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NSG 3029 Week 5 Discussion-Clinical Research and EBP

NSG 3029 Week 5 Discussion-Clinical Research and EBP

Discussion 1

My hospital is a member of a Patient and Family-Centered Care Learning Community (PFCC LC) sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ). This learning community, The Agency for Healthcare Innovations Exchange, comprises 12 Florida-area hospitals, with a collective service area covering more than half of the state. The AHRQ defines a learning community as “a group of adopters and stakeholders who engage in a shared learning process to facilitate adoption and implementation of select innovations” (Clutter, 2009). The AHRQ has a repository of over 900 evidence-based innovation profiles that these hospitals adopt into practice. In addition, each month, a team from each member hospital gathers for a 90-minute webinar in which a guest speaker or leadership member from AHRQ presents a topic or offers advice regarding an issue brought to the table by a membership hospital. The goals have been to assist our hospital in tailoring and implementing strategies that advance the practice of Patient and Family-Centered Care. I feel our facility has improved our processes in many ways through our membership in this program. At any time, any clinician in the hospital can look up EBP for a given issue we need guidance with. The only area I see that could improve is my peers who don’t always use EBP in their practice. However, this is not the hospital’s fault as they are continually providing in-services and training to promote EBP.

Discussion 2

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the application of research to practice. By conducting research, we eliminate errors evident in previous practices and increase the quality of patient care and safety. EBP applies to every aspect of nursing. Best practices are derived from researching how we provide care and the outcomes of patients. One of the most important EBP I would like to implement into my practice is the evidence of the effect of nurse staffing levels on patient outcomes. “Staffing decisions that lack consideration of all relevant factors, such as nurse experience/ education level, fatigue factors, patient condition, skills, and competencies, may result in potential adverse events and poor patient outcomes (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2002; Mumolie, Lichtig, &  Knauf, 2007; Rischbieth, 2006).” (Hyun, Douglas, & Stone, 2008). Research has proven that better patient outcomes are achieved with appropriate staffing, more nursing technicians, and support from management.

NSG 3029 Week 5 Discussion-Clinical Research and EBP

Implementing a research program into the clinical environment would be difficult because of the current staffing ratios. Nurses have to have time to participate in research throughout the day. With the current ratio of five patients to one nurse and only one to two nurse techs, depending on the number of total patients, there is no time to participate in research. Other problems would be financial resources. The hospital where I work is a for-profit hospital that already struggles to meet the demands of the population we serve with up-to-date technologies and advancements in informatics. Implementing a research team would require funding from an outside source.

Despite our lack of a research team, our hospital does strive to meet the standards provided by the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regulations, which work to ensure that EBPs are being implemented in accredited hospitals. Encouraging coworkers to study research articles and continuing education is another way to encourage the application of EBP. An article in Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing states, “A brief basic educational intervention on EBP with online and face-to-face learning can improve the knowledge and skills of clinical nurses.” (Ramos, Fernandez, Ruzafa, & Del, 2015). Knowledge of new research provides the framework for understanding best practices and will create an environment where nurses are more open to applying the research to practice.


Clutter, P. C. (2009). AHRQ Healthcare Exchange Promoting Adoption of Innovations. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 32(1), 62.

Hyun S, Gakken S, Douglas K, & Stone PW. (2008). Evidence-based staffing: potential roles for informatics. Nursing Economic$26(3), 151–173. Retrieved from sch=suo&turl= n.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=105787415&site=eds-live

Ramos, M. A. J., Fernández, S. S., Ruzafa, M. M., & Del, P. ‐ C. R. (2015). Effectiveness of a Brief, Basic Evidence-Based Practice Course for Clinical  Nurses. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing12(4), 199. Retrieved from sch=suo&turl=


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NSG 3029 Week 5 Discussion-Clinical Research and EBP

You will identify if clinical research is the same as EBP or consider the obstacles to nursing research in a clinical environment. Find articles on clinical research and EBP using the South University Online Library. Based on your research, respond to one of the following discussion questions:

Discussion Question 1

How does your facility incorporate EBP in a clinical setting to promote patient outcomes? Do you have recommendations on how your facility can improve its use of EBP?

Discussion Question 2

How can you use EBP in your practice? Discuss some impediments to creating a nursing research program in your clinical environment. Identify and discuss strategies for promoting EBP in your practice.