and older, 7 out of 10 are obese (OMENT, 2016). One strategy that a nurse could implement is providing nutritional support and education to the people of Mexico. Many of the foods that are consumed in Mexico are high in carbohydrates and sugars. Being sensitive to their culture is important because these foods have been a part of their culture for a long time. Some options could be providing them with healthier versions of the same foods they already eat. Another option is providing locations for children to be physically active. Gang violence is so prevalent in Mexico that it is almost impossible for children to be able to go outside to run and play safely. It would be wonderful as a nurse to provide children with a safe haven to run, play, and exercise.


Observatorio Mexicano de Enfermedades No Transmisibles OMENT, 2016). Overweight and Obesity update in Mexico-ENSANUT 2016. Retrieved from the moment. and. mx/overweight-and- obesity-update-in-Mexico-ensanut-2016/?lang=en

Sacks, R., Stella, S.Y., & Nonas, C. (2015). Increasing Access to Fruits and Vegetables: Perspectives From New York City Experience. American Journal of Public Health. 105(5), 29- 37.

The State of Obesity. (n.d.). Current Status. Retrieved from


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NURS 4115 – Week 6 Discussion – Obesity – A Global Health Concern

To prepare for this Discussion:

Compare rates of obesity in the United States to other developed and also developing countries. Think about how health issues resulting from obesity compare as well.

Reflect on health promotion and prevention strategies that nurses can implement.

Contemplate the ethical, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues a nurse should consider when developing a primary obesity health prevention strategy.