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NSG 4028 Week 3 Discussion

NSG 4028 Week 3 Discussion

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a vital tool nurses use to design goals for teaching purposes. For example, I would have to teach the concept of Ethical Principles in Nursing Care to a nursing peer; this tool will be beneficial to guarantee and classify the education session to ensure it is concentrated and has precise measures for evaluation and documentation. Implementing this can help me plan and look at the relationship between the phases of the teaching process to guarantee there is a rational strategy for education(Arievitch, 2020). Moreover, set objectives and teach and evaluate them within a timeframe. Lastly, document each step of my plan. My purpose will be to teach my peer the Ethical Principles in Nursing Care and how nurses need to respect each patient’s right to make decisions regarding their care, called patient autonomy. Justice concerns delivering equal attention to every patient. Another important thing is that nurses do not harm patients, and it is their responsibility to act in the patient’s best interest, which is known as beneficence(Su et al., 2004).

My three objectives will first define the concept of Ethical principles in nursing. My second objective will be to exemplify each Ethical principle with life experiences, and my third objective will be to assess understanding of basic concepts of the Ethical principles in nursing. The teaching strategy for defining the concept of Ethical principles in nursing will be a lecture going over the concept and explaining it in detail. To exemplify each Ethical principle with life experiences, I plan to open a discussion and encourage peer participation, providing examples of occasions where they demonstrate applying ethical principles. Lastly, to assess the basic concepts of Ethical principles in nursing, I will bring some simulations of ethical situations for my peers to identify the ethical principle involved(Bastable, 2017).

I plan to measure my objectives first by doing an anonymous survey at the end of the lecture to estimate the level of knowledge gained by the students. For my second objective, I will do open questions to assess their understanding of the lesson(Arievitch, 2020). To measure my last objective, I will evaluate students’ answers when identifying the ethical principle involved.


Arievitch, I. M. (2020). The vision of developmental teaching and learning and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 25, 100274.

Bastable, S. B. (2017). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Su, W., Osisek, P. J., & Starnes, B. (2004). Applying the revised Bloom’s taxonomy to a medical-surgical nursing lesson. Nurse Educator, 29(3), 116–120.


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NSG 4028 Week 3 Discussion

Reflect on a lesson you would like to teach to a friend or family member. Determine the level of your learning objectives using Bloom’s taxonomy. Construct three learning objectives containing appropriate active verbs. Identify a possible teaching strategy for each of your objectives. Indicate how you plan to measure each objective.