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NSG 4055 Week 2 Project – The Impact of Chronic Illness

NSG 4055 Week 2 Project – The Impact of Chronic Illness

Diabetes spreads via the impact of specific factors involving both genetic and ecological factors. I came across BT, a dark-skinned woman with type II diabetes, on 28th September 2022. BT, who is 66 years of age, was found with the disease 11 years back at around 55 years of age. BT’s husband is a Sergeant who has retired, and they have one child. BT clarified that she has various illnesses like diabetic nephropathy, obesity, and hypertension, which usually affect her when she works, making her lose focus at work. BT expounded that DKD came because of hypertension (Zheng et al., 2017). BT explained that she does not usually eat food that contains a diet that is balanced. She mentioned a scenario. Once, she took irregular food containing pizza cheese (3oz) since she enjoyed it, half-overheated potato containing skin (1.5oz), (3oz) pork tenderloin, 2 and a half cups (150g) weight-losing vegetable soup + corn that is steamed.

In addition, BT maintains a practical diet to maintain her blood sugar levels and follows the doctor’s plan of treatment, which involves a tablet of metformin (oral LD50 [rat]) twice daily. Because of that, hemoglobin amounts of BT are seven percent. Over the past three months, BT has checked her blood sugar levels each day, and she conducts a finished hemoglobin analysis, which is repetitive. According to Jannoo & Mamode (2019), the normal hemoglobin range for diabetes is 4% to 5.6%; 5.7% to 6.4% shows one is prediabetes, and over 6.5% shows one has a diabetes condition. To add to that, BT’s BMI is 34, meaning she is optimistic; therefore, she engages in physical exercise every day. Relevantly, obesity causes a rise in fatty acid levels and inflammations, leading to resistance to insulin, a feature shared with diabetes.

NSG 4055 Week 2 Project – The Impact of Chronic Illness

Interview Interpretation and Analysis

BT is the only main source of income in her family, making her overwork past normal work hours. She is going through depression caused by her parents’ ailments with cancer. BT goes through fatigue many times because of her main function as a caregiver. That avails an opening to fill; she does not have the adequate energy and skill to fight her present situation and requires a healthcare plan to survive. BT’s physiological features, including social, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional features, have to be addressed by managing and treating her diabetes ailment through cognitive behavioral therapy and self-care to stop the condition from getting worse. BT has accepted her ailment and is optimistic about it.

Also, her African-American origin has raised her risk of getting diabetes. Kalra et al. (2018) label the faction as genetically prone to have diabetes, which also is increased culture. In view of the interviewee’s answer, it is obvious that culture raises the chance of getting type II diabetes. The eating habits of blacks that mainly involve soul food accepted through cultural behaviors raise the risk of diabetes, as BT observed. Bearing in mind BT’s parents’ health conditions, which have made her demean her self-esteem and get depression, BT requires patient support and a care plan to handle her parents well. People having diabetes need to get and grow exact coping assistance to overcome the trials of having diabetes; the survival mechanisms can either be negative or positive (Karla et al., 2018). BT explains that she usually listens to music to control her low self-esteem and depression as a survival mechanism. Caregivers must assist in growing and developing the coping skills of patients to control the disease.

Additionally, BT’s physiological trials are growing, resulting in bad metabolic regulations, bad self-care, and declining life quality, as she points out. On the aspect of support, BT’s family problems make her members not give her complete family support, which has made her have an unhealthy diet. The increased healthcare cost is caused by managing her parents’ ailments and hers. She has bad glycemic control, a poor diet, and functional damage. She identified the Intent Community Support and Fitness group as important in controlling the sickness via arranged bodily exercises. She hopes to take advantage of that because she never exercises when she is on her own.

Involving treatment, she is fortunate because she is a nurse practitioner. Conversely, BT’s role as a caregiver offers her an advantage in terms of following her medication. BT pointed out that she is on varied medications, which include metformin, and presently she has an eye problem. Even though BT showed a willingness to understand and manage the ailment, it is obvious that there is an understanding gap in self-care; she utilizes her computer for many periods without glasses. Also, she battles with her diet, allusion that way of life changes like those associated with physical exercise and diet are important focus tenets while coming up with a care plan for an individual who has diabetes.

NSG 4055 Week 2 Project – The Impact of Chronic Illness

Development of a Care Plan

As shown via the interview, there is a necessity to come up with a treatment plan for different areas of concern identified for a patient having diabetes. They involve the management of data, blood glucose regulation that is effective, routine bodily exercise, cognitive behavioral rehabilitation, and diabetes comorbidities. Social help is important in stopping depression, low self-esteem, and diabetes (Mohebi et al., 2018). Via the interview, she revealed that nobody helps her financially in dealing with her ailment. With her parents’ sickness, the need for more money is pilling on her every day. Notably, adaptation and behavioral change are at the core of a changed way of life that lowers levels of stress and controls the levels of sugar in the blood.


This paper has shown how long-lasting diseases affect an individual’s daily life. BT has greatly been affected, as she has to look after her family and care for her parents, who have deteriorating health conditions. Not able to care for her condition, BT chooses to assist others. It is imperative for patients who have chronic diseases to get care from caregivers to improve their life value (Mohebi et al., 2018). The government must come up with centers or avenues to care for and monitor individuals with chronic diseases through effective medication.


Jannoo, Z., & Mamode Khan, N. (2019). Medication Adherence and Diabetes Self-Care Activities Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Value in Health Regional Issues, 18, 30–35.

Kalra, S., Jena, B., & Yeravdekar, R. (2018). Emotional and psychological needs of people with diabetes. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 22(5), 696–704. https://doi-

Mohebi, S., Parham, M., Sharifirad, G., Gharlipour, Z., Mohammadbeigi, A., & Rajati, F. (2018). Relationship between perceived social support and self-care behavior in type 2      diabetics: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 7, 48. https://doi-

Zheng, Y., Ley, S. H., & Hu, F. B. (2017). Global etiology and epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 14(2), 88- 98.


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In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

Identify one person from the illness group you chose in Week 1 to interview. The person should not be a patient at the facility in which you work. You can use friends, family members, or coworkers. Do not use the person’s name in the paper, only initials.

Administer the questionnaire you created in Week 1 to that person and address the following:

Compile the data and analyze the responses to better illustrate where this person, his or her family, and friends are in relation to accepting the diagnosis in relation to the standard health or illness definitions.

o The analysis should also include coping skills, treatment, and

support aspects of the illness.