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NURS 3020 Week 1 Assignment 2 – Journal – Observe, Process, Reflect

NURS 3020  Week 1 Assignment 2 – Journal – Observe, Process, Reflect

In 1998, I received my associate degree in nursing from Kennedy King College and became a registered nurse. My legacy has always been to help people with their health conditions, to keep patients safe, to be compassionate, and to have empathy, to make a full commitment to satisfying my patients’ needs in the community and to society as a whole. As a nurse and a patient advocate, I was very successful at achieving my goal during many years of my career until recently; many changes started occurring in the healthcare organization nine to ten years ago, which hindered nurses operating in the health field. The healthcare organization changes have put an extensive amount of pressure on the nursing organizational leaders, management, and staff to meet up with their operational tasks. The healthcare organization changes that exert challenges in the nursing organization are formations of new technology, old nurses approaching retirement, and hospitals requesting older nurses to go back to school for their BSN or MSN. These nursing challenges have made it hard for leaders to maintain equilibriums and solutions based on the company’s mission and values, especially in their return on investment.

After leaving nursing school for almost 19 years, I had planned to return back to nursing school. I felt so excited to have that type of courage, but at the same time, I was very scared due to changes in the educational learning system. My only happiness in resuming school again for my MSN (Family Nurse Practitioner or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner) is that it would enhance my knowledge, experiences, and contribution to solving nursing and healthcare issues. As a fast and great learner, sharing ideas and working as a team with my classmates and teacher would assist in my growth as a nurse; just like Nightingale (2005) mentioned that “Every nurse must grow, no nurse can stand still, she must go forward, or she will go backward every year” (Nightingale as cited in Dossey, Selanders, Beck & Attewell, 2005, p.274). The challenges faced

NURS 3020  Week 1 Assignment 2 – Journal – Observe, Process, Reflect

In the classroom or even in the workplace require hard work and continuous teamwork to be able to survive. With Nightingale’s quotation above, I will work hard to learn and acquire more knowledge that will improve and help me to achieve my nursing legacy for the future after I have graduated from Walden University. What I have learned will enhance my professional strengths and needs to impact my workplace, communities, families, and patients as a whole.

Finally, managing nursing healthcare organizations involves solving varieties of challenges or problems. The solutions are not only based on patient care and safety, communities’ expectations, and organizational viability but are also based on employee relations, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations (Frates, 2014). Solving these nursing organization problems requires effective communication that would analyze and create different strategies in approaching challenges, which is very positive in the health care management administration. Teamwork is required in all healthcare providers to contribute their expertise and skill to achieve a common goal of patient quality care and satisfaction.

NURS 3020  Week 1 Assignment 2 – Journal – Observe, Process, Reflect

Nightingale believed that keeping the legacy of task performance that is already in progress should be beneficial for both staff and patients. “Let us each and all realize the importance of our influence on others, stand shoulder to shoulder and not alone in a good cause” (Nightingale, as cited in Dossey et al., 2005, p.266). “The successful nurse leader must prepare to be an effective thinker, communicator, motivator, and champion of personalized health care” (Hegge, 2011).


Dossey, B. M. (2005). Florence Nightingale and holistic nursing. National Student Nurses’ Association Imprint, 52(2),56-58.

Dossey, B., Selanders, L., Beck, D., & Attewell, A. (2005). Florence Nightingale today: Healing, leadership, and global action. Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.

Frates, J. (2014). Health care management: Theory in action. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Hegge, M. (2011). The Empty Carriage. Nursing Science Quarterly, 24(1), 21-25. doi:10.1177/0894318410389068


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Review the Week 1 Assignment 2 Rubric provided in the Course Information area or accessible through the link below.

Review the Syllabus provided in the course. Review material concerning health histories and physical examinations.

Include the following in your Journal entry:

Think, reflect and record the feelings you have had as you have prepared to take this course—which may initially seem like a refresher course for most of you.

Examine and record your strengths and weaknesses concerning collecting health histories and performing physical examinations.

Describe in your journal what you expect to learn in this assessment course.