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NURS 3110 Week 1 Discussion – Meaningful Use – Nurses Hold the Key

NURS 3110  Week 1 Discussion – Meaningful Use – Nurses Hold the Key

The goals of a meaningful use initiative that will impact my practice include improving continuity of care, quality, safety, and efficiency, reducing health inequalities, and engaging patients and families to improve the quality of care. As a registered nurse, meaningful use is dependent on the collection of clinical information at the point of patient care and sharing of information across the continuum of care using electronic health records (EHR). These have a great potential to improve health outcomes through the promotion of care coordination between experts and the implementation of the patient-centered care approach for holistic care (Narcisse et al., 2013). EHR has been critical in my hospital of operation as it offers practical and functional clinical applications for meeting the objectives of meaningful use. The establishment of the medical history of the patients is one of the processes that are enhanced by the meaningful use initiative. The chance for the nurse to access the medication history of the patient and track the changes facilitates exact medication reconciliation when the patient is discharged (Jacobsen & Juste, 2010). Besides, it enhances patient education for compliance with the medication regimen, hence improving the quality of care. Electronic systems of documentation have given the ability for the transformation of care through improved precision and data security.

Besides, it is through meaningful use initiative that the hospital has been able to implement a patient-centered healthcare system where patients can effectively communicate with health providers and form part of decision-making. Patients get access to vital information regarding their health whenever they need it. Therefore, they feel more confident and satisfied with the services. The meaningful use of health IT has improved evidence-based care, reduced cost, and duplication of effort as well as streamlined the workflow (Narcisse et al., 2013).

NURS 3110  Week 1 Discussion – Meaningful Use – Nurses Hold the Key

For patient-centered care, the patient goals of individuals are at the center of care. Therefore, an interprofessional collaboration between healthcare providers is essential to meet these goals through comprehensive assessment, treatment, and management of the patient. The complex healthcare demands call for an interprofessional approach in the hospital to involve experts from different disciplines (van Dongen et al., 2016). The aims of meaningful use will require interprofessional collaboration to mix skills from different healthcare providers for effective implementation. These include physicians, nurses, nutritionists, therapists, and pharmacists.


van Dongen, J., Lenzen, S., van Bokhoven, M., Daniëls, R., van der Weijden, T., & Beurskens, (2016). Interprofessional collaboration regarding patients’ care plans in primary care: A focus group study into influential factors. BMC Family Practice, 17.

Jacobsen, T., & Juste, F. (2010). Nursing in the era of “meaningful use.” Nursing Management (Springhouse), 41(1), 11-13.

Narcisse, M., Kippenbrock, T., Odell, E., & Buron, B. (2013). Advanced practice nurses’ meaningful use of electronic health records. Applied Nursing Research, 26(3), 127-132.


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NURS 3110  Week 1 Discussion – Meaningful Use – Nurses Hold the Key

Reflect on the key role of nurses in implementing meaningful use. Address how two or more of the five aims of the meaningful use initiative impact or will impact your practice.

Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities

EngageImprove population and public health

patients and families

Improve care coordination and public health

Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information.