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NSG 4074 Week 3 Discussion

NSG 4074 Week 3 Discussion

Topic 1: Child and Adolescent Health Risks

Like most things in life, childhood is the foundation of how someone’s future can look. This has to do with not only obesity but also with someone’s emotions and educational level. If raised correctly, a child is expected to grow up to be a stable adult with a promising career and a fulfilling future. At least, that is what good parents would hope for their children. Setting a child up for success will help them thrive into adulthood. People often focus on making sure their child is prepared for college and giving them a financially comfortable life. Still, unfortunately, diet and exercise are not always a top priority growing up. We are surrounded by so many unhealthy foods and snacks given to kids full of sugar. “Early childhood, particularly the first 5 years of life, impacts long–term social, cognitive, emotional, and physical development” (Healthy People, 2020). Some risk factors for children are early life stress, life events that will stay with them forever, what kind of environment they are growing up in, and what kind of finances their parents have. If they are growing up in a low-income household, access to healthier foods is less likely to happen. Some of these risk factors differ from adolescent obesity because adolescents have more freedom to make their own decisions than children regarding what they eat. Some adolescents have part-time jobs, giving them more freedom with how they spend their money. Some adolescents are away at college, which also gives them the freedom to decide what they eat daily. Being away at college is known for gaining weight, especially in the first year. Most college students eat junk food while they study. If they are not playing sports, like they once were in high school, their exercise routines have decreased significantly, contributing to more chances of obesity. “One study found that students whose schools were within a half mile of a fast food restaurant were more likely to be overweight or obese than students whose schools were farther away from fast food restaurant” (Healthy People, 2020). One way to help combat obesity for children and adolescents is to provide options for lunch in school. If there are healthier options in front of them, and they feel like they have a say in what they eat, this may help reduce the chances of obesity. Another option would be to implement more activities with the children during recess. Instead of allowing the child just to sit there, the teacher can devise a group exercise that is both fun and beneficial, like playing kickball during recess. This allows the child to get exercise while also getting some energy. A community health nurse can contribute specifically to the school nurse. The school nurse should be included in the group of people who decide what is served for breakfast and lunch at school. The lunch ladies serve the food, but the nurse should be just as involved in planning the menus. The school nurse could also create a monthly nutrition lesson plan for the students. Every month, she can teach about something different. Such as healthy food and how to make them more appealing and other simple exercises that can be done in gym class or during recess. The school nurse is not only there to help with injuries. She is also there to help prevent injuries, and obesity is something else that she can assist in preventing.

Topic 2: Disaster Management

What did you learn from your discussion with the local health department?

I learned that the local health department is responsible for coordinating the health response to a disaster, including distributing resources and personnel. The department also provides information and guidance to the public on staying safe and healthy during a disaster. Nurses play a vital role in the department, providing care to those who are injured or ill and working to prevent the spread of disease.

The local health department coordinates the health response to a disaster. This includes distributing resources and personnel. The department also guides the public on how to stay safe and healthy during a disaster. Nurses play a vital role in the department. They provide care to those who are injured or ill. Nurses also work to prevent the spread of disease.

They learned that the public health department coordinates with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure the community has the resources it needs to respond to a disaster. The nurses in the public health department play a vital role in providing care to those affected by a disaster. They work to ensure the community has access to the resources and services needed to recover from a disaster.

I was able to learn about the different roles that nurses play in the public health department. They also learned about the other department’s other resources and services to the community. They were able to understand better how the public health department works to ensure that the community is prepared for and can respond to a disaster. This information will help me to be better prepared in the event of a disaster.

I  learned that the local health department manages public health during a disaster. The nurses there play a vital role in providing care and support to those affected by the disaster. They also work closely with other agencies to ensure that all residents can access the necessary resources and services.

I also learned that the local health department ensures that all residents can access the resources and services they need. They work closely with other agencies to ensure that all residents can access the necessary resources and services.

NSG 4074 Week 3 Discussion

Would you be an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team?

I would be an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team because of their organizational skills and ability to think on their feet. I am also calm under pressure and can communicate effectively.

I have strong organizational skills that would be beneficial in a disaster situation. They would be able to keep track of supplies and personnel and ensure that everyone is where they need to be. I can also think on my feet and come up with solutions to problems quickly. This would be beneficial in a disaster where things are constantly changing, and there is no time to waste.

I am also calm under pressure. This is an essential trait for someone working in a disaster situation. There will be a lot of chaos and confusion, and it is necessary to stay calm to make clear decisions. I am also able to communicate effectively. This is important in a disaster because many people will try to speak simultaneously. I will be able to relay information quickly and accurately.

I would be an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team because of their strong organizational skills, ability to think on their feet, and calm demeanor under pressure.
I can think and act quickly in high-pressure situations, have a calm demeanor, and have experience in the medical field. These qualities would make me an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team.

I could think and act quickly in a high-pressure situation because they are calm and have experience in the medical field. They would be able to provide medical care to those who need it and would be able to act quickly in a crisis.

I would be able to provide medical care to those who need it. They would have the knowledge and skills necessary to treat patients. They would also be able to communicate with other medical team members.

I would be able to act quickly in a crisis. They would be able to respond to the needs of the patients and would be able to provide the necessary care.

I would be an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team because of my ability to think and act quickly in high-pressure situations, my calm demeanor, and my experience in the medical field.

Would your current employer be flexible in allowing you to participate in a disaster situation?

Assuming the individual in question is a nurse, it is likely that their current employer would be flexible in allowing them to participate in a disaster situation. Public health departments typically play an essential role in such events, and nurses usually have the skills and training necessary to provide valuable assistance.

While it is always best to check with one’s employer beforehand to ensure that there are no conflicts or problems that could arise from taking part in a disaster relief effort, it is generally assumed that most employers would be understanding and accommodating in such a situation. After all, nurses play a vital role in disaster relief efforts, and their skills and training can be precious in helping to save lives and provide necessary care.

In short, the individual’s current employer would likely be flexible in allowing them to participate in a disaster situation. Public health departments typically play an essential role in such events, and nurses usually have the skills and training necessary to provide valuable assistance.

In a local disaster, the public health department would be essential in providing assistance and relief efforts. Nurses within the department would likely be involved in providing care to those affected by the disaster. Given the importance of the public health department’s role in a disaster, the individual’s current employer would likely be flexible in allowing the individual to participate in the relief effort. However, it is always best to check with one’s employer beforehand to ensure that there are no conflicts or problems that could arise from taking part in a disaster relief effort.

The public health department would likely be responsible for coordinating with other agencies to assist in a local disaster. This could involve providing medical care to those affected by the disaster and working to provide other necessary resources such as food, water, and shelter. Nurses within the department would play a crucial role in providing care to those affected by the disaster.

The individual’s current employer would likely be flexible in allowing the individual to participate in the relief effort, given the importance of the public health department’s role in a disaster. However, it is always best to check with one’s employer beforehand to ensure that there are no conflicts or problems that could arise from taking part in a disaster relief effort.

A number of potential benefits could come from participating in a disaster relief effort. For instance, nurses providing care in a disaster situation could gain valuable experience managing and treating patients in a high-stress environment. In addition, participating in a relief effort could also offer the opportunity to serve the community and help those in need.

However, participating in a disaster relief effort has several potential risks and challenges. For instance, nurses who provide care in a disaster may be exposed to hazardous conditions. In addition, the work involved in a relief effort can be emotionally and physically demanding.

Participating in a disaster relief effort can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and challenges involved. Nurses should check with their employers beforehand to ensure that there are no conflicts or problems that could arise from taking part in a disaster relief effort.

What is your preparedness to face a disaster?

My preparedness to face a disaster would include having a plan in case of an emergency, being aware of the potential hazards in their area, and having supplies on hand in case of evacuation. I would also need to be mindful of the local public health department’s role in a disaster and how to contact them in case of an emergency.

Creating a plan ahead of time is one of the best things I can do to be prepared for a disaster. The plan should include an emergency contact list, a meeting place, and an evacuation plan. The individual should also be familiar with the potential hazards in their area and know what to do in case of each risk.

For example, if they live in an area prone to flooding, they should know the evacuation routes and plan where to go if they need to evacuate. It is also essential to have supplies on hand in case of evacuation. These supplies should include water, food, first aid supplies, and a change of clothes.

The local public health department plays a vital role in disasters. They are responsible for coordinating the medical response to a disaster and providing care to those injured or ill. The public health department nurses play a vital role in providing care to those affected by a disaster. They may be responsible for providing first aid, administering vaccinations, and providing emotional support to those affected by the disaster.

Individuals need to be aware of the role of the local public health department in a disaster and how to contact them in case of an emergency. Usually, the best way to get the public health department is to call 911.

In conclusion, individuals need to be prepared for a disaster. They should have a plan in place, be aware of the potential hazards in their area, and have supplies on hand in case of evacuation. They should also be mindful of the role of the local public health department in a disaster and how to contact them in case of an emergency.


For example, if a hurricane hit the community, the public health department would be responsible for coordinating with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that the community has the resources it needs to respond to the disaster. The nurses in the public health department would play a vital role in providing care to those affected by the disaster. They would work to ensure that the community has access to the resources and services it needs to recover from the disaster.

For example, if there were a fire at a local school, I could organize the evacuation quickly. They could keep track of the children and ensure everyone got out safely. They would also be able to communicate with the firefighters and other first responders to ensure that everyone was on the same page.

References (2020). Early Childhood Development and Education. (2020). Access to Foods that Support Healthy Eating Patterns.

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Hu, X., Naim, K., Jia, S., & Zhengwei, Z. (2021). Disaster policy and emergency management reforms in China: From Wenchuan earthquake to Jiuzhaigou earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction52, 101964.

Maduz, L., Prior, T., Roth, F., & Käser, M. (2019). Individual disaster preparedness: Explaining disaster-related information seeking and preparedness behavior in Switzerland. ETH Zurich.


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NSG 4074 Week 3 Discussion

Topic 1: Child and Adolescent Health Risks

As you discovered in this week’s lectures and readings, several populations face multiple health risks across their lifespan. Children and adolescents are a population that is at a higher health risk for obesity. A national movement is underway to reduce risk factors for developing obesity in children. Part of this movement is the “Let’s Move!” campaign, a comprehensive and coordinated initiative to prevent childhood obesity. The industry emphasizes four primary components: healthy schools, access to affordable and nutritious food, raising children’s physical activity levels, and empowering families to make healthy choices. Review Healthy People 2020:
Identify risk factors for childhood obesity.
Do the risk factors differ, and how do they differ between children and adolescents?
Identify objectives that will combat childhood and adolescent obesity.
Provide suggestions on how community health nurses can contribute to these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of decreasing obesity among this population.

Topic 2: Disaster Management

Contact your local public health department to learn about its role in a local disaster, including the part of the nurses there.
What did you learn from your discussion with the local health department?

Would you be an excellent candidate to serve on a disaster team? Would your current employer be flexible in allowing you to participate in a disaster situation? What is your preparedness to face a disaster?