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NSG 4028 Week 2 Project – Course Project – Part 1 – Introduction

NSG 4028 Week 2 Project – Course Project – Part 1 – Introduction

Care for Tracheostomy

Tracheostomy is an invasive technique to make a hole in the trachea’s frontal wall (Fernandez-Bussy et al.,2015). In a tracheostomy, an invasive opening is made in the neck to produce an opening to prevent airway blockage. If long-term motorized ventilation is essential because of chronic respiratory distress, a tracheostomy is frequently required. Further indicators comprise severe trauma to the neck or face, congenital abnormalities, or upper airway obstruction (Eskander et al., 2019).

Nurses train in nursing school in tracheostomy. As long as the nurse works in the intensive care unit, exposure to patients with tracheostomy is rare. Rarely used nursing skills are obsolete; Therefore, redefining tracheostomy is important and allows nurses who do not provide routine tracheostomy care to maintain the latest clinical skills. Proper understanding of tracheostomy care not only helps nurses care for patients but also teaches patients and their families how to care for tracheostomy.

A large number of patients suffer from irreversible airway obstruction and many chronic diseases. Technological progress, community taking of individuals with disabilities, and economic compressions to reduce healthcare costs and long-term hospitalization have led to more patients being treated at home due to long-term stable conditions that previously required institutional leadership (Carrier, 2015). There is also a growing requirement for professionals working out to support these patients in recovering at home, and this is important for disease control. Do you need help with your assignment ?

The following lesson plan identifies three types of learners, evaluates each learner’s educational attainment, development level, and learning willingness, and explains. The informative circumstantial of teaching deliberates the philosophy or theory of teaching approaches used in the plan of teaching.

Assessment of Learner

When instructors assess students, they evaluate the teaching methods that best meet the student’s needs, desire to learn, and positive outcomes. As with AIDS, teachers could support the understanding of students what they require to identify, why information is valuable, and how to vigorously participate in information-gathering activities that could expressively progress education (Bastable, 2017).

NSG 4028 Week 2 Project – Course Project – Part 1 – Introduction

Nursing Education

The target group for this group is all nurses who work in all wards of hospice care and serve patients of all ages. To assess the needs of the learner, a self-help tracheostomy care assessment questionnaire and pre-tests are provided, including technical questions on proper tracheostomy care. Foresight allows teachers not only to comprehend the needs of learners but also allows nurses to identify their desires. Learners usually do not recognize what they do not like or do not need to know (Bastable, 2017).

Participants receive various levels of education. However, the above-average level of education is very low and can be raised higher, depending on the grade of nursing at the university.

The level of development of the nursing group differs from young to middle-aged and elderly. The learner receives basic exercises in tracheostomy nursing through an undergraduate course. Nurses practice this course as a course of assessment. This is a compulsory course for the entire nursing team and is part of the in-service training where they must obtain a nursing permit. There are many dates and time constraints to help class students better adapt to working hours and change. Teaching ordinary learners increases learning capability and willingness (Bastable, 2017).

Patient Education

This course is available to adult patients who require a long-term tracheostomy, who plan to improve in the hospital, and who need home-based care. Patients who practice this learning experience have usual cognitive purposes and can use gestures, nod, transcribe, and connect orally. Depending on the patient’s communication skills, teachers can use informal speaking and observation techniques, as well as visual aids, written materials, and resources such as yes / no questions or short answers.

Ideally, students’ needs are assessed with family members who help assess the community’s different education levels, development, care, and support needs. The level of learner’s development differs from low to high.

Monitoring healthy behavior is used to evaluate readiness for learning, and learning occasions are used to ask questions. Willingness to learn is defined as the time during which a student is interested in learning the information needed to maintain optimal health or develop skills (Bastable, 2017). To determine the best study time, statistics on skills, task difficulties, anxiety, health status, and support systems are analyzed (Bastable, 2017).

Family Education

The target group of this course is members of the family who take responsibility for providing home care for patients with tracheostomy. One way to assess students’ needs is to identify learning gaps through informal conversations. Learning requirements are defined as the information gap between expected performance and actual performance (Bastable, 2017, 116). Moreover, levels of skill, physical ability, emotive readiness, attitude, and sustain systems are assessed to evaluate willingness to learn and the capability to care for patients at home.

This group has different levels of education, development, and mother tongue. In this way, the language and literacy of the study materials are designed to meet individual needs.

NSG 4028 Week 2 Project – Course Project – Part 1 – Introduction

Educational Environment and Teaching Approaches

The staff of Nursing Education

The course environment facilitates learning. The course takes place in a hospital room, away from the main building, to minimize noise and possible interference. The class has pleasant temperatures and regular breaks. Visual, dynamic, and aesthetic techniques are used throughout the course in lectures, slide shows, instructional videos, manual presentations, and group discussions.

Patient and Family Education

Patient and family education typically takes place in the bed of the patient. Time, sensitive state, accessibility of sustenance systems, and willingness to learn indicate the greatest time to conduct nursing tracheostomy training. Audio presentations, instructional videos, tutorials, and practical / feedback presentations are provided. Trainers identify the best teaching methods for people through observation, interviews, and resource management. A learning style is a very effective and efficient way for students to understand, process, remember, and remember what they are trying to learn, and it is the preferred method for completing a variety of learning tasks (Willingham et al., 2015). Teaching using the preferred teaching method provides comfort, confidence, and an understanding of the material provided.


In short, good family education is essential for the treatment of tracheotomy. The high risk of infections and respiratory distress syndrome requires careful and meticulous attention (Young & Shannon, 2020). It is also important that the nursing team continues to treat tracheostomy as it becomes career guidance for patients and their careers. The provision of qualified nursing services is inherently very difficult, even for well-trained nurses. You can use different methods to assess your learning style and preparation. Good quality helps you to achieve positive learning outcomes. However, it is important to keep in mind stressful situations, fears, deteriorating health, and new responsibilities. The role of the caregiver influences the processing of the person and the storage of information; It also affects the desired learning style. Research shows that a student’s work environment can change at any time, and learning style choices become popular over time (Bastable, 2017).


Bastable, S. B. (2017). Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 9781449497501

Carrier, J. (2015). Managing long-term conditions and chronic illness in primary care: a guide to good practice. Routledge.

Eskander, A., De Almeida, J. R., & Irish, J. C. (2019). Acute upper airway obstruction. New England Journal of Medicine, 381(20), 1940-1949.

Fernandez-Bussy, S., Mahajan, B., Folch, E., Caviedes, I., Guerrero, J., & Majid, A. (2015). Tracheostomy tube placement. Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology, 22(4), 357-364.

Willingham, D. T., Hughes, E. M., & Dobolyi, D. G. (2015). The scientific status of learning styles theories. Teaching of Psychology, 42(3), 266-271.

Young, A. Y., & Shannon, V. R. (2020). Acute respiratory distress syndrome in cancer patients. Oncologic Critical Care, 557-582.


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This project will help you focus on the important concepts presented throughout the course. For this project, you will be expected to develop three lesson plans as part of an instructional unit on a subject of your choice, focusing on one disease. The project will contain one lesson plan focused on the education of a patient, one on family education, and one on staff development. The plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated.