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NSG 4028 Week 1 Discussion

NSG 4028 Week 1 Discussion

After reading about teaching and learning theories, my personal philosophy on these theories is that I identify most with the psychodynamic learning theory, social theory, and humanistic theory. All of these identify an active learner and positive reinforcement. Like the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic perspective is largely a motivational theory. From a humanistic perspective, motivation is derived from each person’s needs, subjective feelings about the self, and the desire to grow. The transfer of learning is facilitated by curiosity, a positive self-concept, and open situations in which people respect individuality and promote freedom of choice. Under such conditions, a transfer is likely to be widespread, enhancing flexibility and creativity. (Bastable, 2014, p. 86).

Cognitive, social learning, psychodynamic, and humanistic theories remind nurses to consider internal factors— perceptions, thoughts, ways of processing information,  feelings, and emotions. When teaching others, nurses should never ignore these factors because, ultimately, the learner controls and regulates learning—that is, how information is perceived, interpreted, and remembered and whether the new knowledge is expressed or performed. (Bastable, 2014, p. 90).

I like to teach my patients with a positive, social, and demonstration approach. I believe in ‘practicing what you preach.’ For example, if I expect my patients to exercise and eat healthy because I am telling them that is what literature and research say is best for them, then I, too, should be exercising and eating well. Providing personal examples also seems to be a well-received approach with most patients. It’s important to get to know each individual patient and understand their best learning style, then adapt to meet their needs. Patient education can take place in any healthcare setting. However, finding the best way to provide it and evaluating the results of comprehending and recalling the information they’re taught helps predict their adherence to management. For effective teaching and assessment of patient comprehension and recall, you must use a patient-centered communication approach. (American Nurse Today, 2017)


American Nurse Today (2017). Using teach-back for patient education and self-management. Retrieved from patient-education-and-self-management/

Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.


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NSG 4028 Week 1 Discussion

Personal Philosophy: From your readings about teaching and learning theories, develop and discuss your personal philosophy of teaching in nursing.