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NSG 3039 Week 2 Project-Change Proposal

NSG 3039 Week 2 Project-Change Proposal

The given paper is a change proposal that focuses on the problems of training specialists in surgical medicine. The main argument of the proposal is that the introduction of new progressive technology – specifically, a VR simulation module – into the healthcare setting should positively impact the surgeon’s skills development and push their professional qualification to a new level, which would contribute to better outcomes in patient safety, respectively. The problem is clearly stated and rationalized as a relevant healthcare industry issue. Afterward, the benefits of implementing the change are discussed with a focus on improving patient safety. Ways of measuring the impact of the change are reviewed. Methods of communicating and implementing the change are generally described as well. The proposal will also emphasize human factors, risks, and resistance that may compromise the implementation of the change. Concluding remarks on why this technology-related change is urgent and substantial for patient safety are provided.

Keywords: technology, simulation module, change implementation, patient safety

Change Proposal: A New Technology for VR Simulation Training

Integrating new technology in the work of a medical facility is directly associated with changing the ways of interaction between healthcare providers and patients. It reflects on performance and care delivery, communication between key stakeholders, task completion, information processing, and critical decision-making. Introducing progressive technologies can provide healthcare agencies with indisputable benefits in the quality of care. In the meantime, a change project can pose challenges and difficulties, especially when a change is not managed and integrated appropriately and professionally. Nevertheless, most options for changing the healthcare industry are realizable, especially when the benefits outweigh the risks. For this reason, it is proposed to integrate a VR training program as a new and progressive technology to change the skills development process for modern surgeons and improve patient safety.

Problem Statement

The improved use of technology is a strong precondition for upgrading the current healthcare system in general, which, in turn, implies the enhancement of care delivery and personalized safety of patients. Surgical operations and other invasive interventions are the most complex healthcare procedures that require top qualification, high-level skills, and competency from medical specialists. On the other hand, the shortage of highly qualified surgeons, especially in pediatrics, is not only a domestic but a global issue. The problem is about traditional and classic models of training that result in a slower transfer of skills. In this sense, qualification improvement among professional surgeons is quite unhurried and lingering today.

In addition, the lack of highly qualified surgeons reflects how healthcare services are delivered. In other words, the shortage of necessary competencies among surgeons impacts patients’ personal health and safety. Medical errors, often referring to insufficient qualification, are the third top cause of death among patients in the USA, with no exception in surgery (James, 2013). Without efficient and progressive training of the existing surgical workforce, there is a high risk of intensifying the problem of patients’ low safety. Formally, the introduction of robotic surgeons is still controversial, leading to skill improvement among the human workforce. In this sense, a VR simulation module becomes a reasonable and affordable solution to the issues of staff qualification and patient safety.

The Change and Its Benefits for Providers and Patients

Responsible and highly skillful specialists must be prepared and trained by both traditional and new approaches to improve patient safety in terms of surgical intervention. Indeed, the change proposed in this paper is not about a full removal or substitution of traditional methods but rather about extending and supplementing existing training tools aimed at quality and time-saving outcomes. VR simulation module is a relatively raw technology with undisclosed and hidden potential. Yet, even the current technological level of VR has already demonstrated promising and prospective results, specifically in human training (Brown & Paige, 2015). In other words, a change should be properly integrated and operated into the clinical environment to be accepted as a necessary step towards safer patient health conditions.

As mentioned above, there is a direct practical connection between the high qualification of surgeons and the safety of patients. The more experienced and skillful the surgeon is, the more positive and successful the outcome of the surgical intervention is, and the worst consequences of operations are avoided. VR simulation module represents technological equipment – including a VR headset and specialized joysticks and controls – that allows the users to operate in a virtual environment programmed to fit the real-life setting as naturally as possible (Brown & Paige, 2015). Technically, by utilizing a VR simulation module, surgeons can improve their professional skills in terms of close-to-reality conditions. At the same time, VR software supports a high level of detail and the accuracy of images.

Eventually, VR simulation practices accelerate the development of surgeons’ skills, making future operations and interventions safer for patients. A high transferability of skills via VR simulation is achieved by the nature and impact of VR technology, as it provides a strong effect of immersive involvement (Brown & Paige, 2015). Compared to the classic live training environment, VR simulation is more spatial, extensional, and engaging for ambitious surgeons who are encouraged to reinforce, refine, and advance their practical skills. Taking operations on real patients in terms of training is quite a risky and unsafe experience that may traumatize a patient and build psychological barriers in the surgeon’s mind, hindering his professional progress. Reducing real-life risks because of the full involvement in the simulated surgical setting is a key benefit of the VR module that leads to a safer environment and optimistic patient outcomes.

NSG 3039 Week 2 Project-Change Proposal

Change’s Impact Measurement

Measuring the impact of the change is vital to learning if the process is moving correctly. In the case of integrating a VR simulation module, it is rational to include outcome measures that show reliable and valid output on using the new technology.

It may involve measurements at three levels: patient, healthcare provider/surgeon, and organization. At a patient’s level, the number of failed operations before and after technology usage will be analyzed and contrasted to learn the current efficiency. The quality of surgical interventions, performance, and the number of operations at the surgeon’s level will be assessed. Finally, at the level of an organization, readmission rates and general quality of care delivery are to be evaluated.

Communicating and Implementing the Change 

Certain ways of communicating and implementing the change should help accept the organization’s innovation faster and more painlessly. Creating a readiness for change is a fundamental step that includes efficient leadership strategies and a shared vision (Gesme & Wiseman, 2010). All participants have a right to address their ideas regarding the change, as the final point is to achieve consensus and define strategic reasons for implementing the VR module. To avoid complacency issues, a leader must rely on the organizational culture to transmit the benefits of the change and innovation (quality performance and patient safety) and outline possible risks to better prepare the staff for challenges. Some demonstration exercises will also help promote change. Thus, surgeons will learn how using VR tools can practically improve their motor skills, stability of performance, accuracy of motions, self-autonomy, and general self-management. This training equipment, including the VR module, simulation software, and the operational model, will help practitioners feel exactly how technology changes their qualifications and how to effectively manage real-life operations. Group meetings, team feedback, and demonstrations are significant methods to communicate and implement the change and get everybody involved.

Human Factors and Resistance Aspect 

Undoubtedly, resistance to the proposed change is expected. A human factor is a leading cause of why technological change can be hampered. Thus, VR technology may replace surgeons who are comfortable with traditional live training. The fear of change is also anticipated, as new surgeons might find VR too complicated for regular usage. Importantly, some practitioners might show apathy, resulting in complacency issues (Gesme & Wiseman, 2010). Expanded use of informatics and complex technology is also a factor of resistance. Some surgeons may fear the novel IT solution due to their lack of knowledge and literacy. Considering all these human factors while implementing the change is crucial to deal with personnel resistance and discomfort conclusion.

In conclusion, a proposed change in the healthcare organization is a new technology of VR simulation training. The problem of a shortage of qualified surgeons undermines the quality of service in healthcare facilities. Implementing a VR module should drastically improve modern surgeons’ skills, qualifications, and performance. In turn, these improvements will reflect on the quality of care and, eventually, lead to safer life conditions for patients.


Brown, K. M., & Paige, J. T. (Eds.). (2015). Simulation in surgical training and practice, an issue of surgical clinics (1st ed.). New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gesme, D., & Wiseman, M. (2010). How to implement change in practice. Journal of Oncology Practice, 6(5), 257-259.

James, J. T. (2013). A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. Journal of Patient Safety, 9(3), 122-128.


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NSG 3039 Week 2 Project-Change Proposal

Technology has been credited with contributing to a safer patient environment. Create a change proposal for a new technology to contribute to a safer patient environment. Examine human factors, including resistance to change in the expanded use of informatics. Be sure to include how your proposed change will impact patient safety, how you will measure the impact of your change, and how you will communicate and implement this change.