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NURS 3150 Week 2 Discussion – Conducting a Literature Review

NURS 3150  Week 2 Discussion – Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review is an organized presentation of literature that summarizes what has been published by scholars on a certain topic (Gray et al., 2017). Looking at and locating data online is a difficult process. A researcher can use different ways of searching methods to locate whatever they need to find. Searching involves different steps. The first step is to locate the library through the student portal ‘Menu” after clicking on the academic resources on the left side of the screen. After I clicked on the library, it showed subject resources, which had different subject indexes, and I selected Nursing databases. Then it brought out several links, which I chose “CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) plus with full text which contains journals and e-books on different nursing and health allied topics. This link contains peer-reviewed articles, reports of evidence-based practice, case studies, and systematic reviews” (Walden University Library, 2015). For this week’s assignment, which involves a literature search, the database that I used was the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). I chose this database because it has a “more extensive listing of nursing publications and uses more nursing terminology as subject headings” (Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2017). As stated in the video “Conducting a Literature Search on a Clinical Research Question,” I typed into the first search field “patient safety” since that was the topic of interest. The search results came back with over 31,000 articles that pertained to patient safety.

After clicking on it, I found EBSCO Host with some columns where I typed patient safety, and it indicated search results of 1 to 39,754. Then I had to narrow my search to a specific research topic of prevention intervention of Health Associated Infections (HAIs) to achieve patient health outcomes which I typed in the second column after typing patient safety in the first column and typing improve patient outcomes. The search engines gave me no results. Then, I had to narrow my search topic to “Hospital associated Infection prevention in a hospital. The search result came out 1 13 out of 13.

NURS 3150  Week 2 Discussion – Conducting a Literature Review

I was able to find four articles that I could use as a reference for my research. The number of research articles I found on my patient safety problem that was published in the last year was a total of ten. I was able to find the most recent articles published in the last. To narrow down my search, I needed to refocus on my topic, which deals with the process/workflow of healthcare and how it impacts patient safety.

The challenges I found during my search for articles about patient safety there were many articles. When I put in my search topic without breaking them into keywords, it gave me no results and indicated this topic could not be found in Refine your search. For example, during my searching periods in the library, I typed in patient safety in the first column, the research topic of prevention intervention of Health Associated Infections (HAIs) to achieve patient health outcomes which I typed in the second column, and I typed improve patient outcomes. The search engines gave me no results. Then, I had to narrow my search topic to “Hospital associated Infection prevention in a hospital. The search result came out 1 to 13 of 13. Then, when I typed in Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infection, it gave me only two articles. The results were much more manageable, and the articles found were more relevant to my topic of interest. I believed and found out that breaking down topics into keywords gives a better result. Also, selecting a search in one’s field of study enhances faster results and saves the person time.

NURS 3150  Week 2 Discussion – Conducting a Literature Review

When I needed help in my work setting during my literature search, I tried to chat, email or call librarians, whereby assistance would be tendered without delay. Also, Walden University librarians made provision for live presentations to teach “search strategies, research in any field of study and time saving tips” (Walden University Library, 2015). All these enhance student knowledge in regard to assessing information or materials from the libraries. I like the ways Walden Library are designed to make it easy to access their students. Also, Walden University provides adequate academic resources that will assist students in exhaling their academic struggle, including designing where to cite your materials in an APA Style writing for references which I found most exciting.


Gray, J. R, Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Walden University Library. (2015c). Nursing library lab: Conducting a literature search on a clinical research question. Retrieved from


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Develop a research question that tests the effectiveness of your practice change in the improvement of one or more patient outcomes. What type of research would you use to answer this question? Describe the reasons why you think this is the best approach and why you would not use the other three types of research.